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C / C++ / MFC

GeneralRe: Help With SetTimer in C++ 6 Pin
Member 801201326-Jun-11 6:02
Member 801201326-Jun-11 6:02 
GeneralRe: Help With SetTimer in C++ 6 Pin
enhzflep26-Jun-11 13:12
enhzflep26-Jun-11 13:12 
QuestionHow tcp socket works for read & write both on same port? Pin
rahul.kulshreshtha23-Jun-11 23:34
rahul.kulshreshtha23-Jun-11 23:34 
AnswerRe: How tcp socket works for read & write both on same port? Pin
Code-o-mat24-Jun-11 0:25
Code-o-mat24-Jun-11 0:25 
GeneralRe: How tcp socket works for read & write both on same port? Pin
rahul.kulshreshtha24-Jun-11 1:15
rahul.kulshreshtha24-Jun-11 1:15 
GeneralRe: How tcp socket works for read & write both on same port? Pin
Code-o-mat24-Jun-11 1:20
Code-o-mat24-Jun-11 1:20 
GeneralRe: How tcp socket works for read & write both on same port? Pin
CPallini24-Jun-11 1:57
mveCPallini24-Jun-11 1:57 
AnswerRe: How tcp socket works for read & write both on same port? Pin
David Cunningham24-Jun-11 5:52
cofounderDavid Cunningham24-Jun-11 5:52 
when communication is established between a sender and receiver over TCP/IP, a unique socket handle is created to identify the communication channel. When you use that socket handle all sending and receiving is unique between you and the machine on the other side.

A socket handle is created (as far as I remember) as a combination of the callers IP address and their outgoing TCP/IP Port, and the receivers IP address and inbound Port. The TCP/IP stack ensures that outgoing addresses are not automatically reused (although you can programmatically force them to be reused, but that gets complicated)

Hope that helps,

AnswerRe: How tcp socket works for read & write both on same port? Pin
jschell24-Jun-11 7:52
jschell24-Jun-11 7:52 
GeneralRe: How tcp socket works for read & write both on same port? Pin
rahul.kulshreshtha24-Jun-11 15:54
rahul.kulshreshtha24-Jun-11 15:54 
QuestionPopulate list from database [modified] Pin
Germghost23-Jun-11 22:21
Germghost23-Jun-11 22:21 
AnswerRe: Populate list from database Pin
David Crow24-Jun-11 3:07
David Crow24-Jun-11 3:07 
GeneralRe: Populate list from database Pin
Germghost24-Jun-11 3:25
Germghost24-Jun-11 3:25 
QuestionMemory alignment changed from studio 2005 to 2010? Pin
William Engberts23-Jun-11 20:55
William Engberts23-Jun-11 20:55 
QuestionRe: Memory alignment changed from studio 2005 to 2010? Pin
CPallini23-Jun-11 22:04
mveCPallini23-Jun-11 22:04 
AnswerRe: Memory alignment changed from studio 2005 to 2010? Pin
William Engberts23-Jun-11 22:25
William Engberts23-Jun-11 22:25 
QuestionRe: Memory alignment changed from studio 2005 to 2010? Pin
CPallini23-Jun-11 22:28
mveCPallini23-Jun-11 22:28 
GeneralRe: Memory alignment changed from studio 2005 to 2010? Pin
William Engberts23-Jun-11 22:30
William Engberts23-Jun-11 22:30 
AnswerRe: Memory alignment changed from studio 2005 to 2010? Pin
Alain Rist24-Jun-11 5:14
Alain Rist24-Jun-11 5:14 
QuestionMFC: Message-only CWnd in an SDI application. [modified] Pin
Odysseas Z23-Jun-11 5:17
Odysseas Z23-Jun-11 5:17 
AnswerRe: MFC: Message-only CWnd in an SDI application. Pin
jeron123-Jun-11 6:23
jeron123-Jun-11 6:23 
GeneralRe: MFC: Message-only CWnd in an SDI application. Pin
Odysseas Z23-Jun-11 6:43
Odysseas Z23-Jun-11 6:43 
GeneralRe: MFC: Message-only CWnd in an SDI application. Pin
Albert Holguin23-Jun-11 8:37
professionalAlbert Holguin23-Jun-11 8:37 
AnswerRe: MFC: Message-only CWnd in an SDI application. Pin
Albert Holguin23-Jun-11 8:33
professionalAlbert Holguin23-Jun-11 8:33 
QuestionExample of List control with Report view in MFC Pin
Amrit Agr23-Jun-11 0:12
Amrit Agr23-Jun-11 0:12 

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