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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: Modeless Dialog Pin
Code-o-mat2-Apr-10 23:20
Code-o-mat2-Apr-10 23:20 
GeneralRe: Modeless Dialog Pin
rjkg3-Apr-10 0:14
rjkg3-Apr-10 0:14 
GeneralRe: Modeless Dialog Pin
Code-o-mat3-Apr-10 4:32
Code-o-mat3-Apr-10 4:32 
GeneralRe: Modeless Dialog Pin
Adam Roderick J3-Apr-10 5:26
Adam Roderick J3-Apr-10 5:26 
QuestionC++ syntax: any idea to avoid overwriting functions of base class? Pin
includeh102-Apr-10 20:13
includeh102-Apr-10 20:13 
AnswerRe: C++ syntax: any idea to avoid overwriting functions of base class? Pin
CPallini2-Apr-10 23:15
mveCPallini2-Apr-10 23:15 
AnswerRe: C++ syntax: any idea to avoid overwriting functions of base class? Pin
Richard MacCutchan2-Apr-10 23:17
mveRichard MacCutchan2-Apr-10 23:17 
GeneralRe: C++ syntax: any idea to avoid overwriting functions of base class? Pin
includeh103-Apr-10 8:22
includeh103-Apr-10 8:22 
not what I need
GeneralRe: C++ syntax: any idea to avoid overwriting functions of base class? PinPopular
Richard MacCutchan3-Apr-10 9:22
mveRichard MacCutchan3-Apr-10 9:22 
GeneralRe: C++ syntax: any idea to avoid overwriting functions of base class? Pin
Leif Simon Goodwin4-Apr-10 2:09
Leif Simon Goodwin4-Apr-10 2:09 
AnswerRe: C++ syntax: any idea to avoid overwriting functions of base class? Pin
Bernódus Kristinsson24-Apr-10 14:27
Bernódus Kristinsson24-Apr-10 14:27 
Questioncan't run unicode/normalize example Pin
permutations2-Apr-10 16:09
permutations2-Apr-10 16:09 
AnswerRe: can't run unicode/normalize example Pin
Adam Roderick J2-Apr-10 18:17
Adam Roderick J2-Apr-10 18:17 
QuestionRedefination error [modified] Pin
darc koder2-Apr-10 9:47
darc koder2-Apr-10 9:47 
AnswerRe: Redefination error Pin
Rick York2-Apr-10 10:18
mveRick York2-Apr-10 10:18 
GeneralRe: Redefination error Pin
darc koder2-Apr-10 10:40
darc koder2-Apr-10 10:40 
GeneralRe: Redefination error Pin
Rick York2-Apr-10 10:52
mveRick York2-Apr-10 10:52 
AnswerRe: Redefination error Pin
Tim Craig2-Apr-10 14:09
Tim Craig2-Apr-10 14:09 
AnswerRe: Redefination error Pin
«_Superman_»2-Apr-10 15:27
professional«_Superman_»2-Apr-10 15:27 
QuestionDuplicate Handle to get Real Process Handle Pin
ForNow2-Apr-10 8:29
ForNow2-Apr-10 8:29 
AnswerRe: Duplicate Handle to get Real Process Handle Pin
Richard MacCutchan2-Apr-10 9:30
mveRichard MacCutchan2-Apr-10 9:30 
QuestionCComboBox "right allign text" option moves the list box selection arrow to the left (VC 6.0 MFC) Pin
Vaclav_2-Apr-10 8:24
Vaclav_2-Apr-10 8:24 
AnswerRe: CComboBox "right allign text" option moves the list box selection arrow to the left (VC 6.0 MFC) Pin
Richard MacCutchan2-Apr-10 9:32
mveRichard MacCutchan2-Apr-10 9:32 
GeneralRe: CComboBox "right allign text" option moves the list box selection arrow to the left (VC 6.0 MFC) Pin
Vaclav_2-Apr-10 15:41
Vaclav_2-Apr-10 15:41 
Questionlimited user in xp Pin
Boost20102-Apr-10 6:49
Boost20102-Apr-10 6:49 

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