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C / C++ / MFC

GeneralRe: Help With SetTimer in C++ 6 Pin
Member 801201327-Jun-11 4:30
Member 801201327-Jun-11 4:30 
AnswerRe: Help With SetTimer in C++ 6 Pin
enhzflep25-Jun-11 21:57
enhzflep25-Jun-11 21:57 
GeneralRe: Help With SetTimer in C++ 6 Pin
Member 801201326-Jun-11 6:02
Member 801201326-Jun-11 6:02 
GeneralRe: Help With SetTimer in C++ 6 Pin
enhzflep26-Jun-11 13:12
enhzflep26-Jun-11 13:12 
QuestionHow tcp socket works for read & write both on same port? Pin
rahul.kulshreshtha23-Jun-11 23:34
rahul.kulshreshtha23-Jun-11 23:34 
AnswerRe: How tcp socket works for read & write both on same port? Pin
Code-o-mat24-Jun-11 0:25
Code-o-mat24-Jun-11 0:25 
GeneralRe: How tcp socket works for read & write both on same port? Pin
rahul.kulshreshtha24-Jun-11 1:15
rahul.kulshreshtha24-Jun-11 1:15 
GeneralRe: How tcp socket works for read & write both on same port? Pin
Code-o-mat24-Jun-11 1:20
Code-o-mat24-Jun-11 1:20 
> The problem with computers is that they do what you tell them to do and not what you want them to do. <
> //TODO: Implement signature here<

GeneralRe: How tcp socket works for read & write both on same port? Pin
CPallini24-Jun-11 1:57
mveCPallini24-Jun-11 1:57 
AnswerRe: How tcp socket works for read & write both on same port? Pin
David Cunningham24-Jun-11 5:52
cofounderDavid Cunningham24-Jun-11 5:52 
AnswerRe: How tcp socket works for read & write both on same port? Pin
jschell24-Jun-11 7:52
jschell24-Jun-11 7:52 
GeneralRe: How tcp socket works for read & write both on same port? Pin
rahul.kulshreshtha24-Jun-11 15:54
rahul.kulshreshtha24-Jun-11 15:54 
QuestionPopulate list from database [modified] Pin
Germghost23-Jun-11 22:21
Germghost23-Jun-11 22:21 
AnswerRe: Populate list from database Pin
David Crow24-Jun-11 3:07
David Crow24-Jun-11 3:07 
GeneralRe: Populate list from database Pin
Germghost24-Jun-11 3:25
Germghost24-Jun-11 3:25 
QuestionMemory alignment changed from studio 2005 to 2010? Pin
William Engberts23-Jun-11 20:55
William Engberts23-Jun-11 20:55 
QuestionRe: Memory alignment changed from studio 2005 to 2010? Pin
CPallini23-Jun-11 22:04
mveCPallini23-Jun-11 22:04 
AnswerRe: Memory alignment changed from studio 2005 to 2010? Pin
William Engberts23-Jun-11 22:25
William Engberts23-Jun-11 22:25 
QuestionRe: Memory alignment changed from studio 2005 to 2010? Pin
CPallini23-Jun-11 22:28
mveCPallini23-Jun-11 22:28 
GeneralRe: Memory alignment changed from studio 2005 to 2010? Pin
William Engberts23-Jun-11 22:30
William Engberts23-Jun-11 22:30 
AnswerRe: Memory alignment changed from studio 2005 to 2010? Pin
Alain Rist24-Jun-11 5:14
Alain Rist24-Jun-11 5:14 
QuestionMFC: Message-only CWnd in an SDI application. [modified] Pin
Odysseas Z23-Jun-11 5:17
Odysseas Z23-Jun-11 5:17 
AnswerRe: MFC: Message-only CWnd in an SDI application. Pin
jeron123-Jun-11 6:23
jeron123-Jun-11 6:23 
GeneralRe: MFC: Message-only CWnd in an SDI application. Pin
Odysseas Z23-Jun-11 6:43
Odysseas Z23-Jun-11 6:43 
GeneralRe: MFC: Message-only CWnd in an SDI application. Pin
Albert Holguin23-Jun-11 8:37
professionalAlbert Holguin23-Jun-11 8:37 

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