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AnswerRe: Copy Excel Data into Access Database Table. Pin
DaveAuld22-May-10 4:02
professionalDaveAuld22-May-10 4:02 
GeneralRe: Copy Excel Data into Access Database Table. Pin
Dalek Dave22-May-10 4:17
professionalDalek Dave22-May-10 4:17 
GeneralRe: Copy Excel Data into Access Database Table. Pin
jeshra27922-May-10 4:51
jeshra27922-May-10 4:51 
GeneralRe: Copy Excel Data into Access Database Table. Pin
DaveAuld22-May-10 5:02
professionalDaveAuld22-May-10 5:02 
GeneralRe: Copy Excel Data into Access Database Table. Pin
jeshra27922-May-10 5:40
jeshra27922-May-10 5:40 
GeneralRe: Copy Excel Data into Access Database Table. Pin
DaveAuld22-May-10 20:48
professionalDaveAuld22-May-10 20:48 
GeneralRe: Copy Excel Data into Access Database Table. Pin
jeshra27923-May-10 18:53
jeshra27923-May-10 18:53 
QuestionCompare two scanned images! Pin
FeRtoll21-May-10 8:26
FeRtoll21-May-10 8:26 
as i previously posted[^]

i still didnt find solution to make it work! Frown | :(

i made my application to scan picture find the business card on whole 1275x1775 and auto crop it so i get just 300x250 business card scaned! and it works good :P

but now i need to compre two scaned images of those business cards and tell difference if exsample one is missing one corner or have hole in the middle...

i made it work with pixelbypixel search but its to slow and gives me bad results! the only thing i found working just the way i want it to work is the vistor's compare in this project[^] from this site[^] Frown | :( can annyone help?

i would really want to finish that application until monday i just missing that compare thing Frown | :(

thank you Thumbs Up | :thumbsup:
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AnswerRe: Compare two scanned images! Pin
Dave Kreskowiak21-May-10 9:15
mveDave Kreskowiak21-May-10 9:15 
GeneralRe: Compare two scanned images! Pin
FeRtoll21-May-10 11:42
FeRtoll21-May-10 11:42 
GeneralRe: Compare two scanned images! Pin
FeRtoll21-May-10 13:34
FeRtoll21-May-10 13:34 
GeneralRe: Compare two scanned images! Pin
Dave Kreskowiak22-May-10 14:45
mveDave Kreskowiak22-May-10 14:45 
GeneralRe: Compare two scanned images! Pin
FeRtoll23-May-10 0:07
FeRtoll23-May-10 0:07 
GeneralRe: Compare two scanned images! Pin
FeRtoll23-May-10 10:33
FeRtoll23-May-10 10:33 
GeneralRe: Compare two scanned images! Pin
Dave Kreskowiak23-May-10 18:08
mveDave Kreskowiak23-May-10 18:08 
GeneralRe: Compare two scanned images! Pin
FeRtoll23-May-10 22:12
FeRtoll23-May-10 22:12 
Questioninfragistics ultrawingrid tabbing problem Pin
soterios21-May-10 3:22
soterios21-May-10 3:22 
AnswerRe: infragistics ultrawingrid tabbing problem Pin
Dave Kreskowiak21-May-10 6:57
mveDave Kreskowiak21-May-10 6:57 
QuestionCD (data or music) or DVD Pin
JR21221-May-10 0:10
JR21221-May-10 0:10 
AnswerRe: CD (data or music) or DVD Pin
JHizzle21-May-10 0:46
JHizzle21-May-10 0:46 
AnswerRe: CD (data or music) or DVD Pin
DaveAuld21-May-10 0:51
professionalDaveAuld21-May-10 0:51 
AnswerRe: CD (data or music) or DVD Pin
Baconbutty21-May-10 2:58
Baconbutty21-May-10 2:58 
GeneralRe: CD (data or music) or DVD Pin
Luc Pattyn21-May-10 3:08
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn21-May-10 3:08 
QuestionPercentage Pin
Syasyaaa20-May-10 19:52
Syasyaaa20-May-10 19:52 
AnswerRe: Percentage Pin
Andy_L_J20-May-10 20:12
Andy_L_J20-May-10 20:12 

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