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Managed C++/CLI

AnswerRe: Spliting a String in C++/CLI Pin
John Schroedl15-Feb-11 10:16
professionalJohn Schroedl15-Feb-11 10:16 
QuestionBadImageFormat exception because of just class definition. Pin
progDes10-Feb-11 1:44
progDes10-Feb-11 1:44 
AnswerRe: BadImageFormat exception because of just class definition. Pin
progDes10-Feb-11 17:09
progDes10-Feb-11 17:09 
QuestionAdding Member Functions to the .CPP Pin
Ger Hayden10-Feb-11 0:30
Ger Hayden10-Feb-11 0:30 
QuestionAdding a member function in VC++ Express 2010 Pin
Ger Hayden10-Feb-11 0:27
Ger Hayden10-Feb-11 0:27 
QuestionInline processor assembly language in C++/CLI Pin
anti.AS7-Feb-11 21:54
anti.AS7-Feb-11 21:54 
AnswerRe: Inline processor assembly language in C++/CLI Pin
John Schroedl8-Feb-11 5:42
professionalJohn Schroedl8-Feb-11 5:42 
QuestionDifference between IJW and #pragma unmanaged ? Pin
anti.AS7-Feb-11 5:10
anti.AS7-Feb-11 5:10 
Hi guys
In C++/CLI what is the difference between using the concept of IJW (It Just Works) and using pragma directive as following:
#pragma managed(push,off)
…native code …
#pragma managed(pop)

Does IJW is enabled automatically (so just need to write our native code) or we need to do something to make it works..??
In other mean, what is the advantage of IJW over using pragma directive or the other way around??
AnswerRe: Difference between IJW and #pragma unmanaged ? Pin
Nish Nishant7-Feb-11 5:24
sitebuilderNish Nishant7-Feb-11 5:24 
GeneralRe: Difference between IJW and #pragma unmanaged ? Pin
anti.AS7-Feb-11 9:08
anti.AS7-Feb-11 9:08 
GeneralRe: Difference between IJW and #pragma unmanaged ? Pin
Nish Nishant7-Feb-11 9:16
sitebuilderNish Nishant7-Feb-11 9:16 
GeneralRe: Difference between IJW and #pragma unmanaged ? Pin
anti.AS7-Feb-11 9:36
anti.AS7-Feb-11 9:36 
QuestionWhat is Difference between Managed C++, C++/CLI and C++.Net Pin
Pranit Kothari5-Feb-11 4:26
Pranit Kothari5-Feb-11 4:26 
AnswerRe: What is Difference between Managed C++, C++/CLI and C++.Net Pin
Richard MacCutchan5-Feb-11 5:28
mveRichard MacCutchan5-Feb-11 5:28 
QuestionRe: What is Difference between Managed C++, C++/CLI and C++.Net Pin
Pranit Kothari5-Feb-11 5:59
Pranit Kothari5-Feb-11 5:59 
AnswerRe: What is Difference between Managed C++, C++/CLI and C++.Net Pin
Richard MacCutchan5-Feb-11 21:16
mveRichard MacCutchan5-Feb-11 21:16 
GeneralRe: What is Difference between Managed C++, C++/CLI and C++.Net Pin
Pranit Kothari6-Feb-11 3:20
Pranit Kothari6-Feb-11 3:20 
AnswerRe: What is Difference between Managed C++, C++/CLI and C++.Net Pin
John Schroedl5-Feb-11 8:02
professionalJohn Schroedl5-Feb-11 8:02 
GeneralRe: What is Difference between Managed C++, C++/CLI and C++.Net Pin
Pranit Kothari5-Feb-11 17:44
Pranit Kothari5-Feb-11 17:44 
GeneralRe: What is Difference between Managed C++, C++/CLI and C++.Net Pin
John Schroedl6-Feb-11 6:41
professionalJohn Schroedl6-Feb-11 6:41 
Questionsplit function Pin
ehsan161804-Feb-11 19:04
ehsan161804-Feb-11 19:04 
QuestionWhy Multiple projects Pin
Pranit Kothari4-Feb-11 8:28
Pranit Kothari4-Feb-11 8:28 
AnswerRe: Why Multiple projects Pin
Hans Dietrich4-Feb-11 9:23
mentorHans Dietrich4-Feb-11 9:23 
GeneralRe: Why Multiple projects Pin
Pranit Kothari5-Feb-11 4:22
Pranit Kothari5-Feb-11 4:22 
GeneralRe: Why Multiple projects Pin
Albert Holguin5-Feb-11 16:20
professionalAlbert Holguin5-Feb-11 16:20 

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