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AnswerRe: Adding Attributes to XML node using VBA Pin
DaveAuld17-Jul-10 10:08
professionalDaveAuld17-Jul-10 10:08 
GeneralRe: Adding Attributes to XML node using VBA Pin
priyaahh17-Jul-10 11:37
priyaahh17-Jul-10 11:37 
GeneralRe: Adding Attributes to XML node using VBA Pin
DaveAuld18-Jul-10 1:43
professionalDaveAuld18-Jul-10 1:43 
GeneralRe: Adding Attributes to XML node using VBA Pin
priyaahh18-Jul-10 7:39
priyaahh18-Jul-10 7:39 
GeneralRe: Adding Attributes to XML node using VBA Pin
DaveAuld18-Jul-10 7:44
professionalDaveAuld18-Jul-10 7:44 
GeneralRe: Adding Attributes to XML node using VBA Pin
priyaahh18-Jul-10 8:51
priyaahh18-Jul-10 8:51 
GeneralRe: Adding Attributes to XML node using VBA Pin
DaveAuld18-Jul-10 9:51
professionalDaveAuld18-Jul-10 9:51 
GeneralRe: Adding Attributes to XML node using VBA Pin
priyaahh18-Jul-10 10:07
priyaahh18-Jul-10 10:07 
Hi Dave,

Ya sure I will split this function.

I wanted to add attribute which i have posted in my first post to the tags highlighted in bold.

Appreaciate u lot..pls help..its urgent..

Function fGenerateXML(rngData As Range, rootNodeName As String, sn As Integer, ts As Integer) As String
On Error Resume Next
' XML Tags
' Table

Const HEADER As String = "<?xml version=""1.0""?>"
Dim TAG_BEGIN As String
Dim TAG_END As String
'Dim strTAG_END As String
Const NODE_DELIMITER As String = "/"


Dim intColCount As Integer
Dim intRowCount As Integer
Dim intColCounter As Integer
Dim intRowCounter As Integer

Dim rngCell As Range

Dim strXML As String
'Dim str As String
'str = ""
'strTAG_END = ""

' Initial table tag...
Dim rNode() As String
rNode = Split(rootNodeName, NODE_DELIMITER)

If sn = 0 Then
TAG_BEGIN = vbCrLf & "<" & rNode(0) & ">" & vbCrLf & "<" & rNode(1) & ">"
TAG_BEGIN = vbCrLf & "<" & rNode(1) & ">" & vbCrLf
End If

'determining if it is final sheet for concatenation
If sn = ts Then
TAG_END = vbCrLf & "</" & rNode(1) & ">" & vbCrLf & "</" & rNode(0) & ">"
TAG_END = vbCrLf & "</" & rNode(1) & ">" & vbCrLf
End If

'TAG_BEGIN = vbCrLf & "<" & rootNodeName & ">" & vbCrLf
'TAG_END = vbCrLf & "</" & rootNodeName & ">" & vbCrLf

If sn = 0 Then
End If

With rngData

' Discover dimensions of the data we
' will be dealing with...
intColCount = .Columns.Count

intRowCount = .Rows.Count

Dim strColNames() As String

ReDim strColNames(intColCount)

' First Row is the Field/Tag names
If intRowCount >= 1 Then

' Loop accross columns...
For intColCounter = 1 To intColCount

' Mark the cell under current scrutiny by setting
' an object variable...
Set rngCell = .Cells(1, intColCounter)

' Is the cell merged?..
If Not rngCell.MergeArea.Address = _
rngCell.Address Then

MsgBox ("!! Cell Merged ... Invalid format")
Exit Function

End If

strColNames(intColCounter) = rngCell.Text

'loop thro the sheets for header
If rNode(1) = "Actual_Loss_History" Or rNode(1) = "As_If_Loss_History" Then

If strColNames(intColCounter) = "Policy Years" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Policy_Years"
ElseIf strColNames(intColCounter) = "Loss Descriptions" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Loss_Descriptions"
ElseIf strColNames(intColCounter) = "Date of Loss" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Date_of_Loss"
ElseIf strColNames(intColCounter) = "PD Gross Loss" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/PD_Gross_Loss"
ElseIf strColNames(intColCounter) = "TE BI Gross Loss" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/TE_BI_Gross_Loss"
ElseIf strColNames(intColCounter) = "PD Current Value" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/PD_Current_Value"
ElseIf strColNames(intColCounter) = "TE BI Current Value" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/TE_BI_Current_Value"
ElseIf strColNames(intColCounter) = "PD Deductible" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/PD_Deductible"
ElseIf strColNames(intColCounter) = "BI TE Ded" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/BI_TE_Ded"
ElseIf strColNames(intColCounter) = "Adjusted Loss PD" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Adjusted_Loss_PD"
ElseIf strColNames(intColCounter) = "Adjusted Loss TE BI" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Adjusted_Loss_TE_BI"
ElseIf strColNames(intColCounter) = "Loss Expectancy" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Loss_Expectancy"
End If
ElseIf rNode(1) = "Type_of_Policy_Coverage" Then
If strColNames(intColCounter) = "Description" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Description"
ElseIf strColNames(intColCounter) = "Percentage" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Percentage"
End If

End If


End If

'strXML = strXML & vbCrLf & "<" & str & ">" & vbCrLf

Dim Nodes() As String
Dim NodeStack() As String

If (rNode(1) = "Actual_Loss_History" Or rNode(1) = "As_If_Loss_History") And intRowCount = 1 Then
intRowCount = 11
ElseIf rNode(1) = "Additional_Terms_n_Conditions" And intRowCount = 1 Then
intRowCount = 41
ElseIf (rNode(1) = "BI_Deductible" Or rNode(1) = "Combined_Deductible" Or rNode(1) = "Facultative_Reinsurance" Or rNode(1) = "PD_Deductible" Or rNode(1) = "Policy_Limit_Layer_Participation" Or rNode(1) = "Coverage_Sublimits") And intRowCount = 1 Then
intRowCount = 16
ElseIf rNode(1) = "Endorsements_n_Forms" And intRowCount = 1 Then
intRowCount = 121
ElseIf rNode(1) = "Loss_History_Layer_Penetration" And intRowCount = 1 Then
intRowCount = 6
ElseIf (rNode(1) = "Policy_Period_Effective_Date" Or rNode(1) = "Total_Insured_Value") And intRowCount = 1 Then
intRowCount = 3
ElseIf rNode(1) = "Premium_History" And intRowCount = 1 Then
intRowCount = 201
ElseIf rNode(1) = "Set_Sublimits" And intRowCount = 1 Then
intRowCount = 101
ElseIf rNode(1) = "Type_of_Policy_Coverage" And intRowCount = 1 Then
intRowCount = 4
End If

' Loop down the table's rows
For intColCounter = 1 To intColCount

strXML = strXML & vbCrLf & TABLE_ROW
ReDim NodeStack(0)
' Loop accross columns...
For intRowCounter = 2 To intRowCount

' Mark the cell under current scrutiny by setting
' an object variable...
Set rngCell = .Cells(intRowCounter, intColCounter)

' Is the cell merged?..
If Not rngCell.MergeArea.Address = _
rngCell.Address Then

MsgBox ("!! Cell Merged ... Invalid format")
Exit Function

End If

If rNode(1) = "Actual_Loss_History" Or rNode(1) = "As_If_Loss_History" Then
If strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Policy_Years" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Policy_Years/Policy_Years-" & (intRowCounter - 1)
ElseIf strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Loss_Descriptions" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Loss_Descriptions/Loss_Descriptions-" & (intRowCounter - 1)
ElseIf strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Date_of_Loss" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Date_of_Loss/Date_of_Loss-" & (intRowCounter - 1)
ElseIf strColNames(intColCounter) = "/PD_Gross_Loss" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/PD_Gross_Loss/PD_Gross_Loss-" & (intRowCounter - 1)
ElseIf strColNames(intColCounter) = "/TE_BI_Gross_Loss" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/TE_BI_Gross_Loss/TE_BI_Gross_Loss-" & (intRowCounter - 1)
ElseIf strColNames(intColCounter) = "/PD_Current_Value" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/PD_Current_Value/PD_Current_Value-" & (intRowCounter - 1)
ElseIf strColNames(intColCounter) = "/TE_BI_Current_Value" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/TE_BI_Current_Value/TE_BI_Current_Value-" & (intRowCounter - 1)
ElseIf strColNames(intColCounter) = "/PD_Deductible" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/PD_Deductible/PD_Deductible-" & (intRowCounter - 1)
ElseIf strColNames(intColCounter) = "/BI_TE_Ded" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/BI_TE_Ded/BI_TE_Ded-" & (intRowCounter - 1)
ElseIf strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Adjusted_Loss_PD" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Adjusted_Loss_PD/Adjusted_Loss_PD-" & (intRowCounter - 1)
ElseIf strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Adjusted_Loss_TE_BI" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Adjusted_Loss_TE_BI/Adjusted_Loss_TE_BI-" & (intRowCounter - 1)
ElseIf strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Loss_Expectancy" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Loss_Expectancy/Loss_Expectancy-" & (intRowCounter - 1)
End If
ElseIf rNode(1) = "Type_of_Policy_Coverage" Then
If strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Description" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Description/Description-" & (intRowCounter - 1)
ElseIf strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Percentage" Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Percentage/Percentage-" & (intRowCounter - 1)
End If
End If

If Left(strColNames(intColCounter), 1) = NODE_DELIMITER Then

Nodes = Split(strColNames(intColCounter), NODE_DELIMITER)
' check whether we are starting a new node or not
Dim i As Integer

Dim MatchAll As Boolean
MatchAll = True

For i = 1 To UBound(Nodes)

If i <= UBound(NodeStack) Then

If Trim(Nodes(i)) <> Trim(NodeStack(i)) Then
'not match
'MsgBox (Nodes(i) & "," & NodeStack(i))
MatchAll = False
Exit For

End If
MatchAll = False
Exit For
End If


' add close tags to those not used afterwards

' don't count it when no content
' If Trim(rngCell.Text) <> "" Then

If MatchAll Then
strXML = strXML & "</" & NodeStack(UBound(NodeStack)) & ">" & vbCrLf
For t = UBound(NodeStack) To i Step -1
strXML = strXML & "</" & NodeStack(t) & ">" & vbCrLf
End If

If i < UBound(Nodes) Then
For t = i To UBound(Nodes)
' add to the xml
strXML = strXML & "<" & Nodes(t) & ">"
If t = UBound(Nodes) Then

strXML = strXML & Trim(rngCell.Text)

End If

t = UBound(Nodes)
' add to the xml
strXML = strXML & "<" & Nodes(t) & ">"
strXML = strXML & Trim(rngCell.Text)

End If

NodeStack = Nodes

' Else
' ' since its a blank field, so no need to handle if field name repeated
' If Not MatchAll Then
' For t = UBound(NodeStack) To i Step -1
' strXML = strXML & "</" & Trim(NodeStack(t)) & ">" & vbCrLf
' Next
' End If
' ReDim Preserve NodeStack(i - 1)
' End If

' the last column
If intRowCounter = intRowCount Then
' add close tags to those not used afterwards
If UBound(NodeStack) <> 0 Then
For t = UBound(NodeStack) To 1 Step -1

strXML = strXML & "</" & Trim(NodeStack(t)) & ">" & vbCrLf

End If
End If

' add close tags to those not used afterwards
If UBound(NodeStack) <> 0 Then
For t = UBound(NodeStack) To 1 Step -1

strXML = strXML & "</" & Trim(NodeStack(t)) & ">" & vbCrLf

End If
ReDim NodeStack(0)

' skip if no content
If Trim(rngCell.Text) <> "" Then
strXML = strXML & "<" & Trim(strColNames(intColCounter)) & ">" & Trim(rngCell.Text) & "</" & Trim(strColNames(intColCounter)) & ">" & vbCrLf
End If

End If

If rNode(1) = "Actual_Loss_History" Or rNode(1) = "As_If_Loss_History" Then
If intColCounter = 1 Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Policy_Years"
ElseIf intColCounter = 2 Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Loss_Descriptions"
ElseIf intColCounter = 3 Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Date_of_Loss"
ElseIf intColCounter = 4 Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/PD_Gross_Loss"
ElseIf intColCounter = 5 Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/TE_BI_Gross_Loss"
ElseIf intColCounter = 6 Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/PD_Current_Value"
ElseIf intColCounter = 7 Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/TE_BI_Current_Value"
ElseIf intColCounter = 8 Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/PD_Deductible"
ElseIf intColCounter = 9 Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/BI_TE_Ded"
ElseIf intColCounter = 10 Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Adjusted_Loss_PD"
ElseIf intColCounter = 11 Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Adjusted_Loss_TE_BI"
ElseIf intColCounter = 12 Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Loss_Expectancy"
End If
ElseIf rNode(1) = "Type_of_Policy_Coverage" Then
If intColCounter = 1 Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Description"
ElseIf intColCounter = 2 Then
strColNames(intColCounter) = "/Percentage"
End If
End If

End With

strXML = strXML & TAG_END

' Return the HTML string...
fGenerateXML = strXML

End Function

I need to add attributes to the tags highlighted in bold and some more also..i just highlighted less...

Thanks lot.

GeneralRe: Adding Attributes to XML node using VBA Pin
DaveAuld18-Jul-10 10:51
professionalDaveAuld18-Jul-10 10:51 
GeneralRe: Adding Attributes to XML node using VBA Pin
priyaahh18-Jul-10 10:59
priyaahh18-Jul-10 10:59 
GeneralRe: Adding Attributes to XML node using VBA Pin
DaveAuld18-Jul-10 11:08
professionalDaveAuld18-Jul-10 11:08 
GeneralRe: Adding Attributes to XML node using VBA Pin
priyaahh18-Jul-10 11:47
priyaahh18-Jul-10 11:47 
GeneralRe: Adding Attributes to XML node using VBA Pin
DaveAuld18-Jul-10 12:10
professionalDaveAuld18-Jul-10 12:10 
GeneralRe: Adding Attributes to XML node using VBA Pin
priyaahh18-Jul-10 13:38
priyaahh18-Jul-10 13:38 
GeneralRe: Adding Attributes to XML node using VBA Pin
DaveAuld18-Jul-10 14:00
professionalDaveAuld18-Jul-10 14:00 
GeneralRe: Adding Attributes to XML node using VBA Pin
priyaahh18-Jul-10 19:44
priyaahh18-Jul-10 19:44 
GeneralRe: Adding Attributes to XML node using VBA Pin
DaveAuld18-Jul-10 22:23
professionalDaveAuld18-Jul-10 22:23 
GeneralRe: Adding Attributes to XML node using VBA Pin
priyaahh18-Jul-10 22:59
priyaahh18-Jul-10 22:59 
GeneralRe: Adding Attributes to XML node using VBA Pin
DaveAuld18-Jul-10 23:17
professionalDaveAuld18-Jul-10 23:17 
GeneralRe: Adding Attributes to XML node using VBA Pin
priyaahh18-Jul-10 23:32
priyaahh18-Jul-10 23:32 
GeneralRe: Adding Attributes to XML node using VBA Pin
DaveAuld18-Jul-10 23:48
professionalDaveAuld18-Jul-10 23:48 
GeneralRe: Adding Attributes to XML node using VBA Pin
priyaahh18-Jul-10 23:59
priyaahh18-Jul-10 23:59 
GeneralRe: Adding Attributes to XML node using VBA Pin
DaveAuld19-Jul-10 0:02
professionalDaveAuld19-Jul-10 0:02 
GeneralRe: Adding Attributes to XML node using VBA Pin
priyaahh21-Jul-10 1:26
priyaahh21-Jul-10 1:26 
GeneralMessage Removed Pin
16-Jul-10 16:56
June 19, 201016-Jul-10 16:56 

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