J4amieC wrote: Monday morning syndrome.
I know everything about that, except it usually happens to me any day of the week
"When did ignorance become a point of view" - Dilbert
Ignore this answer. I mis-interpreted your source data.
The above answer, although correct confuses your question somewhat.
All you need is to join employee table to department table using the foreign/primary key between employee and department.
SELECT EmpNo, EmpName, DeptName
ON Emp.DeptNo=Dept.No
modified on Monday, August 9, 2010 7:54 AM
SELECT Emp.EmployeeID, Emp.FirstName,
STUFF((SELECT ',' + DeptName FROM Dept WHERE Dept.DeptID = Emp.DeptID FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') AS DeptNames
FROM Employees Emp
Hi Friends,
I installed Oracle 11g in my XP 64bit OS, now I try to run some scripts in SQLPLUS. How can I check the current default path under SQLPLUS? Namely, where should I store these scripts? From the installation summary, I know where the ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_BASE are, do I have to set environment variables? Confusing....Hope someone can give me a suggestion.
Your post has so much spaces, it is very hard to read. Fix it so, people may look at it
The default SQLPlus directory is %ORACLE_HOME%\dbs
The SQLPATH environment variable will allow you to specify the default search path for scripts.
Personally I don't use SQLPlus, I find it a PITA.
"When did ignorance become a point of view" - Dilbert
I think on Windows it is not necessary to set Oracle's environment variables manually (different from Linux). Scripts can be stored quite anywhere, as you can give the path e.g.
START e:\temp\myscript.sql
But Oracle has often some problems when the path contains spaces (perhaps also with national characters or when the path is "long"), so just avoid that - Oracle is still an 1980ies legacy software.
thanks so much Guys...^_^
Dear guru's,
I'm a beginner with "database-programming". My standard task is to read some xml-file in a dataset, then I "hack around" with some relations and display the result in any tabular form (e.g. DataGridView). This is a lot of programming for each different view which I want to have on my data.
But I feel, this is stupid and there are much more effective ways to manage this. My question: How are such tasks (different views on data, without a lot of programming) done?
Any tip for a beginner?
Thanks in advance
modified on Thursday, August 5, 2010 4:22 PM
Can you elaborate on what you consider different views of the data ?
Do you mean that the same data is filtered, sorted, grouped, but basically the same ?
You can add functionality to the Gridview to do sorting.
A little bit more detail could get you better suggestions.
Yes, I mean what you say: Some grouping, sorting, summing up of columns,....
Best regards
I am trying to get the questionID from two different Select statements and
then insert into a table one by one.
This one is inserting a new surveyID, Output is SurveyID
insert into survey(title,description, surveystatus,CreatedBy,date )
values('New Survey','New Survey',1,'test',Getdate())
Copying the questions with the new surveyID
INSERT SurveyQuestions(surveyid, questions,answertype)
SELECT @NewID ,questions,answertype
FROM SurveyQuestions
WHERE surveyid='81'
The problem is below here. I want to get the value of the questionId of the
first select statement then the value of the questionID of the second select
statement and insert into the table SurveyChoices one by one.
Both the select statements can have 1 or 2 or 3 rows or more but the both the
select statements will have exact number of rows.
select QuestionId from surveyquestions where surveyid=@NewID and answertype
<> 'T'
select QuestionId from surveyquestions where surveyid='81' and answertype <>
Here i am using the insert statement using the value form First select
statement and second select statement
INSERT Surveychoices(QuestionId,choice)
SELECT questionID,choice((This is the value of the First select statement.)
FROM Surveychoices
WHERE questionid=questionID(This is the value of the second select statement.)
SELECT @vCount=('select COUNT(['+@v_COLUMN_NAME+']) from '+@DataTable)
print @vCount
This is my stored procedure part to find the count of a column specified.But here i m getting a conversion error
vCount is declared as int
Got the answer
create table #countlists (ICount int)
exec ('insert into #countlists(ICount) select COUNT(['+@v_COLUMN_NAME+']) from '+@DataTable+' where '+@v_COLUMN_NAME+' is not null')
set @vCount=(select ICount from #countlists)
drop table #countlists
How can I use transaction on multiple database? I use SQL Server Compact Edition.
suppose you will insert some data in a table from two other's table/data base.
Begin Tran
Use DataBase2
insert into Table1(Name,Id,Roll,Address)
select A.Name,A.Id,B.Roll,B.Address from DataBase1..Table2 A inner join DataBase2..Table3 B
on A.Id = B.Id
Commit tran
If You use this query then you will easily transaction (Insert) data from two different data base & tables.
Mrityunjoy Bhattacharjee
modified on Sunday, August 8, 2010 12:06 PM
Hi guys...
Actually i have a table called products which has 4 products in it say for example pepsi, miranda, coke and fanta. The table has two columns product id and productname as follows:
1 pepsi
2 miranda
3 coke
4 fanta
now i have another table called agent, which has 3 columns such as agentid, region, productid. Now each agentid has a region and productid assigned to it as follows:
1001 DXB 1
1001 AJM 4
1002 ABC 2
1003 XYZ 3
1003 DEF 4 and so on. now in my application i need to make use of a query which gives me a result of all the product name with status for any particular agent id, for example: for agentid 1001 the result should be
productname status
pepsi true
miranda false
coke false
fanta true
the query i tried is :
select a.productname, status = case b.product_id
when 1 then 'True' else 'False'
when 2 then 'True' else 'False'
when 3 then 'True' else 'False'
when 4 then 'True' else 'False' end
from products a, agent b where a.productid = b.productid and agentid ='1001'
but doest work... any help is appreciated...
select a.productname,
case when b.agentid is null then 'False' else 'True' end AS status
from products a
left outer join agent b on a.productid = b.productid
and b.agentid ='1001'
Thanx a million buddy.. works like a charm.... thanx alot...
I converted my 2008 / .NET 2.0 data service to VS2010 with the 4.0 framework.
I can do my normal test: http://localhost:4440/datareflector.svc and I get my wsdl screen.
If I click the link I get all of my WSDL as expected. So nothing is wrong there.
My data structure uses Linq to Sql to connect to he database and extract information.
The applications' service reference has all of the data in it correctly.
When I call the service I get a report that the service terminated.
When I attach my code to the service and enter debug the results totally floor me:
my code pattern is simple:
public things[] GetMyThings( Guid myIdentity )
using ( MyContext context = new MyContext( connectionString ) )
var mt = from t in context.ThingTable
where t.Identity == myIdentity
select t;
return mt.ToArray();
When I walk through this simplistic code, I can confirm that mt ends up populated with the rows and values expected and goes through the return code just fine. At the end of the walk (the bracket marked with the *) when I hit F11 I get the exception
InvalidOperationException ' Attempting to access an object (context) that has been disposed. '
I cannot, for the life of me, figure this one out. About to wipe my machine and do a full reinstall just to see if that cleans up everything. This is an issue no one seems to have an answer for.
Has ANYONE experienced this kind of issue?
I need to create a secured visual basic 2010 Hotel management system, i need guidelines!
guidelines...guidelines...hmmm. let me think.
How about only allowing the same number of occupants as the number of sleeping places in the room. Stops those pesky kids allowing their friends to kip on the floor.
Or, how about prompting the user to offer the breakfast package when someone books a room.
No, wait - those aremore suggestions for functionality than guidelines.
Wait, ive got it. Don't use VB, its a horrible blemish on the arse of programming languages. No, still not guidelines, more personal opinion.
What sort of guidelines do you want?
What do you have against VB.NET? Do you like C#?
there is always a love hate relationship of VB.net on this forum
As barmey as a sack of badgers
I think it's more of a hate-hate relationship.