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Questionconverting chinese .rc file to english .rc file Pin
Sakhalean2-Jul-11 3:44
Sakhalean2-Jul-11 3:44 
AnswerRe: converting chinese .rc file to english .rc file Pin
«_Superman_»2-Jul-11 10:24
professional«_Superman_»2-Jul-11 10:24 
GeneralRe: converting chinese .rc file to english .rc file Pin
Albert Holguin3-Jul-11 7:29
professionalAlbert Holguin3-Jul-11 7:29 
AnswerRe: converting chinese .rc file to english .rc file Pin
Dr.Walt Fair, PE2-Jul-11 19:17
professionalDr.Walt Fair, PE2-Jul-11 19:17 
QuestionIs this possible String Encryptin result contains only alphanumric value using Base64. Pin
Le@rner2-Jul-11 2:05
Le@rner2-Jul-11 2:05 
AnswerRe: Is this possible String Encryptin result contains only alphanumric value using Base64. Pin
Philippe Mori2-Jul-11 12:30
Philippe Mori2-Jul-11 12:30 
AnswerRe: Is this possible String Encryptin result contains only alphanumric value using Base64. Pin
Dr.Walt Fair, PE2-Jul-11 18:37
professionalDr.Walt Fair, PE2-Jul-11 18:37 
AnswerRe: Is this possible String Encryptin result contains only alphanumric value using Base64. Pin
Randor 4-Jul-11 3:34
professional Randor 4-Jul-11 3:34 

Have a look at Base32 Encoding[^]. This is what most 'serial number' algorithms use to ensure printable alphanumeric characters.

Best Wishes,
-David Delaune
AnswerRe: Is this possible String Encryptin result contains only alphanumric value using Base64. Pin
jschell4-Jul-11 6:53
jschell4-Jul-11 6:53 
QuestionRandom string generation not working fine? [modified] Pin
Le@rner1-Jul-11 23:40
Le@rner1-Jul-11 23:40 
AnswerRe: Random string generation not working fine? Pin
Richard MacCutchan2-Jul-11 0:47
mveRichard MacCutchan2-Jul-11 0:47 
GeneralRe: Random string generation not working fine? Pin
Le@rner2-Jul-11 1:23
Le@rner2-Jul-11 1:23 
GeneralRe: Random string generation not working fine? Pin
Richard MacCutchan2-Jul-11 2:35
mveRichard MacCutchan2-Jul-11 2:35 
GeneralRe: Random string generation not working fine? Pin
Le@rner3-Jul-11 20:57
Le@rner3-Jul-11 20:57 
Questiontrying to solve exam question and getting unreasonable length code, can it be shorter? Pin
atikot1-Jul-11 9:31
atikot1-Jul-11 9:31 
AnswerRe: trying to solve exam question and getting unreasonable length code, can it be shorter? Pin
User 74293381-Jul-11 10:47
professionalUser 74293381-Jul-11 10:47 
GeneralRe: trying to solve exam question and getting unreasonable length code, can it be shorter? Pin
atikot1-Jul-11 10:56
atikot1-Jul-11 10:56 
GeneralRe: trying to solve exam question and getting unreasonable length code, can it be shorter? Pin
User 74293381-Jul-11 11:03
professionalUser 74293381-Jul-11 11:03 
GeneralRe: trying to solve exam question and getting unreasonable length code, can it be shorter? Pin
atikot1-Jul-11 11:04
atikot1-Jul-11 11:04 
GeneralRe: trying to solve exam question and getting unreasonable length code, can it be shorter? Pin
Philippe Mori1-Jul-11 12:35
Philippe Mori1-Jul-11 12:35 
AnswerRe: trying to solve exam question and getting unreasonable length code, can it be shorter? Pin
Philippe Mori1-Jul-11 12:20
Philippe Mori1-Jul-11 12:20 
AnswerRe: trying to solve exam question and getting unreasonable length code, can it be shorter? [modified] Pin
Alain Rist3-Jul-11 23:54
Alain Rist3-Jul-11 23:54 
GeneralRe: trying to solve exam question and getting unreasonable length code, can it be shorter? Pin
Stefan_Lang4-Jul-11 0:37
Stefan_Lang4-Jul-11 0:37 
GeneralRe: trying to solve exam question and getting unreasonable length code, can it be shorter? Pin
Alain Rist4-Jul-11 5:01
Alain Rist4-Jul-11 5:01 
QuestionC++ DLL for Metatrader 4 Platform Pin
babelproofreader1-Jul-11 8:24
babelproofreader1-Jul-11 8:24 

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