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GeneralRe: imagebutton in placeholder Pin
kunjumonu28-Mar-10 6:32
kunjumonu28-Mar-10 6:32 
Questiongetting data for no of records Pin
inayat basha27-Mar-10 10:16
inayat basha27-Mar-10 10:16 
AnswerRe: getting data for no of records Pin
PSK_27-Mar-10 18:50
PSK_27-Mar-10 18:50 
GeneralRe: getting data for no of records Pin
Brij27-Mar-10 23:08
mentorBrij27-Mar-10 23:08 
GeneralRe: getting data for no of records Pin
PSK_28-Mar-10 2:56
PSK_28-Mar-10 2:56 
GeneralRe: getting data for no of records Pin
Brij28-Mar-10 3:14
mentorBrij28-Mar-10 3:14 
QuestionFileupload problem, please help. Pin
Farraj27-Mar-10 8:35
Farraj27-Mar-10 8:35 
AnswerRe: Fileupload problem, please help. Pin
Sandeep Mewara27-Mar-10 9:02
mveSandeep Mewara27-Mar-10 9:02 
The FileUpload control has a SaveAs(string path) method. You can use that method to save the file to any path using any filename you want. Just make sure ASP.NET has permissions to write to that path. So, you can do something like this to save the uploaded file to the uploads folder in the root of your website:
+ System.IO.Path.GetFilename(fileUpload1.FileName));

GeneralRe: Fileupload problem, please help. Pin
Farraj27-Mar-10 9:09
Farraj27-Mar-10 9:09 
AnswerRe: Fileupload problem, please help. Pin
Not Active27-Mar-10 9:12
mentorNot Active27-Mar-10 9:12 
AnswerRe: Fileupload problem, please help. Pin
Farraj27-Mar-10 9:18
Farraj27-Mar-10 9:18 
GeneralRe: Fileupload problem, please help. Pin
michaelschmitt28-Mar-10 23:48
michaelschmitt28-Mar-10 23:48 
GeneralRe: Fileupload problem, please help. Pin
Farraj29-Mar-10 2:05
Farraj29-Mar-10 2:05 
GeneralRe: Fileupload problem, please help. [modified] Pin
michaelschmitt29-Mar-10 3:35
michaelschmitt29-Mar-10 3:35 
Questionfetch date and time separately from datetime field in Pin
ships_agr27-Mar-10 6:57
ships_agr27-Mar-10 6:57 
AnswerRe: fetch date and time separately from datetime field in Pin
Tarakeshwar Reddy27-Mar-10 7:19
professionalTarakeshwar Reddy27-Mar-10 7:19 
GeneralRe: fetch date and time separately from datetime field in Pin
ships_agr27-Mar-10 7:38
ships_agr27-Mar-10 7:38 
GeneralRe: fetch date and time separately from datetime field in Pin
Tarakeshwar Reddy27-Mar-10 7:50
professionalTarakeshwar Reddy27-Mar-10 7:50 
QuestionMessage Removed Pin
27-Mar-10 3:29
kunjumonu27-Mar-10 3:29 
AnswerRe: sending email with text and url Pin
Not Active27-Mar-10 3:43
mentorNot Active27-Mar-10 3:43 
Questionemail sending with some text and url Pin
kunjumonu27-Mar-10 3:23
kunjumonu27-Mar-10 3:23 
AnswerRe: email sending with some text and url Pin
Not Active27-Mar-10 3:42
mentorNot Active27-Mar-10 3:42 
QuestionMessage Removed Pin
27-Mar-10 3:16
kunjumonu27-Mar-10 3:16 
AnswerRe: image button in placeholderr Pin
Not Active27-Mar-10 3:40
mentorNot Active27-Mar-10 3:40 
GeneralRe: image button in placeholderr Pin
kunjumonu27-Mar-10 23:51
kunjumonu27-Mar-10 23:51 

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