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GeneralRe: A simple function pointer question... Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.9-Nov-02 2:50
Stephane Rodriguez.9-Nov-02 2:50 
GeneralMDI application Pin
Le centriste8-Nov-02 17:43
Le centriste8-Nov-02 17:43 
GeneralRe: MDI application Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.8-Nov-02 19:37
Stephane Rodriguez.8-Nov-02 19:37 
GeneralRe: MDI application Pin
Le centriste9-Nov-02 7:33
Le centriste9-Nov-02 7:33 
GeneralRe: MDI application Pin
Eric Gunnerson (msft)11-Nov-02 7:44
Eric Gunnerson (msft)11-Nov-02 7:44 
GeneralFileSize Pin
kavehdr8-Nov-02 12:08
kavehdr8-Nov-02 12:08 
GeneralRe: FileSize Pin
ian mariano8-Nov-02 20:03
ian mariano8-Nov-02 20:03 
GeneralC# determinism Pin
AaronStibich8-Nov-02 12:03
AaronStibich8-Nov-02 12:03 
I have been reading alot about C# determinism, and most of the literature addresses destructors. I understand that the garbage collection is now responsible for calling the class destructor, and the GC is undeterministic. I have read recommendations to implement IDispose and have the client call Dispose(), but what about client server architectures. If I have one C# server connected to multiple clients, which client calls Dispose()? Isn't this why reference counting was invented?

My biggest concern is whether or not my C# server will contain a message pump - someone alluded earlier that it will. Anyone who has created a COM STA server will know that message pumps make your code slow and VERY undeterministic. How to you create a message pump free C# server (something equivilent to a MTA server in COM)?



QuestionAaarrrgggghhh what have I done??? Pin
LongRange.Shooter8-Nov-02 9:24
LongRange.Shooter8-Nov-02 9:24 
AnswerRe: Aaarrrgggghhh what have I done??? Pin
LongRange.Shooter8-Nov-02 9:41
LongRange.Shooter8-Nov-02 9:41 
GeneralHashtable Pin
afronaut8-Nov-02 6:57
afronaut8-Nov-02 6:57 
GeneralRe: Hashtable Pin
perlmunger8-Nov-02 7:19
perlmunger8-Nov-02 7:19 
GeneralRe: Hashtable Pin
afronaut8-Nov-02 8:51
afronaut8-Nov-02 8:51 
GeneralRe: Hashtable Pin
perlmunger8-Nov-02 9:22
perlmunger8-Nov-02 9:22 
GeneralRe: Hashtable Pin
afronaut8-Nov-02 9:52
afronaut8-Nov-02 9:52 
GeneralRe: Hashtable Pin
leppie8-Nov-02 12:48
leppie8-Nov-02 12:48 
GeneralRe: Hashtable Pin
John Fisher8-Nov-02 11:05
John Fisher8-Nov-02 11:05 
QuestionCan someone verify these assumptions on dialog boxes? Pin
LongRange.Shooter8-Nov-02 6:35
LongRange.Shooter8-Nov-02 6:35 
AnswerRe: Can someone verify these assumptions on dialog boxes? Pin
Daaron8-Nov-02 6:44
Daaron8-Nov-02 6:44 
GeneralRe: Can someone verify these assumptions on dialog boxes? Pin
LongRange.Shooter8-Nov-02 6:48
LongRange.Shooter8-Nov-02 6:48 
AnswerRe: Can someone verify these assumptions on dialog boxes? Pin
Richard Deeming8-Nov-02 6:53
mveRichard Deeming8-Nov-02 6:53 
AnswerRe: Can someone verify these assumptions on dialog boxes? Pin
James T. Johnson8-Nov-02 7:07
James T. Johnson8-Nov-02 7:07 
GeneralTransparency Pin
MrEyes8-Nov-02 6:14
MrEyes8-Nov-02 6:14 
GeneralRe: Transparency Pin
Paul Watson8-Nov-02 6:45
sitebuilderPaul Watson8-Nov-02 6:45 
GeneralRe: Transparency Pin
Andrew Lewis8-Nov-02 8:50
Andrew Lewis8-Nov-02 8:50 

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