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QuestionREAD or WRITE .XLS File Pin
svkhadilkar28-Jun-11 6:01
svkhadilkar28-Jun-11 6:01 
AnswerRe: READ or WRITE .XLS File Pin
Richard MacCutchan28-Jun-11 6:55
mveRichard MacCutchan28-Jun-11 6:55 
Questionmissing zero in ostringstream format [modified] Pin
ed welch28-Jun-11 3:58
ed welch28-Jun-11 3:58 
AnswerRe: missing zero in ostringstream format Pin
enhzflep28-Jun-11 5:24
enhzflep28-Jun-11 5:24 
GeneralRe: missing zero in ostringstream format Pin
ed welch28-Jun-11 5:31
ed welch28-Jun-11 5:31 
GeneralRe: missing zero in ostringstream format Pin
enhzflep28-Jun-11 5:56
enhzflep28-Jun-11 5:56 
Question_atoi64 in VS10 Pin
gomathylakshmanan28-Jun-11 3:43
gomathylakshmanan28-Jun-11 3:43 
AnswerRe: _atoi64 in VS10 PinPopular
Chuck O'Toole28-Jun-11 5:21
Chuck O'Toole28-Jun-11 5:21 
No disrespect but let me see if I have this straight.

You have some old tests that have data that is outside the valid range for __int64.
These tests are now failing because somebody (RTL) is checking for valid data.
You want to go back to accepting invalid data so that the test "pass".

What good are the tests if they allow invalid data to go through?
Why aren't you more concerned about the fact that older versions of your application let invalid data go through without any way of detecting it?
QuestionON_NOTIFY_REFLECT_EX called twice Pin
_Flaviu27-Jun-11 22:06
_Flaviu27-Jun-11 22:06 
QuestionRe: ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT_EX called twice Pin
David Crow28-Jun-11 3:27
David Crow28-Jun-11 3:27 
GeneralRe: ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT_EX called twice Pin
_Flaviu28-Jun-11 4:40
_Flaviu28-Jun-11 4:40 
GeneralRe: ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT_EX called twice Pin
enhzflep28-Jun-11 5:04
enhzflep28-Jun-11 5:04 
GeneralRe: ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT_EX called twice Pin
_Flaviu28-Jun-11 8:06
_Flaviu28-Jun-11 8:06 
GeneralRe: ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT_EX called twice Pin
enhzflep28-Jun-11 9:12
enhzflep28-Jun-11 9:12 
GeneralRe: ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT_EX called twice Pin
David Crow28-Jun-11 16:57
David Crow28-Jun-11 16:57 
GeneralRe: ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT_EX called twice Pin
enhzflep28-Jun-11 21:19
enhzflep28-Jun-11 21:19 
QuestionHow to get clsid from GUID of a class Pin
gtag27-Jun-11 21:21
gtag27-Jun-11 21:21 
QuestionRe: How to get clsid from GUID of a class Pin
CPallini27-Jun-11 21:34
mveCPallini27-Jun-11 21:34 
QuestionDispatchID Failed... Pin
yaxiya27-Jun-11 16:25
yaxiya27-Jun-11 16:25 
AnswerRe: DispatchID Failed... Pin
barneyman27-Jun-11 17:40
barneyman27-Jun-11 17:40 
GeneralRe: DispatchID Failed... Pin
yaxiya27-Jun-11 19:32
yaxiya27-Jun-11 19:32 
QuestionStopping Morse code - overriding pending event function - how to? Pin
Vaclav_27-Jun-11 14:28
Vaclav_27-Jun-11 14:28 
AnswerRe: Stopping Morse code - overriding pending event function - how to? Pin
Albert Holguin27-Jun-11 15:18
professionalAlbert Holguin27-Jun-11 15:18 
GeneralRe: Stopping Morse code - overriding pending event function - how to? Pin
Vaclav_27-Jun-11 17:01
Vaclav_27-Jun-11 17:01 
GeneralRe: Stopping Morse code - overriding pending event function - how to? Pin
Albert Holguin28-Jun-11 4:49
professionalAlbert Holguin28-Jun-11 4:49 

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