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C / C++ / MFC

GeneralRe: Structure/Class member addresses Pin
CPallini5-Mar-10 5:59
mveCPallini5-Mar-10 5:59 
GeneralRe: Structure/Class member addresses Pin
Luc Pattyn5-Mar-10 6:05
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn5-Mar-10 6:05 
GeneralRe: Structure/Class member addresses Pin
CPallini5-Mar-10 6:24
mveCPallini5-Mar-10 6:24 
AnswerRe: Structure/Class member addresses Pin
Avi Berger5-Mar-10 5:11
Avi Berger5-Mar-10 5:11 
QuestionData Type Conversions Pin
Andy2025-Mar-10 2:06
Andy2025-Mar-10 2:06 
QuestionRe: Data Type Conversions Pin
CPallini5-Mar-10 3:28
mveCPallini5-Mar-10 3:28 
AnswerI'm not following the math you're doing, but maybe this will help.. Pin
Mike the Red5-Mar-10 3:33
Mike the Red5-Mar-10 3:33 
GeneralRe: I'm not following the math you're doing, but maybe this will help.. Pin
Andy2025-Mar-10 8:12
Andy2025-Mar-10 8:12 
Sorry not made myself very clear.

Forget about strings to floats thats OK.

I need to cast from a float to a unsigned short using the information about the format about the unsigned short;

e.g. top bit is sign, LSB is the scaling.

Now if I run my code with a heading set to 3.45 this sets the unsigned short to 0xB999 which is not what I expected.

Or looking at it the other way if the value of the unsigned short is 0x0001 then this would represent heading = (float)0x0001 * LSB.

The messageData holds the data as unsigned shorts which need to be processed on Get and Set if that makes sense.

For Lat and Long two elements are used, for heading just one.
AnswerRe: Data Type Conversions Pin
Luc Pattyn5-Mar-10 4:19
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn5-Mar-10 4:19 
GeneralRe: Data Type Conversions Pin
Andy2025-Mar-10 10:48
Andy2025-Mar-10 10:48 
AnswerRe: Data Type Conversions Pin
Luc Pattyn5-Mar-10 11:38
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn5-Mar-10 11:38 
GeneralRe: Data Type Conversions Pin
Andy2025-Mar-10 22:33
Andy2025-Mar-10 22:33 
QuestionHow to receive a file name under the link? Pin
Dima Filipiuk5-Mar-10 0:58
Dima Filipiuk5-Mar-10 0:58 
AnswerRe: How to receive a file name under the link? Pin
David Crow5-Mar-10 7:07
David Crow5-Mar-10 7:07 
QuestionOLE image drag and drop between Tree controls Pin
RakeshManohar5-Mar-10 0:51
RakeshManohar5-Mar-10 0:51 
AnswerRe: OLE image drag and drop between Tree controls Pin
Eugen Podsypalnikov5-Mar-10 1:12
Eugen Podsypalnikov5-Mar-10 1:12 
GeneralRe: OLE image drag and drop between Tree controls Pin
RakeshManohar5-Mar-10 1:18
RakeshManohar5-Mar-10 1:18 
GeneralRe: OLE image drag and drop between Tree controls Pin
Eugen Podsypalnikov5-Mar-10 1:29
Eugen Podsypalnikov5-Mar-10 1:29 
GeneralRe: OLE image drag and drop between Tree controls Pin
RakeshManohar5-Mar-10 2:17
RakeshManohar5-Mar-10 2:17 
QuestionCreateProcess failed Pin
john56325-Mar-10 0:39
john56325-Mar-10 0:39 
AnswerRe: CreateProcess failed Pin
Adam Roderick J5-Mar-10 0:50
Adam Roderick J5-Mar-10 0:50 
GeneralRe: CreateProcess failed Pin
john56325-Mar-10 1:19
john56325-Mar-10 1:19 
GeneralRe: CreateProcess failed Pin
Adam Roderick J5-Mar-10 1:28
Adam Roderick J5-Mar-10 1:28 
GeneralRe: CreateProcess failed Pin
CPallini5-Mar-10 1:55
mveCPallini5-Mar-10 1:55 
GeneralRe: CreateProcess failed Pin
ycc8920095-Mar-10 3:43
ycc8920095-Mar-10 3:43 

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