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GeneralRe: Com interop Pin
grv5752-Dec-02 15:28
grv5752-Dec-02 15:28 
GeneralRe: Com interop Pin
James T. Johnson2-Dec-02 15:38
James T. Johnson2-Dec-02 15:38 
GeneralRe: Com interop Pin
grv5752-Dec-02 16:14
grv5752-Dec-02 16:14 
GeneralRe: Com interop Pin
James T. Johnson2-Dec-02 16:41
James T. Johnson2-Dec-02 16:41 
GeneralRe: Com interop Pin
grv5755-Dec-02 1:58
grv5755-Dec-02 1:58 
QuestionHow to detect account without a password Pin
Ingram Leedy2-Dec-02 12:13
Ingram Leedy2-Dec-02 12:13 
GeneralIcon depth and sizes under .Net Pin
FruitBatInShades2-Dec-02 12:05
FruitBatInShades2-Dec-02 12:05 
GeneralDatagrid IN a Datalist Pin
tidge2-Dec-02 10:20
tidge2-Dec-02 10:20 
So I have this datagrid in a web user control. The grid has some basic link buttons for functionality like Edit, Add, Update and Cancel. They all work fine when the user control is put on a web page.

I came across a need to have this datagrid repeat with some other information so I put the user control in a datalist. Now only the Edit and Add buttons work. I set some breakpoints, and it looks like any of the buttons located in the grid's EditItemTemplate will not fire their grid events. I set up some events and breakpoints in the datalist as well to see if the events were bubbling up somehow, but they weren't.
When I click on the Update or Cancel link buttons the grid reverts back to EditItemIndex equal to -1 or at least the edit line is going back to the regular ItemTemplate. I set breakpoints everyplace I was setting the grid's EditItemIndex, and again no dice.

Has anybody run into this problem? Anybody figure out a solution?
QuestionProtect the MSIL code? Pin
Rickard Andersson202-Dec-02 7:51
Rickard Andersson202-Dec-02 7:51 
AnswerRe: Protect the MSIL code? Pin
leppie2-Dec-02 8:20
leppie2-Dec-02 8:20 
GeneralRe: Protect the MSIL code? Pin
Rickard Andersson202-Dec-02 8:47
Rickard Andersson202-Dec-02 8:47 
AnswerRe: Protect the MSIL code? Pin
Nick Parker2-Dec-02 8:36
protectorNick Parker2-Dec-02 8:36 
GeneralRe: Protect the MSIL code? Pin
Rickard Andersson202-Dec-02 8:51
Rickard Andersson202-Dec-02 8:51 
GeneralRe: Protect the MSIL code? Pin
Nick Parker2-Dec-02 9:40
protectorNick Parker2-Dec-02 9:40 
AnswerRe: Protect the MSIL code? Pin
David Stone2-Dec-02 9:41
sitebuilderDavid Stone2-Dec-02 9:41 
GeneralRe: Protect the MSIL code? Pin
Rickard Andersson202-Dec-02 21:29
Rickard Andersson202-Dec-02 21:29 
Generalrecursively search the registry and delete text Pin
Derek Smigelski2-Dec-02 7:05
Derek Smigelski2-Dec-02 7:05 
GeneralRe: recursively search the registry and delete text Pin
Jeff J2-Dec-02 13:29
Jeff J2-Dec-02 13:29 
GeneralRe: recursively search the registry and delete text Pin
Derek Smigelski3-Dec-02 11:46
Derek Smigelski3-Dec-02 11:46 
GeneralRe: recursively search the registry and delete text Pin
Jeff J4-Dec-02 11:01
Jeff J4-Dec-02 11:01 
GeneralRe: recursively search the registry and delete text Pin
Jeff J4-Dec-02 17:12
Jeff J4-Dec-02 17:12 
Questionhow can i?? Pin
Vlad Beu2-Dec-02 3:48
Vlad Beu2-Dec-02 3:48 
AnswerRe: how can i?? Pin
Eric Gunnerson (msft)2-Dec-02 11:55
Eric Gunnerson (msft)2-Dec-02 11:55 
GeneralRe: how can i?? Pin
Vlad Beu2-Dec-02 12:19
Vlad Beu2-Dec-02 12:19 
QuestionHow can i read a File over the network Pin
Vlad Beu2-Dec-02 2:31
Vlad Beu2-Dec-02 2:31 

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