<asp:SqlDataSource ID ="myid" ConnectionString = "server = .\sqlexpress; integrated security = True; database = northwind;"
SelectCommand = "select LastName from employees " runat = "server" />
<asp:BulletedList runat="server" DataSourceID = "myid"/>
and its output
* System.Data.DataRowView
* System.Data.DataRowView
* System.Data.DataRowView
* System.Data.DataRowView
* System.Data.DataRowView
* System.Data.DataRowView
* System.Data.DataRowView
* System.Data.DataRowView
* System.Data.DataRowView
* System.Data.DataRowView
* System.Data.DataRowView
* System.Data.DataRowView
i want it to be LastName not its default ToString();
You are missing DataTextField binding.
Specify the control's DataSourceID property. Specify at the very least the required DataTextField. The value of each record in this field will then be displayed as the text of each item in the list.
So, you need to do:
<asp:BulletedList runat="server" DataSourceID = "myid" DataTextField="LastName" />
Also set DataTextField of your BulletedList, because without it,How BulletedList list come knowthat what to show.Use following code
<asp:BulletedList runat="server" DataSourceID = "myid" DataTextField="LastName"/>
Let me know if still face problem.Cheers!!
The same answer has been posted by Sandeep. Cheers !
Codeproject MVP
Just see the timings when I started replying, no answer was there... Cheers!!
Hmm... that may be and sometime it's happens too. But that does not mean that you vote the post "1" without any reason (If you voted).
Cheers !
Codeproject MVP
I'm trying to solve this issue for 1 week, and i can't seems to solve it.
I search through net, they say its most probably because of permission access.
I have given full rights for all the users, including "Everybody", but error still remains.
This error only will occurs after upload twice, or 3 times, or on the 5th file of uploading. Its random. So i suspect its not the permission access problem.
Below is summary of my codes.
System.Drawing.Image image = ResizeImageImg(fp.PostedFile.InputStream, ImageWidth, ImageHeight);<br />
image.Save(savepath, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
<br />
private System.Drawing.Image ResizeImageImg(Stream streamImage, int maxWidth, int maxHeight)<br />
{<br />
Bitmap originalImage = new Bitmap(streamImage);<br />
int newWidth = originalImage.Width;
int newHeight = originalImage.Height;
double aspectRatio = (double)originalImage.Width / (double)originalImage.Height;<br />
<br />
if (aspectRatio <= 1 && originalImage.Width > maxWidth)<br />
{<br />
newWidth = maxWidth;<br />
newHeight = (int)Math.Round(newWidth / aspectRatio);<br />
}<br />
else if (aspectRatio > 1 && originalImage.Height > maxHeight)<br />
{<br />
newHeight = maxHeight;<br />
newWidth = (int)Math.Round(newHeight * aspectRatio);<br />
}<br />
<br />
System.Drawing.Image CropedImage = new Bitmap(newWidth, newHeight);<br />
using (Graphics grp = Graphics.FromImage(CropedImage))<br />
{<br />
grp.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;<br />
grp.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;<br />
grp.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;<br />
grp.DrawImage(originalImage, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);<br />
<br />
grp.Dispose();<br />
originalImage.Dispose();<br />
}<br />
<br />
return CropedImage;<br />
Please help guys. If you do have any simple working codes, please share.
Ok, could you tell us what error is being raised and have you debuggd to ensure that savepath and Image are valid objects when being passed at that point?
hi thx for the reply.
yes i have check properly. the saving path is "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Personal\Web\Image\test.jpg"
If the path is incorrect, its suppose hit error on the 1st place rite? but this GDI+ error message appears after few times of upload.
any idea?
I Want Multiple Email Ids validating using Regular Expression Validator. Every mail id should be seprate with comma and space for example. dan@g.com, mike@g.com, matt@g.com .
D.V.Mallikarjuna Guptha
www.regexlib.com has multiple regular expressions that'll do what you want, pick one.
i add a TemplateField to gridview programmatically and i add a textbox in it programmatically also
the problem is:
when press on any server side button the data will clear from the gridview and the textboxes not appear to allow me to write in it
In which event you are adding this Template Field and Textbox to Gridview ? Cheers !
Codeproject MVP
What I am gussing is, he is adding the dynamic control after Page_Load, which cause the lost of view state and postback data.Cheers !
Codeproject MVP
Yes it looks like the same. He need to re-create it on postback.
Sandeep, I sent you one Chat Request in GTalk. Did u get that ? Cheers !
Codeproject MVP
Yes. I sent on that Id's only. I dropped you a mail also.
Thanks !Cheers !
Codeproject MVP
I want to run a bat file from server on a client machine, it includes print command, i am doing this with process but it shows no error and no output as well.modified on Monday, March 15, 2010 5:01 AM
Just to clarify: you want a batch file to run on a client machine?
I doubt that's possible, that would be quite the security risk.
if it's the other way around, i've done that before and sometimes it's a permissions issue, can you post what you've tried?
yes i want to run bat file(from server) to run on client machine, it is in our intranet website.
It can't work then. Sorry.