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AnswerRe: Not able To show loading image Pin
T M Gray12-Feb-10 6:12
T M Gray12-Feb-10 6:12 
AnswerRe: Not able To show loading image Pin
PunkIsNotDead12-Feb-10 6:15
PunkIsNotDead12-Feb-10 6:15 
Questionwhat is extension method in net? Pin
Tridip Bhattacharjee11-Feb-10 21:37
professionalTridip Bhattacharjee11-Feb-10 21:37 
AnswerRe: what is extension method in net? Pin
Anurag Gandhi12-Feb-10 0:02
professionalAnurag Gandhi12-Feb-10 0:02 
Questionquestion regarding net project type? Pin
Tridip Bhattacharjee11-Feb-10 21:37
professionalTridip Bhattacharjee11-Feb-10 21:37 
AnswerRe: question regarding net project type? Pin
i gr811-Feb-10 22:18
i gr811-Feb-10 22:18 
AnswerRe: question regarding net project type? Pin
T M Gray12-Feb-10 4:42
T M Gray12-Feb-10 4:42 
Questionmy datepicker is not working in opera but it is workin in IE,FireFox Pin
Tridip Bhattacharjee11-Feb-10 21:36
professionalTridip Bhattacharjee11-Feb-10 21:36 
my javascript is below. please see if possible and tell me what is wrong there and how to rectify it to make it compatible for opera too.
thanks in advance

var fixedX = -1 // x position (-1 if to appear below control)
var fixedY = -1 // y position (-1 if to appear below control)
var startAt = 1 // 0 - sunday ; 1 - monday
var showWeekNumber = 1 // 0 - don't show; 1 - show
var showToday = 1 // 0 - don't show; 1 - show
/***** images directory******/
var imgDir = "images/"

var gotoString = "Go To Current Month"
var todayString = "Today is"
var weekString = "Wk"
var scrollLeftMessage = "Click to scroll to previous month. Hold mouse button to scroll automatically."
var scrollRightMessage = "Click to scroll to next month. Hold mouse button to scroll automatically."
var selectMonthMessage = "Click to select a month."
var selectYearMessage = "Click to select a year."
var selectDateMessage = "Select [date] as date." // do not replace [date], it will be replaced by date.

var crossobj, crossMonthObj, crossYearObj, monthSelected, yearSelected, dateSelected, omonthSelected, oyearSelected, odateSelected, monthConstructed, yearConstructed, intervalID1, intervalID2, timeoutID1, timeoutID2, ctlToPlaceValue, ctlNow, dateFormat, nStartingYear

var bPageLoaded=false
var ie=document.all
var dom=document.getElementById

var ns4=document.layers
var today = new Date()
var dateNow = today.getDate()
var monthNow = today.getMonth()
var yearNow = today.getYear()
var imgsrc = new Array("drop1.gif","drop2.gif","left1.gif","left2.gif","right1.gif","right2.gif")
var img = new Array()

var bShow = false;

/* hides <select> and <applet> objects (for IE only) */
function hideElement( elmID, overDiv )
if( ie )
for( i = 0; i < document.all.tags( elmID ).length; i++ )
obj = document.all.tags( elmID )[i];
if( !obj || !obj.offsetParent )

// Find the element's offsetTop and offsetLeft relative to the BODY tag.
objLeft = obj.offsetLeft;
objTop = obj.offsetTop;
objParent = obj.offsetParent;

while( objParent.tagName.toUpperCase() != "BODY" )
objLeft += objParent.offsetLeft;
objTop += objParent.offsetTop;
objParent = objParent.offsetParent;

objHeight = obj.offsetHeight;
objWidth = obj.offsetWidth;

if(( overDiv.offsetLeft + overDiv.offsetWidth ) <= objLeft );
else if(( overDiv.offsetTop + overDiv.offsetHeight ) <= objTop );
else if( overDiv.offsetTop >= ( objTop + objHeight ));
else if( overDiv.offsetLeft >= ( objLeft + objWidth ));
{ = "hidden";

* unhides <select> and <applet> objects (for IE only)
function showElement( elmID )
if( ie )
for( i = 0; i < document.all.tags( elmID ).length; i++ )
obj = document.all.tags( elmID )[i];

if( !obj || !obj.offsetParent )
} = "";

function HolidayRec (d, m, y, desc)
this.d = d
this.m = m
this.y = y
this.desc = desc

var HolidaysCounter = 0
var Holidays = new Array()

function addHoliday (d, m, y, desc)
Holidays[HolidaysCounter++] = new HolidayRec ( d, m, y, desc )

if (dom)
for (i=0;i<imgsrc.length;i++)
img[i] = new Image
img[i].src = imgDir + imgsrc[i]
document.write ("<div onclick='bShow=true' id='calendar' style='z-index:+999;position:absolute;visibility:hidden;'><table width="+((showWeekNumber==1)?250:220)+" style='font-family:arial;font-size:11px;border-width:1;border-style:solid;border-color:#a0a0a0;font-family:arial; font-size:11px}' bgcolor='#ffffff'><tr bgcolor='#0000aa'><td><table width='"+((showWeekNumber==1)?248:218)+"'><tr><td style='padding:2px;font-family:arial; font-size:11px;'><font color='#ffffff'><B><span id='caption'></span></B></font></td><td align=right><a href='javascript:hideCalendar()'><IMG SRC='"+imgDir+"close.gif' WIDTH='15' HEIGHT='13' BORDER='0' ALT='Close the Calendar'></a></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td style='padding:5px' bgcolor=#ffffff><span id='content'></span></td></tr>")

if (showToday==1)
document.write ("<tr bgcolor=#f0f0f0><td style='padding:5px' align=center><span id='lblToday'></span></td></tr>")

document.write ("</table></div><div id='selectMonth' style='z-index:+999;position:absolute;visibility:hidden;'></div><div id='selectYear' style='z-index:+999;position:absolute;visibility:hidden;'></div>");

var monthName = new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December")
if (startAt==0)
dayName = new Array ("Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat")
dayName = new Array ("Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat","Sun")
var styleAnchor="text-decoration:none;color:black;"
var styleLightBorder="border-style:solid;border-width:1px;border-color:#a0a0a0;"

function swapImage(srcImg, destImg){
if (ie) { document.getElementById(srcImg).setAttribute("src",imgDir + destImg) }

function init() {
if (!ns4)
if (!ie) { yearNow += 1900 }

crossobj=(dom)?document.getElementById("calendar").style : ie? document.all.calendar : document.calendar

crossMonthObj=(dom)?document.getElementById("selectMonth").style : ie? document.all.selectMonth : document.selectMonth

crossYearObj=(dom)?document.getElementById("selectYear").style : ie? document.all.selectYear : document.selectYear


if (showToday==1)
document.getElementById("lblToday").innerHTML = todayString + " <a onmousemove='window.status=\""+gotoString+"\"' onmouseout='window.status=\"\"' title='"+gotoString+"' style='"+styleAnchor+"' href='javascript:monthSelected=monthNow;yearSelected=yearNow;constructCalendar();'>"+dayName[(today.getDay()-startAt==-1)?6:(today.getDay()-startAt)]+", " + dateNow + " " + monthName[monthNow].substring(0,3) + " " + yearNow + "</a>"

sHTML1="<span id='spanLeft' style='border-style:solid;border-width:1;border-color:#3366FF;cursor:pointer' onmouseover='swapImage(\"changeLeft\",\"left2.gif\");\"#88AAFF\";window.status=\""+scrollLeftMessage+"\"' onclick='javascript:decMonth()' onmouseout='clearInterval(intervalID1);swapImage(\"changeLeft\",\"left1.gif\");\"#3366FF\";window.status=\"\"' onmousedown='clearTimeout(timeoutID1);timeoutID1=setTimeout(\"StartDecMonth()\",500)' onmouseup='clearTimeout(timeoutID1);clearInterval(intervalID1)'>&nbsp<IMG id='changeLeft' SRC='"+imgDir+"left1.gif' width=10 height=11 BORDER=0>&nbsp</span>&nbsp;"
sHTML1+="<span id='spanRight' style='border-style:solid;border-width:1;border-color:#3366FF;cursor:pointer' onmouseover='swapImage(\"changeRight\",\"right2.gif\");\"#88AAFF\";window.status=\""+scrollRightMessage+"\"' onmouseout='clearInterval(intervalID1);swapImage(\"changeRight\",\"right1.gif\");\"#3366FF\";window.status=\"\"' onclick='incMonth()' onmousedown='clearTimeout(timeoutID1);timeoutID1=setTimeout(\"StartIncMonth()\",500)' onmouseup='clearTimeout(timeoutID1);clearInterval(intervalID1)'>&nbsp<IMG id='changeRight' SRC='"+imgDir+"right1.gif' width=10 height=11 BORDER=0>&nbsp</span>&nbsp"
sHTML1+="<span id='spanMonth' style='border-style:solid;border-width:1;border-color:#3366FF;cursor:pointer' onmouseover='swapImage(\"changeMonth\",\"drop2.gif\");\"#88AAFF\";window.status=\""+selectMonthMessage+"\"' onmouseout='swapImage(\"changeMonth\",\"drop1.gif\");\"#3366FF\";window.status=\"\"' onclick='popUpMonth()'></span>&nbsp;"
sHTML1+="<span id='spanYear' style='border-style:solid;border-width:1;border-color:#3366FF;cursor:pointer' onmouseover='swapImage(\"changeYear\",\"drop2.gif\");\"#88AAFF\";window.status=\""+selectYearMessage+"\"' onmouseout='swapImage(\"changeYear\",\"drop1.gif\");\"#3366FF\";window.status=\"\"' onclick='popUpYear()'></span>&nbsp;"

document.getElementById("caption").innerHTML = sHTML1


function hideCalendar() {
if (crossMonthObj != null){crossMonthObj.visibility="hidden"}
if (crossYearObj != null){crossYearObj.visibility="hidden"}

showElement( 'SELECT' );
showElement( 'APPLET' );

function padZero(num) {
return (num < 10)? '0' + num : num ;

function constructDate(d,m,y)
sTmp = dateFormat
sTmp = sTmp.replace ("dd","<e>")
sTmp = sTmp.replace ("d","<d>")
sTmp = sTmp.replace ("<e>",padZero(d))
sTmp = sTmp.replace ("<d>",d)
sTmp = sTmp.replace ("mmm","<o>")
sTmp = sTmp.replace ("mm","<n>")
sTmp = sTmp.replace ("m","<m>")
sTmp = sTmp.replace ("<m>",m+1)
sTmp = sTmp.replace ("<n>",padZero(m+1))
sTmp = sTmp.replace ("<o>",monthName[m])
return sTmp.replace ("yyyy",y)

function closeCalendar() {
var sTmp

ctlToPlaceValue.value = constructDate(dateSelected,monthSelected,yearSelected)

/*** Month Pulldown ***/

function StartDecMonth()

function StartIncMonth()

function incMonth () {
if (monthSelected>11) {

function decMonth () {
if (monthSelected<0) {

function constructMonth() {
if (!monthConstructed) {
sHTML = ""
for (i=0; i<12; i++) {
sName = monthName[i];
if (i==monthSelected){
sName = "<B>" + sName + "</B>"
sHTML += "<tr><td id='m" + i + "' onmouseover='\"#FFCC99\"' onmouseout='\"\"' style='cursor:pointer' onclick='monthConstructed=false;monthSelected=" + i + ";constructCalendar();popDownMonth();event.cancelBubble=true'>&nbsp;" + sName + "&nbsp;</td></tr>"

document.getElementById("selectMonth").innerHTML = "<table width=70 style='font-family:arial; font-size:11px; border-width:1; border-style:solid; border-color:#a0a0a0;' bgcolor='#FFFFDD' cellspacing=0 onmouseover='clearTimeout(timeoutID1)' onmouseout='clearTimeout(timeoutID1);timeoutID1=setTimeout(\"popDownMonth()\",100);event.cancelBubble=true'>" + sHTML + "</table>"


function popUpMonth() {
crossMonthObj.visibility = (dom||ie)? "visible" : "show"
crossMonthObj.left = parseInt(crossobj.left) + 50 = parseInt( + 26

hideElement( 'SELECT', document.getElementById("selectMonth") );
hideElement( 'APPLET', document.getElementById("selectMonth") );

function popDownMonth() {
crossMonthObj.visibility= "hidden"

/*** Year Pulldown ***/

function incYear() {
for (i=0; i<7; i++){
newYear = (i+nStartingYear)+1
if (newYear==yearSelected)
{ txtYear = "&nbsp;<B>" + newYear + "</B>&nbsp;" }
{ txtYear = "&nbsp;" + newYear + "&nbsp;" }
document.getElementById("y"+i).innerHTML = txtYear
nStartingYear ++;

function decYear() {
for (i=0; i<7; i++){
newYear = (i+nStartingYear)-1
if (newYear==yearSelected)
{ txtYear = "&nbsp;<B>" + newYear + "</B>&nbsp;" }
{ txtYear = "&nbsp;" + newYear + "&nbsp;" }
document.getElementById("y"+i).innerHTML = txtYear
nStartingYear --;

function selectYear(nYear) {

function constructYear() {
sHTML = ""
if (!yearConstructed) {

sHTML = "<tr><td align='center' onmouseover='\"#FFCC99\"' onmouseout='clearInterval(intervalID1);\"\"' style='cursor:pointer' onmousedown='clearInterval(intervalID1);intervalID1=setInterval(\"decYear()\",30)' onmouseup='clearInterval(intervalID1)'>-</td></tr>"

j = 0
nStartingYear = yearSelected-3
for (i=(yearSelected-3); i<=(yearSelected+3); i++) {
sName = i;
if (i==yearSelected){
sName = "<B>" + sName + "</B>"

sHTML += "<tr><td id='y" + j + "' onmouseover='\"#FFCC99\"' onmouseout='\"\"' style='cursor:pointer' onclick='selectYear("+j+");event.cancelBubble=true'>&nbsp;" + sName + "&nbsp;</td></tr>"
j ++;

sHTML += "<tr><td align='center' onmouseover='\"#FFCC99\"' onmouseout='clearInterval(intervalID2);\"\"' style='cursor:pointer' onmousedown='clearInterval(intervalID2);intervalID2=setInterval(\"incYear()\",30)' onmouseup='clearInterval(intervalID2)'>+</td></tr>"

document.getElementById("selectYear").innerHTML = "<table width=44 style='font-family:arial; font-size:11px; border-width:1; border-style:solid; border-color:#a0a0a0;' bgcolor='#FFFFDD' onmouseover='clearTimeout(timeoutID2)' onmouseout='clearTimeout(timeoutID2);timeoutID2=setTimeout(\"popDownYear()\",100)' cellspacing=0>" + sHTML + "</table>"

yearConstructed = true

function popDownYear() {
crossYearObj.visibility= "hidden"

function popUpYear() {
var leftOffset

crossYearObj.visibility = (dom||ie)? "visible" : "show"
leftOffset = parseInt(crossobj.left) + document.getElementById("spanYear").offsetLeft
if (ie)
leftOffset += 6
crossYearObj.left = leftOffset = parseInt( + 26

/*** calendar ***/
function WeekNbr(n) {
// Algorithm used:
// From Klaus Tondering's Calendar document (The Authority/Guru)
// hhtp://
// a = (14-month) / 12
// y = year + 4800 - a
// m = month + 12a - 3
// J = day + (153m + 2) / 5 + 365y + y / 4 - y / 100 + y / 400 - 32045
// d4 = (J + 31741 - (J mod 7)) mod 146097 mod 36524 mod 1461
// L = d4 / 1460
// d1 = ((d4 - L) mod 365) + L
// WeekNumber = d1 / 7 + 1

year = n.getFullYear();
month = n.getMonth() + 1;
if (startAt == 0) {
day = n.getDate() + 1;
else {
day = n.getDate();

a = Math.floor((14-month) / 12);
y = year + 4800 - a;
m = month + 12 * a - 3;
b = Math.floor(y/4) - Math.floor(y/100) + Math.floor(y/400);
J = day + Math.floor((153 * m + 2) / 5) + 365 * y + b - 32045;
d4 = (((J + 31741 - (J % 7)) % 146097) % 36524) % 1461;
L = Math.floor(d4 / 1460);
d1 = ((d4 - L) % 365) + L;
week = Math.floor(d1/7) + 1;

return week;

function constructCalendar () {
var aNumDays = Array (31,0,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31)

var dateMessage
var startDate = new Date (yearSelected,monthSelected,1)
var endDate

if (monthSelected==1)
endDate = new Date (yearSelected,monthSelected+1,1);
endDate = new Date (endDate - (24*60*60*1000));
numDaysInMonth = endDate.getDate()
numDaysInMonth = aNumDays[monthSelected];

datePointer = 0
dayPointer = startDate.getDay() - startAt

if (dayPointer<0)
dayPointer = 6

sHTML = "<table border=0 style='font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;'><tr>"

if (showWeekNumber==1)
sHTML += "<td width=27><b>" + weekString + "</b></td><td width=1 rowspan=7 bgcolor='#d0d0d0' style='padding:0px'><img src='"+imgDir+"divider.gif' width=1></td>"

for (i=0; i<7; i++) {
sHTML += "<td width='27' align='right'><B>"+ dayName[i]+"</B></td>"
sHTML +="</tr><tr>"

if (showWeekNumber==1)
sHTML += "<td align=right>" + WeekNbr(startDate) + "&nbsp;</td>"

for ( var i=1; i<=dayPointer;i++ )
sHTML += "<td>&nbsp;</td>"

for ( datePointer=1; datePointer<=numDaysInMonth; datePointer++ )
sHTML += "<td align=right>"
if ((datePointer==odateSelected) && (monthSelected==omonthSelected) && (yearSelected==oyearSelected))
{ sStyle+=styleLightBorder }

sHint = ""
for (k=0;k<HolidaysCounter;k++)
if ((parseInt(Holidays[k].d)==datePointer)&&(parseInt(Holidays[k].m)==(monthSelected+1)))
if ((parseInt(Holidays[k].y)==0)||((parseInt(Holidays[k].y)==yearSelected)&&(parseInt(Holidays[k].y)!=0)))

var regexp= /\"/g

dateMessage = "onmousemove='window.status=\""+selectDateMessage.replace("[date]",constructDate(datePointer,monthSelected,yearSelected))+"\"' onmouseout='window.status=\"\"' "

if ((datePointer==dateNow)&&(monthSelected==monthNow)&&(yearSelected==yearNow))
{ sHTML += "<b><a "+dateMessage+" title=\"" + sHint + "\" style='"+sStyle+"' href='javascript:dateSelected="+datePointer+";closeCalendar();'><font color=#ff0000>&nbsp;" + datePointer + "</font>&nbsp;</a></b>"}
else if (dayPointer % 7 == (startAt * -1)+1)
{ sHTML += "<a "+dateMessage+" title=\"" + sHint + "\" style='"+sStyle+"' href='javascript:dateSelected="+datePointer + ";closeCalendar();'>&nbsp;<font color=#909090>" + datePointer + "</font>&nbsp;</a>" }
{ sHTML += "<a "+dateMessage+" title=\"" + sHint + "\" style='"+sStyle+"' href='javascript:dateSelected="+datePointer + ";closeCalendar();'>&nbsp;" + datePointer + "&nbsp;</a>" }

sHTML += ""
if ((dayPointer+startAt) % 7 == startAt) {
sHTML += "</tr><tr>"
if ((showWeekNumber==1)&&(datePointer<numDaysInMonth))
sHTML += "<td align=right>" + (WeekNbr(new Date(yearSelected,monthSelected,datePointer+1))) + "&nbsp;</td>"

document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = sHTML
document.getElementById("spanMonth").innerHTML = "&nbsp;" + monthName[monthSelected] + "&nbsp;<IMG id='changeMonth' SRC='"+imgDir+"drop1.gif' WIDTH='12' HEIGHT='10' BORDER=0>"
document.getElementById("spanYear").innerHTML = "&nbsp;" + yearSelected + "&nbsp;<IMG id='changeYear' SRC='"+imgDir+"drop1.gif' WIDTH='12' HEIGHT='10' BORDER=0>"

function popUpCalendar(ctl, ctl2, format) {
var leftpos=0
var toppos=0

if (bPageLoaded)
if ( crossobj.visibility == "hidden" ) {
ctlToPlaceValue = ctl2

formatChar = " "
aFormat = dateFormat.split(formatChar)
if (aFormat.length<3)
formatChar = "/"
aFormat = dateFormat.split(formatChar)
if (aFormat.length<3)
formatChar = "."
aFormat = dateFormat.split(formatChar)
if (aFormat.length<3)
formatChar = "-"
aFormat = dateFormat.split(formatChar)
if (aFormat.length<3)
// invalid date format

tokensChanged = 0
if ( formatChar != "" )
// use user's date
aData = ctl2.value.split(formatChar)

for (i=0;i<3;i++)
if ((aFormat[i]=="d") || (aFormat[i]=="dd"))
dateSelected = parseInt(aData[i], 10)
tokensChanged ++
else if ((aFormat[i]=="m") || (aFormat[i]=="mm"))
monthSelected = parseInt(aData[i], 10) - 1
tokensChanged ++
else if (aFormat[i]=="yyyy")
yearSelected = parseInt(aData[i], 10)
tokensChanged ++
else if (aFormat[i]=="mmm")
for (j=0; j<12; j++)
if (aData[i]==monthName[j])
tokensChanged ++

if ((tokensChanged!=3)||isNaN(dateSelected)||isNaN(monthSelected)||isNaN(yearSelected))
dateSelected = dateNow
monthSelected = monthNow
yearSelected = yearNow


aTag = ctl
do {
aTag = aTag.offsetParent;
leftpos += aTag.offsetLeft;
toppos += aTag.offsetTop;
} while(aTag.tagName!="BODY");

crossobj.left = fixedX==-1 ? ctl.offsetLeft + leftpos : fixedX = fixedY==-1 ? ctl.offsetTop + toppos + ctl.offsetHeight + 2 : fixedY
constructCalendar (1, monthSelected, yearSelected);
crossobj.visibility=(dom||ie)? "visible" : "show"

hideElement( 'SELECT', document.getElementById("calendar") );
hideElement( 'APPLET', document.getElementById("calendar") );

bShow = true;
if (ctlNow!=ctl) {popUpCalendar(ctl, ctl2, format)}
ctlNow = ctl

document.onkeypress = function hidecal1 () {
if (event.keyCode==27)
document.onclick = function hidecal2 () {
if (!bShow)
bShow = false


AnswerRe: my datepicker is not working in opera but it is workin in IE,FireFox Pin
i gr811-Feb-10 22:23
i gr811-Feb-10 22:23 
Questionopensource advance image editor for Pin
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QuestionMaster page and Frame? Pin
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QuestionHow to encrypt javascript from server side code when it will emit in page? Pin
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professionalTridip Bhattacharjee11-Feb-10 21:35 
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professionalTridip Bhattacharjee11-Feb-10 21:34 
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i gr811-Feb-10 22:37 
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T M Gray12-Feb-10 4:11 

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