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GeneralRe: Limit textbox.text to positiive and negative integers Pin
Johan Hakkesteegt19-May-10 21:51
Johan Hakkesteegt19-May-10 21:51 
QuestionOleCreatePictureIndirect NOT WORKING returns -2147467262 Pin
FeRtoll18-May-10 23:24
FeRtoll18-May-10 23:24 
AnswerRe: OleCreatePictureIndirect NOT WORKING returns -2147467262 Pin
DaveAuld19-May-10 0:11
professionalDaveAuld19-May-10 0:11 
GeneralRe: OleCreatePictureIndirect NOT WORKING returns -2147467262 Pin
FeRtoll19-May-10 2:09
FeRtoll19-May-10 2:09 
GeneralRe: OleCreatePictureIndirect NOT WORKING returns -2147467262 Pin
DaveAuld19-May-10 7:23
professionalDaveAuld19-May-10 7:23 
GeneralRe: OleCreatePictureIndirect NOT WORKING returns -2147467262 Pin
FeRtoll19-May-10 7:34
FeRtoll19-May-10 7:34 
GeneralRe: OleCreatePictureIndirect NOT WORKING returns -2147467262 Pin
DaveAuld19-May-10 8:00
professionalDaveAuld19-May-10 8:00 
GeneralRe: OleCreatePictureIndirect NOT WORKING returns -2147467262 Pin
FeRtoll19-May-10 8:39
FeRtoll19-May-10 8:39 
awww nice article! will be useful for my home door unlocker face recognition software! :P

but its to much i go look in this code now to complete my problem now! Frown | :(

i will keep trying to make the updated vb6 code to work... will wait to see what microsoft will tell becose i sent them email with my problem!

Annyway Dave thank you werry much to waisting your time on me! :P
E-Mail me

GeneralRe: OleCreatePictureIndirect NOT WORKING returns -2147467262 [modified] Pin
FeRtoll19-May-10 9:05
FeRtoll19-May-10 9:05 
QuestionHow can I clear the cache when using the WebBrowser Object Pin
Tp5harp18-May-10 22:59
Tp5harp18-May-10 22:59 
AnswerRe: How can I clear the cache when using the WebBrowser Object Pin
Johan Hakkesteegt18-May-10 23:27
Johan Hakkesteegt18-May-10 23:27 
AnswerRe: How can I clear the cache when using the WebBrowser Object Pin
Luc Pattyn19-May-10 2:18
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn19-May-10 2:18 
AnswerRe: How can I clear the cache when using the WebBrowser Object Pin
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.19-May-10 5:36
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.19-May-10 5:36 
GeneralRe: How can I clear the cache when using the WebBrowser Object Pin
Tp5harp19-May-10 9:45
Tp5harp19-May-10 9:45 
QuestionAvoid inserting a duplicate record using Pin
faisalali_7818-May-10 21:34
faisalali_7818-May-10 21:34 
AnswerRe: Avoid inserting a duplicate record using Pin
Andy_L_J18-May-10 21:41
Andy_L_J18-May-10 21:41 
AnswerRe: Avoid inserting a duplicate record using Pin
Wayne Gaylard18-May-10 21:44
professionalWayne Gaylard18-May-10 21:44 
AnswerRe: Avoid inserting a duplicate record using Pin
Johan Hakkesteegt18-May-10 22:12
Johan Hakkesteegt18-May-10 22:12 
AnswerRe: Avoid inserting a duplicate record using Pin
Luc Pattyn19-May-10 2:19
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn19-May-10 2:19 
GeneralRe: Avoid inserting a duplicate record using Pin
Johan Hakkesteegt19-May-10 2:45
Johan Hakkesteegt19-May-10 2:45 
AnswerRe: Avoid inserting a duplicate record using Pin
TheComputerMan19-May-10 6:06
TheComputerMan19-May-10 6:06 
Questionhow to check for duplication before inserting data in tables using Pin
faisalali_7818-May-10 21:13
faisalali_7818-May-10 21:13 
AnswerRe: how to check for duplication before inserting data in tables using Pin
Eduard Keilholz18-May-10 21:49
Eduard Keilholz18-May-10 21:49 
Questionhow to add controls dynamically ? [modified] Pin
sanyexian18-May-10 16:33
sanyexian18-May-10 16:33 
AnswerRe: how to add controls dynamically ? Pin
Luc Pattyn18-May-10 16:39
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn18-May-10 16:39 

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