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GeneralRe: Real quick... Pin
Martin Haesemeyer13-Nov-02 8:15
Martin Haesemeyer13-Nov-02 8:15 
GeneralRe: Real quick... Pin
leppie13-Nov-02 8:52
leppie13-Nov-02 8:52 
GeneralBuild .Net app, and take it to not .NET box. Receive error Pin
Derek Smigelski13-Nov-02 5:31
Derek Smigelski13-Nov-02 5:31 
GeneralRe: Build .Net app, and take it to not .NET box. Receive error Pin
Daniel Turini13-Nov-02 5:38
Daniel Turini13-Nov-02 5:38 
GeneralRe: Build .Net app, and take it to not .NET box. Receive error Pin
Bog13-Nov-02 11:33
Bog13-Nov-02 11:33 
GeneralRe: Build .Net app, and take it to not .NET box. Receive error Pin
Looney Tunezez3-Aug-04 12:45
Looney Tunezez3-Aug-04 12:45 
GeneralSingleton objects Pin
solidstore13-Nov-02 4:38
solidstore13-Nov-02 4:38 
GeneralRe: Singleton objects Pin
Marc Clifton13-Nov-02 8:14
mvaMarc Clifton13-Nov-02 8:14 
public class Foo
public static int A=1;

Now, anywhere in your code, you can say things like:

int i=Foo.A;

Read my article on C# keyword modifiers.[^]


Obviously it is not all Muslims. Just like all VB programmers are not bad...both groups tend to cause trouble, get excited and do stupid things. -- Paul Watson

Help! I'm an AI running around in someone's f*cked up universe simulator.

GeneralRe: Singleton objects Pin
Kevin McFarlane13-Nov-02 8:51
Kevin McFarlane13-Nov-02 8:51 
GeneralRe: Singleton objects Pin
Sijin13-Nov-02 18:27
Sijin13-Nov-02 18:27 
Generalrecursively search the registry and delete text found. Pin
Derek Smigelski13-Nov-02 4:21
Derek Smigelski13-Nov-02 4:21 
GeneralRe: recursively search the registry and delete text found. Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.13-Nov-02 5:45
Stephane Rodriguez.13-Nov-02 5:45 
GeneralRe: recursively search the registry and delete text found. Pin
Derek Smigelski13-Nov-02 5:55
Derek Smigelski13-Nov-02 5:55 
GeneralRe: recursively search the registry and delete text found. Pin
leppie13-Nov-02 8:55
leppie13-Nov-02 8:55 
GeneralRe: recursively search the registry and delete text found. Pin
leppie13-Nov-02 8:59
leppie13-Nov-02 8:59 
GeneralRe: recursively search the registry and delete text found. Pin
Derek Smigelski13-Nov-02 9:00
Derek Smigelski13-Nov-02 9:00 
GeneralRe: recursively search the registry and delete text found. Pin
leppie13-Nov-02 9:44
leppie13-Nov-02 9:44 
GeneralRe: recursively search the registry and delete text found. Pin
Derek Smigelski13-Nov-02 10:34
Derek Smigelski13-Nov-02 10:34 
GeneralRe: recursively search the registry and delete text found. Pin
Derek Smigelski13-Nov-02 10:41
Derek Smigelski13-Nov-02 10:41 
Generaltcpclient through proxy Pin
Kannan Kalyanaraman13-Nov-02 2:55
Kannan Kalyanaraman13-Nov-02 2:55 
GeneralOCX memory leak in C# Pin
gharrison12-Nov-02 21:29
gharrison12-Nov-02 21:29 
QuestionC# and Visual C#, Difference? Pin
Aisha Ikram12-Nov-02 21:16
Aisha Ikram12-Nov-02 21:16 
AnswerRe: C# and Visual C#, Difference? Pin
Sijin13-Nov-02 0:30
Sijin13-Nov-02 0:30 
GeneralRe: C# and Visual C#, Difference? Pin
Aisha Ikram14-Nov-02 18:08
Aisha Ikram14-Nov-02 18:08 
AnswerRe: C# and Visual C#, Difference? Pin
James T. Johnson13-Nov-02 4:01
James T. Johnson13-Nov-02 4:01 

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