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AnswerRe: help Pin
Eddy Vluggen27-Jan-10 8:48
professionalEddy Vluggen27-Jan-10 8:48 
AnswerRe: help Pin
DaveyM6927-Jan-10 9:18
professionalDaveyM6927-Jan-10 9:18 
GeneralRe: help Pin
Luc Pattyn27-Jan-10 9:35
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn27-Jan-10 9:35 
AnswerRe: help Pin
harold aptroot27-Jan-10 9:21
harold aptroot27-Jan-10 9:21 
QuestionProblem with events... Pin
Kaikus27-Jan-10 5:17
Kaikus27-Jan-10 5:17 
AnswerRe: Problem with events... Pin
PIEBALDconsult27-Jan-10 5:28
mvePIEBALDconsult27-Jan-10 5:28 
AnswerRe: Problem with events... Pin
N a v a n e e t h27-Jan-10 5:33
N a v a n e e t h27-Jan-10 5:33 
AnswerRe: Problem with events... Pin
hammerstein0527-Jan-10 7:27
hammerstein0527-Jan-10 7:27 
The issue is that the MdiParent is not set within the construction of your child window. It's a property you set after the MDIChild has been created. You could create a register method on your child class and after you've set the MDIParent of the class, call MDIChild.Register( ).

Not the best way, I'm certain, however it would do what you needed.
GeneralRe: Problem with events... Pin
Kaikus27-Jan-10 22:05
Kaikus27-Jan-10 22:05 
QuestionHow to make Shapes Window invisible in Visio through Programmatically Pin
NarVish27-Jan-10 4:37
NarVish27-Jan-10 4:37 
AnswerRe: How to make Shapes Window invisible in Visio through Programmatically Pin
NarVish27-Jan-10 5:27
NarVish27-Jan-10 5:27 
QuestionSQL Pin
jojoba201027-Jan-10 4:21
jojoba201027-Jan-10 4:21 
AnswerRe: SQL Pin
Rob Philpott27-Jan-10 4:26
Rob Philpott27-Jan-10 4:26 
QuestionRe: SQL Pin
jojoba201027-Jan-10 4:28
jojoba201027-Jan-10 4:28 
AnswerRe: SQL Pin
PIEBALDconsult27-Jan-10 5:29
mvePIEBALDconsult27-Jan-10 5:29 
QuestionProblem with a newer version of a dll Pin
KittyKit27-Jan-10 2:58
KittyKit27-Jan-10 2:58 
AnswerRe: Problem with a newer version of a dll Pin
ddecoy27-Jan-10 3:17
ddecoy27-Jan-10 3:17 
GeneralRe: Problem with a newer version of a dll Pin
KittyKit27-Jan-10 3:30
KittyKit27-Jan-10 3:30 
GeneralRe: Problem with a newer version of a dll Pin
ddecoy27-Jan-10 3:37
ddecoy27-Jan-10 3:37 
GeneralRe: Problem with a newer version of a dll Pin
KittyKit27-Jan-10 4:47
KittyKit27-Jan-10 4:47 
Questionsystem._ComObject databinding [modified] Pin
ddecoy27-Jan-10 2:30
ddecoy27-Jan-10 2:30 
Questionpls explain the error i have stated with the code....(wen i tend to insert the datas into the table) Pin
vidhulibra 27-Jan-10 1:10
vidhulibra 27-Jan-10 1:10 
AnswerRe: pls explain the error i have stated with the code....(wen i tend to insert the datas into the table) Pin
#realJSOP27-Jan-10 1:18
professional#realJSOP27-Jan-10 1:18 
AnswerRe: pls explain the error i have stated with the code....(wen i tend to insert the datas into the table) Pin
Vikram A Punathambekar27-Jan-10 1:20
Vikram A Punathambekar27-Jan-10 1:20 
AnswerRe: pls explain the error i have stated with the code....(wen i tend to insert the datas into the table) Pin
#realJSOP27-Jan-10 1:26
professional#realJSOP27-Jan-10 1:26 

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