But I get the data from the database and make changes and when I reopen the application the changes are not there, they always were when I used Access why doesn't the information stay in the database, I type it into the form!
[note the joke icon]
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
Wayne the database is loosing data when ever i close the application, and m using vstudio 2008 and sql2005
The reason that it's doing this is because you have a master version in your solution, and it is set to be copied to the output directory whenever you build the application. This means that you are making changes to your data when the app is running and then losing them when the master overwrites it. Take a look at the Copy to output directory property on the local database file.
Could you provide code? Are you actually sure that the data is being "stored" in your SQL tables. My theory is that it is not writing to the DB. Can you post your code where you write to the DB?
Craigslist Troll: litaly@comcast.net
"I have a theory that the truth is never told during the nine-to-five hours. "
— Hunter S. Thompson
Hi all,
I have developed an application in c# and made the setup and deployment.
But the problem is that in any system when i install my application i want to display my application name when you right click on any file or folder.
For example when you install WinZip and the right click on any file you see a option Add to Winzip,...etc.
Similar function i want to do for my application.
How can i do it ?
Thanks in advance.
Take a look at the answer by Tarakeshwar Reddy to the question just 4 below yours.
Amazing what a bit of reading will get you.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
It is not the same question. Associating your app with an extension and extending the context menu are quite different.
For every file and folder it is easy: see this article[^].
If you want it only to appear for some, then you need to write a shell extension, and due to architectural issues with in-process extensions, you should only do so in .Net 4. See this article on MSDN[^].
Use the VS 2005 and DB is postgreSQL,now want to run the app on the linux platform.
and the DB deploy in another machine which OS is Windows Server 2003.
what should i do?
thanks in advance.
Your question is very unclear, but looking at the subject you want to deploy a C# application on a Linux machine. In that case, look at Mono[^].
Typical n-tiered architecture:
DB <-> Junk(0) <-> ... <-> Junk(n-1) <-> Pretty
Install Mono and Start with "Hello World!"[^] Program
- Regards - J O N
A good thing is a bad thing if it keeps you from the best thing. - Dr. Adrian Rogers
Thank you for your reply.
Hi ,
I started to learn LINQ but I have some questions to be clear.
1- In ADO.NET we have Connected Model and Disconnected Model ( LINQ TO DataSet ) So What is the same in Linq for Connected Model ?
2- LINQ to sql deal only with sql server and I'm try to work with other providers with LINQ to Entity but when I drag and Drop access table it said that it's not support type ?
This might be a really dumb question, but why didn't you post this in the LINQ forum?
Software rusts. Simon Stephenson, ca 1994.
Hi, i am doing some kind of simulation for a fuzzy logic controller, so i created the ".fis" file using MATLAB, and i want to use it in my c# project is there any way to do it.
Check if Matlab has a managed interface, a COM interface or a DLL interop that you can use from C#. You can press Search in Google as well as the next person.
i made C# program that open and show xml files.
how to make (on my program installation) that all *.xml files
that in my computer will opened with my program ?
thanks in advance
You really want to do that?
You have to find all files on your hard drive (google the DirectoryInfo object), and then use XDocument to open them (google the XDocument object). Once you've done that, displaying them all at once could be more than your system could take.
".45 ACP - because shooting twice is just silly" - JSOP, 2010 ----- You can never have too much ammo - unless you're swimming, or on fire. - JSOP, 2010 ----- "Why don't you tie a kerosene-soaked rag around your ankles so the ants won't climb up and eat your candy ass." - Dale Earnhardt, 1997
I think he/she means change the file association so *.xml opens with their app instead.
Take a look at this article[^] on msdn. The Optional Deployment Capabilities region shows you how to associate an extension with your program.
So I have a program that creates a playlist on the grid, it can play the playlist and mix the songs together.
I am trying to find a library/code that will either stream or record the entire playlist and mixes to mp3
I was thinking of capturing the audio playback and recording it?
I am running an application after my .NET solution is built to check for uniqueness of a parameter to a common method call in my solution.
What I want that application to do is step through the code looking for the method call, then inspect 1 parameter of the method call to ensure it has a unique value from all other invocations of that method.
class TheClassThatContainsTheMethod
public void TheMethod(int iSomeValue)
I want to check all the places in code that invoke TheMethod(), inspect the value of iSomeValue and determine whether or not it is unique from all other TheMethod() invocations.
Note: Literal numbers will be passed into TheMethod(), not variables. So, I will know the value at compile time.
Anyone know if this possible and, if so, a rough outline of how to pull if off in C#?
Since you want this to happen after the build my first thought would be create a Visual Studio extension to handle this. This would give you easy access to all of the code artifacts to search through.
You can find a good starting point here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/ff718165[^]
I know the language. I've read a book. - _Madmatt