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AnswerRe: Help With SetTimer in C++ 6 Pin
«_Superman_»25-Jun-11 6:54
professional«_Superman_»25-Jun-11 6:54 
GeneralRe: Help With SetTimer in C++ 6 Pin
Member 801201325-Jun-11 7:01
Member 801201325-Jun-11 7:01 
AnswerRe: Help With SetTimer in C++ 6 Pin
Richard MacCutchan25-Jun-11 21:23
mveRichard MacCutchan25-Jun-11 21:23 
GeneralRe: Help With SetTimer in C++ 6 Pin
Member 801201326-Jun-11 5:31
Member 801201326-Jun-11 5:31 
GeneralRe: Help With SetTimer in C++ 6 Pin
Richard MacCutchan26-Jun-11 5:42
mveRichard MacCutchan26-Jun-11 5:42 
GeneralRe: Help With SetTimer in C++ 6 [modified] Pin
David Crow27-Jun-11 3:19
David Crow27-Jun-11 3:19 
GeneralRe: Help With SetTimer in C++ 6 Pin
Member 801201327-Jun-11 4:30
Member 801201327-Jun-11 4:30 
AnswerRe: Help With SetTimer in C++ 6 Pin
enhzflep25-Jun-11 21:57
enhzflep25-Jun-11 21:57 
Member 8012013 wrote:
I think I have figured out through trial and lots of error that when the time has expired a message enters the message queue and the code gets to process it when Windows says so. Initially, I was under the impression that SetTimer was giving me a "code interrupt" kind of service when the time expired.

Yup, that's basically the way that this kind of timer works.

I set up this WHILE(Time_Out_Flag == FALSE){} kinda thing in one particular scope and waited patiently for the OnTimer process to set the Time_Out_Flag to TRUE to escape from the WHILE loop--An event that ultimately would never happen (Ctl+Alt+Del got me control again).

That's not the way to handle this kind of event at all. When you use the SetTimer function, it will cause windows to send your program a WM_TIMER message with wParam = the id you assigned the timer at creation time. Here's[^] a quick sample of use. Smile | :)
GeneralRe: Help With SetTimer in C++ 6 Pin
Member 801201326-Jun-11 6:02
Member 801201326-Jun-11 6:02 
GeneralRe: Help With SetTimer in C++ 6 Pin
enhzflep26-Jun-11 13:12
enhzflep26-Jun-11 13:12 
QuestionHow tcp socket works for read & write both on same port? Pin
rahul.kulshreshtha23-Jun-11 23:34
rahul.kulshreshtha23-Jun-11 23:34 
AnswerRe: How tcp socket works for read & write both on same port? Pin
Code-o-mat24-Jun-11 0:25
Code-o-mat24-Jun-11 0:25 
GeneralRe: How tcp socket works for read & write both on same port? Pin
rahul.kulshreshtha24-Jun-11 1:15
rahul.kulshreshtha24-Jun-11 1:15 
GeneralRe: How tcp socket works for read & write both on same port? Pin
Code-o-mat24-Jun-11 1:20
Code-o-mat24-Jun-11 1:20 
GeneralRe: How tcp socket works for read & write both on same port? Pin
CPallini24-Jun-11 1:57
mveCPallini24-Jun-11 1:57 
AnswerRe: How tcp socket works for read & write both on same port? Pin
David Cunningham24-Jun-11 5:52
cofounderDavid Cunningham24-Jun-11 5:52 
AnswerRe: How tcp socket works for read & write both on same port? Pin
jschell24-Jun-11 7:52
jschell24-Jun-11 7:52 
GeneralRe: How tcp socket works for read & write both on same port? Pin
rahul.kulshreshtha24-Jun-11 15:54
rahul.kulshreshtha24-Jun-11 15:54 
QuestionPopulate list from database [modified] Pin
Germghost23-Jun-11 22:21
Germghost23-Jun-11 22:21 
AnswerRe: Populate list from database Pin
David Crow24-Jun-11 3:07
David Crow24-Jun-11 3:07 
GeneralRe: Populate list from database Pin
Germghost24-Jun-11 3:25
Germghost24-Jun-11 3:25 
QuestionMemory alignment changed from studio 2005 to 2010? Pin
William Engberts23-Jun-11 20:55
William Engberts23-Jun-11 20:55 
QuestionRe: Memory alignment changed from studio 2005 to 2010? Pin
CPallini23-Jun-11 22:04
mveCPallini23-Jun-11 22:04 
AnswerRe: Memory alignment changed from studio 2005 to 2010? Pin
William Engberts23-Jun-11 22:25
William Engberts23-Jun-11 22:25 
QuestionRe: Memory alignment changed from studio 2005 to 2010? Pin
CPallini23-Jun-11 22:28
mveCPallini23-Jun-11 22:28 

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