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Managed C++/CLI

AnswerRe: Reading an XML file Pin
John Schroedl21-Feb-11 4:31
professionalJohn Schroedl21-Feb-11 4:31 
QuestionIs there a better way to do this? Pin
John Schroedl18-Feb-11 10:34
professionalJohn Schroedl18-Feb-11 10:34 
AnswerRe: Is there a better way to do this? Pin
Philippe Mori10-Mar-11 15:08
Philippe Mori10-Mar-11 15:08 
GeneralRe: Is there a better way to do this? Pin
John Schroedl10-Mar-11 15:20
professionalJohn Schroedl10-Mar-11 15:20 
QuestionNetwork Communication Pin
pix_programmer17-Feb-11 18:50
pix_programmer17-Feb-11 18:50 
AnswerCross-post warning Pin
Peter_in_278017-Feb-11 19:48
professionalPeter_in_278017-Feb-11 19:48 
QuestionHow to perform the debugging operation in visual studio 6.0 in Windows 7 64-bit environment. Pin
lucky_122116-Feb-11 22:26
lucky_122116-Feb-11 22:26 
Questionstatic_cast vs cli::safe_cast Pin
pix_programmer16-Feb-11 20:18
pix_programmer16-Feb-11 20:18 
I want the advice of the community on using usual static_cast instead of cli::safe_cast. Which one is preferable?
AnswerRe: static_cast vs cli::safe_cast Pin
ian__lindsay16-Feb-11 22:02
ian__lindsay16-Feb-11 22:02 
QuestionPreselecting files in a CFileDialog Pin
Hayden Fisher14-Feb-11 21:31
Hayden Fisher14-Feb-11 21:31 
QuestionSpliting a String in C++/CLI Pin
T.RATHA KRISHNAN14-Feb-11 20:03
T.RATHA KRISHNAN14-Feb-11 20:03 
AnswerRe: Spliting a String in C++/CLI Pin
Ger Hayden14-Feb-11 21:59
Ger Hayden14-Feb-11 21:59 
GeneralRe: Spliting a String in C++/CLI Pin
T.RATHA KRISHNAN14-Feb-11 22:13
T.RATHA KRISHNAN14-Feb-11 22:13 
GeneralRe: Spliting a String in C++/CLI Pin
Ger Hayden15-Feb-11 6:01
Ger Hayden15-Feb-11 6:01 
GeneralRe: Spliting a String in C++/CLI Pin
Richard MacCutchan15-Feb-11 23:24
mveRichard MacCutchan15-Feb-11 23:24 
AnswerRe: Spliting a String in C++/CLI Pin
John Schroedl15-Feb-11 10:16
professionalJohn Schroedl15-Feb-11 10:16 
QuestionBadImageFormat exception because of just class definition. Pin
progDes10-Feb-11 1:44
progDes10-Feb-11 1:44 
AnswerRe: BadImageFormat exception because of just class definition. Pin
progDes10-Feb-11 17:09
progDes10-Feb-11 17:09 
QuestionAdding Member Functions to the .CPP Pin
Ger Hayden10-Feb-11 0:30
Ger Hayden10-Feb-11 0:30 
QuestionAdding a member function in VC++ Express 2010 Pin
Ger Hayden10-Feb-11 0:27
Ger Hayden10-Feb-11 0:27 
QuestionInline processor assembly language in C++/CLI Pin
anti.AS7-Feb-11 21:54
anti.AS7-Feb-11 21:54 
AnswerRe: Inline processor assembly language in C++/CLI Pin
John Schroedl8-Feb-11 5:42
professionalJohn Schroedl8-Feb-11 5:42 
QuestionDifference between IJW and #pragma unmanaged ? Pin
anti.AS7-Feb-11 5:10
anti.AS7-Feb-11 5:10 
AnswerRe: Difference between IJW and #pragma unmanaged ? Pin
Nish Nishant7-Feb-11 5:24
sitebuilderNish Nishant7-Feb-11 5:24 
GeneralRe: Difference between IJW and #pragma unmanaged ? Pin
anti.AS7-Feb-11 9:08
anti.AS7-Feb-11 9:08 

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