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GeneralRe: Some Bugs While Running C# Application On Win98 Pin
Nick Parker3-Dec-02 18:17
protectorNick Parker3-Dec-02 18:17 
GeneralRe: Some Bugs While Running C# Application On Win98 Pin
Jeff J3-Dec-02 20:37
Jeff J3-Dec-02 20:37 
GeneralCom interop Pin
grv5752-Dec-02 14:07
grv5752-Dec-02 14:07 
GeneralRe: Com interop Pin
James T. Johnson2-Dec-02 14:16
James T. Johnson2-Dec-02 14:16 
GeneralRe: Com interop Pin
grv5752-Dec-02 15:28
grv5752-Dec-02 15:28 
GeneralRe: Com interop Pin
James T. Johnson2-Dec-02 15:38
James T. Johnson2-Dec-02 15:38 
GeneralRe: Com interop Pin
grv5752-Dec-02 16:14
grv5752-Dec-02 16:14 
GeneralRe: Com interop Pin
James T. Johnson2-Dec-02 16:41
James T. Johnson2-Dec-02 16:41 
grv575 wrote:
Well I don't see why it doesn't just *always* look in the current directory for the dll even if you are running a vb6 exe (I did copy the dll to the vb6 build dir).

It uses the same loading scheme that the framework uses when it goes to load a .NET assembly. Going from memory this means: Look in the GAC, look in the same directory as the executable, and finally look in the probing directories as specified in the configuration file (by default this is set to "bin\").

Using my current project (a C++ program using a custom .NET assembly via the CCW) as an example.

Test.exe -> C++ program
Managed.dll -> .NET assembly

Run regasm with /codebase on Managed.dll and I can place Test.exe in any directory with or without Managed.dll and it will run.

Run regasm without /codebase (after first /unregistering it). Now Managed.dll must reside in the same directory as Test.exe, but I can run Test.exe from any directory (ie place both in \test\ run from the commandline in \).

If you check out this thread[^] there are some comments about how loading works when using CCW'd components.


- out of order -
GeneralRe: Com interop Pin
grv5755-Dec-02 1:58
grv5755-Dec-02 1:58 
QuestionHow to detect account without a password Pin
Ingram Leedy2-Dec-02 12:13
Ingram Leedy2-Dec-02 12:13 
GeneralIcon depth and sizes under .Net Pin
FruitBatInShades2-Dec-02 12:05
FruitBatInShades2-Dec-02 12:05 
GeneralDatagrid IN a Datalist Pin
tidge2-Dec-02 10:20
tidge2-Dec-02 10:20 
QuestionProtect the MSIL code? Pin
Rickard Andersson202-Dec-02 7:51
Rickard Andersson202-Dec-02 7:51 
AnswerRe: Protect the MSIL code? Pin
leppie2-Dec-02 8:20
leppie2-Dec-02 8:20 
GeneralRe: Protect the MSIL code? Pin
Rickard Andersson202-Dec-02 8:47
Rickard Andersson202-Dec-02 8:47 
AnswerRe: Protect the MSIL code? Pin
Nick Parker2-Dec-02 8:36
protectorNick Parker2-Dec-02 8:36 
GeneralRe: Protect the MSIL code? Pin
Rickard Andersson202-Dec-02 8:51
Rickard Andersson202-Dec-02 8:51 
GeneralRe: Protect the MSIL code? Pin
Nick Parker2-Dec-02 9:40
protectorNick Parker2-Dec-02 9:40 
AnswerRe: Protect the MSIL code? Pin
David Stone2-Dec-02 9:41
sitebuilderDavid Stone2-Dec-02 9:41 
GeneralRe: Protect the MSIL code? Pin
Rickard Andersson202-Dec-02 21:29
Rickard Andersson202-Dec-02 21:29 
Generalrecursively search the registry and delete text Pin
Derek Smigelski2-Dec-02 7:05
Derek Smigelski2-Dec-02 7:05 
GeneralRe: recursively search the registry and delete text Pin
Jeff J2-Dec-02 13:29
Jeff J2-Dec-02 13:29 
GeneralRe: recursively search the registry and delete text Pin
Derek Smigelski3-Dec-02 11:46
Derek Smigelski3-Dec-02 11:46 
GeneralRe: recursively search the registry and delete text Pin
Jeff J4-Dec-02 11:01
Jeff J4-Dec-02 11:01 
GeneralRe: recursively search the registry and delete text Pin
Jeff J4-Dec-02 17:12
Jeff J4-Dec-02 17:12 

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