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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: Avoid "Data Exchange" validation Pin
Niklas L14-Apr-10 0:57
Niklas L14-Apr-10 0:57 
GeneralRe: Avoid "Data Exchange" validation Pin
Code-o-mat14-Apr-10 1:02
Code-o-mat14-Apr-10 1:02 
AnswerRe: Avoid "Data Exchange" validation Pin
David Crow14-Apr-10 3:08
David Crow14-Apr-10 3:08 
AnswerRe: Avoid "Data Exchange" validation Pin
Maximilien14-Apr-10 4:46
Maximilien14-Apr-10 4:46 
QuestionChanging Printer Settings to ensure Landscape print [modified] Pin
maycockt13-Apr-10 23:27
maycockt13-Apr-10 23:27 
QuestionRe: Changing Printer Settings to ensure Landscape print Pin
David Crow14-Apr-10 3:13
David Crow14-Apr-10 3:13 
AnswerRe: Changing Printer Settings to ensure Landscape print Pin
@Intersect☺™14-Apr-10 4:22
professional@Intersect☺™14-Apr-10 4:22 
Questionexcel Pin
trioum13-Apr-10 23:18
trioum13-Apr-10 23:18 
I have a excel file . having refrences on various cells like =a1+b1 and =c3*f2 like that
it has about 100 cells having reference. but when get the excel calculate event I could not find
which cell value change having reference .

QuestionRe: excel Pin
enhzflep13-Apr-10 23:46
enhzflep13-Apr-10 23:46 
AnswerRe: excel Pin
@Intersect☺™14-Apr-10 4:24
professional@Intersect☺™14-Apr-10 4:24 
AnswerRe: excel Pin
ThatsAlok14-Apr-10 19:31
ThatsAlok14-Apr-10 19:31 
Questioncolumn width of ListView Pin
arun_pk13-Apr-10 22:18
arun_pk13-Apr-10 22:18 
AnswerRe: column width of ListView Pin
CPallini13-Apr-10 22:24
mveCPallini13-Apr-10 22:24 
AnswerRe: column width of ListView Pin
KarstenK13-Apr-10 22:54
mveKarstenK13-Apr-10 22:54 
QuestionOpening File that is already exclusively opened Pin
Harsh Shankar13-Apr-10 21:30
Harsh Shankar13-Apr-10 21:30 
AnswerRe: Opening File that is already exclusively opened Pin
Code-o-mat13-Apr-10 21:54
Code-o-mat13-Apr-10 21:54 
QuestionMessage Removed Pin
13-Apr-10 21:23
aks.13-Apr-10 21:23 
AnswerRe: MPEG-4 PinPopular
CPallini13-Apr-10 21:37
mveCPallini13-Apr-10 21:37 
GeneralRe: MPEG-4 Pin
ThatsAlok14-Apr-10 19:31
ThatsAlok14-Apr-10 19:31 
QuestionNeed information how to do screen scraping in windows using VC++/C++ Pin
John50213-Apr-10 20:55
John50213-Apr-10 20:55 
AnswerRe: Need information how to do screen scraping in windows using VC++/C++ Pin
Hadi Dayvary14-Apr-10 3:20
professionalHadi Dayvary14-Apr-10 3:20 
AnswerRe: Need information how to do screen scraping in windows using VC++/C++ Pin
ThatsAlok14-Apr-10 19:32
ThatsAlok14-Apr-10 19:32 
GeneralRe: Need information how to do screen scraping in windows using VC++/C++ Pin
John50220-Apr-10 3:41
John50220-Apr-10 3:41 
QuestionMoving controls within the dialog. Pin
shiv@nand13-Apr-10 19:41
shiv@nand13-Apr-10 19:41 
AnswerRe: Moving controls within the dialog. Pin
Emilio Garavaglia13-Apr-10 20:43
Emilio Garavaglia13-Apr-10 20:43 

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