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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: FCB and BIOS file operations Pin
Code-o-mat12-Jul-10 0:49
Code-o-mat12-Jul-10 0:49 
AnswerRe: FCB and BIOS file operations Pin
Aescleal12-Jul-10 1:09
Aescleal12-Jul-10 1:09 
GeneralRe: FCB and BIOS file operations Pin
Jayapal Chandran12-Jul-10 1:40
Jayapal Chandran12-Jul-10 1:40 
QuestionHow to solve this error information: "_WIN32_WINNT settings conflicts with _WIN32_IE setting" ?? Pin
wangningyu11-Jul-10 23:35
wangningyu11-Jul-10 23:35 
AnswerRe: How to solve this error information: "_WIN32_WINNT settings conflicts with _WIN32_IE setting" ?? Pin
Emilio Garavaglia12-Jul-10 0:02
Emilio Garavaglia12-Jul-10 0:02 
GeneralYes ,you're right ! Pin
wangningyu12-Jul-10 0:14
wangningyu12-Jul-10 0:14 
AnswerRe: How to solve this error information: "_WIN32_WINNT settings conflicts with _WIN32_IE setting" ?? Pin
asokan12327-Jun-11 18:34
asokan12327-Jun-11 18:34 
QuestionHow to find difference between two dates Pin
raju_shiva11-Jul-10 23:24
raju_shiva11-Jul-10 23:24 
Hi sir,
I want the difference between two dates.

Suppose if the previous date is 11-07-2010 (in this format.)

I need to find the current date.

and also the difference between them.

Current Date - previous date.

how can i do this.

AnswerRe: How to find difference between two dates Pin
Cedric Moonen11-Jul-10 23:31
Cedric Moonen11-Jul-10 23:31 
GeneralRe: How to find difference between two dates Pin
raju_shiva11-Jul-10 23:46
raju_shiva11-Jul-10 23:46 
GeneralRe: How to find difference between two dates Pin
Cedric Moonen11-Jul-10 23:49
Cedric Moonen11-Jul-10 23:49 
AnswerRe: How to find difference between two dates Pin
Niklas L11-Jul-10 23:31
Niklas L11-Jul-10 23:31 
AnswerRe: How to find difference between two dates Pin
Aescleal11-Jul-10 23:48
Aescleal11-Jul-10 23:48 
GeneralRe: How to find difference between two dates Pin
Le@rner12-Jul-10 2:25
Le@rner12-Jul-10 2:25 
GeneralRe: How to find difference between two dates Pin
raju_shiva12-Jul-10 19:01
raju_shiva12-Jul-10 19:01 
GeneralRe: How to find difference between two dates Pin
Le@rner12-Jul-10 19:44
Le@rner12-Jul-10 19:44 
Questionadd the specified number of days to current date Pin
zon_cpp11-Jul-10 22:34
zon_cpp11-Jul-10 22:34 
QuestionRe: add the specified number of days to current date PinPopular
CPallini11-Jul-10 22:55
mveCPallini11-Jul-10 22:55 
AnswerRe: add the specified number of days to current date Pin
zon_cpp11-Jul-10 23:34
zon_cpp11-Jul-10 23:34 
AnswerRe: add the specified number of days to current date Pin
rahul.kulshreshtha22-Jul-11 19:17
rahul.kulshreshtha22-Jul-11 19:17 
Questioni am makeing bacarrat in c language.... it's really hard could anyone plz help? Pin
kcta559711-Jul-10 18:28
kcta559711-Jul-10 18:28 
AnswerRe: i am makeing bacarrat in c language.... it's really hard could anyone plz help? Pin
Iain Clarke, Warrior Programmer11-Jul-10 22:53
Iain Clarke, Warrior Programmer11-Jul-10 22:53 
GeneralRe: i am makeing bacarrat in c language.... it's really hard could anyone plz help? Pin
Niklas L11-Jul-10 23:03
Niklas L11-Jul-10 23:03 
GeneralRe: i am makeing bacarrat in c language.... it's really hard could anyone plz help? Pin
CPallini11-Jul-10 23:06
mveCPallini11-Jul-10 23:06 
GeneralRe: i am makeing bacarrat in c language.... it's really hard could anyone plz help? Pin
Niklas L11-Jul-10 23:09
Niklas L11-Jul-10 23:09 

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