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GeneralRe: Use of Observablecollection in Silverlight Pin
Member 455049311-May-11 5:42
Member 455049311-May-11 5:42 
GeneralRe: Use of Observablecollection in Silverlight Pin
Ian Shlasko11-May-11 6:03
Ian Shlasko11-May-11 6:03 
GeneralRe: Use of Observablecollection in Silverlight Pin
Pete O'Hanlon11-May-11 6:31
mvePete O'Hanlon11-May-11 6:31 
GeneralRe: Use of Observablecollection in Silverlight Pin
Member 455049312-May-11 6:01
Member 455049312-May-11 6:01 
GeneralRe: Use of Observablecollection in Silverlight Pin
Pete O'Hanlon12-May-11 6:21
mvePete O'Hanlon12-May-11 6:21 
QuestionDataGrid - CheckBox selection from Code. Pin
Nanda_MR10-May-11 18:39
Nanda_MR10-May-11 18:39 
AnswerRe: DataGrid - CheckBox selection from Code. Pin
Pete O'Hanlon10-May-11 19:29
mvePete O'Hanlon10-May-11 19:29 
QuestionOverriding the default keys used to navigate in RadioButtons [WPF] [VB] Pin
Jayme6510-May-11 11:07
Jayme6510-May-11 11:07 
In my application, the user has to navigate through RadioButton's group using the keyboard

By default, the arrow keys are used to navigate and the space bar used to select the radio button.
I would like the 'select' key to be another keyboard key!
How should I please process to switch the key used for the button selection by the "A" key, for instance?

Thank you for any kind help!
AnswerRe: Overriding the default keys used to navigate in RadioButtons [WPF] [VB] Pin
SledgeHammer0110-May-11 11:55
SledgeHammer0110-May-11 11:55 
GeneralRe: Overriding the default keys used to navigate in RadioButtons [WPF] [VB] Pin
Jayme6510-May-11 12:58
Jayme6510-May-11 12:58 
AnswerRe: Overriding the default keys used to navigate in RadioButtons [WPF] [VB] Pin
Mark Salsbery10-May-11 12:04
Mark Salsbery10-May-11 12:04 
QuestionProblem in VisualTreeHelper.GetParent. Please guide me Pin
Hema Bairavan10-May-11 6:44
Hema Bairavan10-May-11 6:44 
AnswerRe: Problem in VisualTreeHelper.GetParent. Please guide me [modified] Pin
Mark Salsbery10-May-11 8:46
Mark Salsbery10-May-11 8:46 
GeneralRe: Problem in VisualTreeHelper.GetParent. Please guide me Pin
Hema Bairavan10-May-11 22:57
Hema Bairavan10-May-11 22:57 
QuestionRe: Problem in VisualTreeHelper.GetParent. Please guide me Pin
Mark Salsbery11-May-11 4:49
Mark Salsbery11-May-11 4:49 
QuestionWPF Datagrid and MVVM - Binding CellStyle to a ViewModel Property Pin
Nicolai Schrade10-May-11 5:01
Nicolai Schrade10-May-11 5:01 
AnswerRe: WPF Datagrid and MVVM - Binding CellStyle to a ViewModel Property Pin
Ian Shlasko10-May-11 5:38
Ian Shlasko10-May-11 5:38 
GeneralRe: WPF Datagrid and MVVM - Binding CellStyle to a ViewModel Property Pin
Nicolai Schrade10-May-11 6:00
Nicolai Schrade10-May-11 6:00 
GeneralRe: WPF Datagrid and MVVM - Binding CellStyle to a ViewModel Property Pin
Ian Shlasko10-May-11 6:09
Ian Shlasko10-May-11 6:09 
GeneralRe: WPF Datagrid and MVVM - Binding CellStyle to a ViewModel Property Pin
Nicolai Schrade10-May-11 6:35
Nicolai Schrade10-May-11 6:35 
GeneralRe: WPF Datagrid and MVVM - Binding CellStyle to a ViewModel Property Pin
Ian Shlasko10-May-11 6:52
Ian Shlasko10-May-11 6:52 
GeneralRe: WPF Datagrid and MVVM - Binding CellStyle to a ViewModel Property Pin
Nicolai Schrade10-May-11 22:57
Nicolai Schrade10-May-11 22:57 
AnswerRe: WPF Datagrid and MVVM - Binding CellStyle to a ViewModel Property Pin
Pete O'Hanlon10-May-11 6:35
mvePete O'Hanlon10-May-11 6:35 
GeneralRe: WPF Datagrid and MVVM - Binding CellStyle to a ViewModel Property Pin
Nicolai Schrade10-May-11 22:58
Nicolai Schrade10-May-11 22:58 
GeneralRe: WPF Datagrid and MVVM - Binding CellStyle to a ViewModel Property Pin
Pete O'Hanlon10-May-11 23:46
mvePete O'Hanlon10-May-11 23:46 

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