Would BackgroundWorker() be appropriate to generate another thred? BTW, I'm using a while-loop to do the polling. With regard to hooking into an interrupt, I've been digging into the documentation, but haven't found anything really useful...
You could use a BackgroundWorker, yes. But you'd probably find instantiating a Thread would be a little simpler; BackgroundWorker does this behind the scenes anyway
Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow
Sorry it took so long to get back to you - been busy with my "other" job. If I'm polling the port pins [while(look for port pin change)] in a background thread, wouldn't that just still cause the system to not respond?
i have a algorithm which i need to code in C#. but im having difficulties translating it to a programming language. Does anyone know a good application that converts a math expression for C# for evaluating??
i tried to use MathML to C# but the software crashed once it is loaded
Any help please
Should the last equation be N(x,y)? It looks like the required equation for the conditional in B(x,y), since it evaluates to zero or one.
I(x,y) also seems to require a definition of I2(x,y), unless this is a notation convention I'm not familiar with.
There are three kinds of people in the world - those who can count and those who can't...
hi. is there any program to convert mathml to c or c++?
Dear All,
I am looking for a way where i can get newly inserted records or newly updated records or deleted records from access tables.
I mean if u look close to SQL profiler, we can get any queries exchanged with sql servers, i am looking for such an object in Microsoft Access.
More of you will ask me to post this into Database forum, I am coding such feature using c#, so i posted it in c# forum.
what i need is that end of the day i would like to know which table's data has been manipulated.
will access provide me such a feature?
I do not intend to add flag column into my tables.
Abdul Rahaman Hamidy
Database Developer
Kabul, Afghanistan
why don't you add a timestamp field to each table? it stores the current datetime on each insert/update.
Luc Pattyn [Forum Guidelines] [My Articles]
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There's no thing for Access databases. The Jet engine doesn't support Triggers either.
I wamt to add my application to menu(appear when right click at a folder or a file) and add it to Startup in System Configuration Utility (Run - > msconfig).Thank you very much!!!!!
i guess you need to communicate with windows API
i would love to know how u will do it!
Running an application on startup[^]. As far as I know, msconfig reads those registry keys, so it should appear
Between the idea
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And the act
Falls the Shadow
there are many ways to do this, and it depends on the intelligence you need behind this.
If all you need is a fixed menu item (fixed text, fixed command line to execute) for files, folders or files+folders then it takes two registry entries:
// create registry entries to get an entry in the Explorer context menu for all files and folders:
// (replace AllFilesystemObjects by * for files not folders)
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\Shell\SomeNameYouChoose.ContextMenu:
// (Default) Open in my program
// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\Shell\SomeNameYouChoose.ContextMenu\Command:
// (Default) path_to_my_exe "%1"
If you need some code to run before the context menu appears (because you need to compute the right menu item text, etc) then it gets more complex.
Luc Pattyn [Forum Guidelines] [My Articles]
The quality and detail of your question reflects on the effectiveness of the help you are likely to get.
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Hi I developed an application (C#) which draws some images on windows form. I am able to load images but trying to load swf file, but when I am trying to do load this swf file I am unable to load it. I tried to load it using flash control which has been provided as a activeX control but using that swf gets loaded but not able to see it properly. My application runs very slowly.
Pls suggest how to run an swf file into .Net (C#)
Why not use a WebBrowser control and Navigate to the path of the SWF file?
no.. it is a requirement that i need to run .swf file in windows form using C#.
A WebBrowser control does that. I think it instantiates a COM object representing a flash player behind the scenes anyway, just like the AxShockwaveFlash class. Alternatively, you could parse the file format and draw the shapes with the coordinates specified. I can't help you beyond that though
Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow
How to Calculate Total Elapsed time from given starting value and ending value when the the given values are greater than 24(ie Meter Readings)(for eg:Starting time=1015:35,Ending time=1058:15)
Plz Send any Ideas,
Thank You
what do u mean by 1015:35 is it H:M if it's
TimeSpan end = new TimeSpan(1015, 35, 0);
TimeSpan start = new TimeSpan(1058, 15, 0);
TimeSpan sub= end.Subtract(start);
double TotalSeconds = sub.TotalSeconds;
DateTime date1 = System.Convert.ToDateTime(txtstarttime.Text);
DateTime date2 = System.Convert.ToDateTime(txtendtime.Text);
TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan();
ts = date2.Subtract(date1);
DateTime dt = DateTime.MinValue.Add(ts);
txttottime.Text=ts.Hours + ":" + ts.Minutes + ":" + ts.Seconds ;
I have used this but it Produce error when the given values are greater than 24
What format are txtstarttime.Text and txtendtime.Text in? Are they hours:minutes:seconds like your output? If so, then you can replace the System.Convert.ToDateTime calls with System.DateTime.Parse("input goes here", "hh:mm:ss", null)