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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: IOCP again Pin
Mark Salsbery6-Jul-11 10:56
Mark Salsbery6-Jul-11 10:56 
GeneralRe: IOCP again Pin
csrss6-Jul-11 11:11
csrss6-Jul-11 11:11 
QuestionThe code, in short Pin
csrss6-Jul-11 11:58
csrss6-Jul-11 11:58 
AnswerRe: The code, in short Pin
Mark Salsbery6-Jul-11 13:21
Mark Salsbery6-Jul-11 13:21 
GeneralRe: The code, in short Pin
csrss6-Jul-11 14:53
csrss6-Jul-11 14:53 
GeneralRe: The code, in short Pin
Mark Salsbery6-Jul-11 15:22
Mark Salsbery6-Jul-11 15:22 
QuestionDynamic Tree Pin
john56326-Jul-11 1:28
john56326-Jul-11 1:28 
AnswerRe: Dynamic Tree Pin
Emilio Garavaglia6-Jul-11 2:19
Emilio Garavaglia6-Jul-11 2:19 
The "parent" should point to the parent and the "self" should point to the sibling.
But it is a very poor implementation, difficult to walk and maintain (who are the children of a given parent? you should keep a list of the "world" to scan!).

Hierarchies normally requires more pointers:
- to the parent
- to the first child (and eventually to the last)
- to the next sibling (and eventually the previous)

2 bugs found.
> recompile ...
65534 bugs found.
D'Oh! | :doh:

AnswerRe: Dynamic Tree Pin
Niklas L6-Jul-11 4:47
Niklas L6-Jul-11 4:47 
QuestionHow to retrieve Icon/Bitmap/HBITMAP information from CMenu? [modified] Pin
nate316-Jul-11 0:30
nate316-Jul-11 0:30 
AnswerRe: How to retrieve Icon/Bitmap/HBITMAP information from CMenu? Pin
Richard MacCutchan6-Jul-11 0:37
mveRichard MacCutchan6-Jul-11 0:37 
GeneralRe: How to retrieve Icon/Bitmap/HBITMAP information from CMenu? Pin
nate316-Jul-11 15:52
nate316-Jul-11 15:52 
QuestionRe: How to retrieve Icon/Bitmap/HBITMAP information from CMenu? Pin
David Crow6-Jul-11 3:52
David Crow6-Jul-11 3:52 
AnswerRe: How to retrieve Icon/Bitmap/HBITMAP information from CMenu? Pin
nate316-Jul-11 15:53
nate316-Jul-11 15:53 
GeneralRe: How to retrieve Icon/Bitmap/HBITMAP information from CMenu? Pin
David Crow6-Jul-11 16:55
David Crow6-Jul-11 16:55 
QuestionAt CADORecordset.Close() Application get crashed. Pin
Amrit Agr5-Jul-11 23:16
Amrit Agr5-Jul-11 23:16 
AnswerRe: At CADORecordset.Close() Application get crashed. Pin
Niklas L6-Jul-11 0:04
Niklas L6-Jul-11 0:04 
GeneralRe: At CADORecordset.Close() Application get crashed. Pin
Amrit Agr6-Jul-11 0:19
Amrit Agr6-Jul-11 0:19 
GeneralRe: At CADORecordset.Close() Application get crashed. Pin
Niklas L6-Jul-11 0:42
Niklas L6-Jul-11 0:42 
Questionwin32 dll is not working for c# application. Pin
Le@rner5-Jul-11 21:17
Le@rner5-Jul-11 21:17 
AnswerRe: win32 dll is not working for c# application. Pin
Cedric Moonen5-Jul-11 21:37
Cedric Moonen5-Jul-11 21:37 
QuestionRe: win32 dll is not working for c# application. Pin
Malli_S5-Jul-11 21:56
Malli_S5-Jul-11 21:56 
AnswerRe: win32 dll is not working for c# application. Pin
Le@rner5-Jul-11 22:00
Le@rner5-Jul-11 22:00 
AnswerRe: win32 dll is not working for c# application. Pin
Malli_S5-Jul-11 22:09
Malli_S5-Jul-11 22:09 
GeneralRe: win32 dll is not working for c# application. Pin
Le@rner5-Jul-11 22:34
Le@rner5-Jul-11 22:34 

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