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AnswerRe: Create an Insert SQL - Statement for insert a date Pin
Shivendra Pandey17-Dec-09 2:17
Shivendra Pandey17-Dec-09 2:17 
AnswerRe: Create an Insert SQL - Statement for insert a date [modified] Pin
OriginalGriff17-Dec-09 2:33
mveOriginalGriff17-Dec-09 2:33 
GeneralRe: Create an Insert SQL - Statement for insert a date Pin
loyal ginger17-Dec-09 4:05
loyal ginger17-Dec-09 4:05 
GeneralRe: Create an Insert SQL - Statement for insert a date Pin
OriginalGriff17-Dec-09 4:09
mveOriginalGriff17-Dec-09 4:09 
AnswerRe: Create an Insert SQL - Statement for insert a date Pin
cysccnu17-Dec-09 3:34
cysccnu17-Dec-09 3:34 
GeneralRe: Create an Insert SQL - Statement for insert a date Pin
PIEBALDconsult17-Dec-09 5:07
mvePIEBALDconsult17-Dec-09 5:07 
GeneralRe: Create an Insert SQL - Statement for insert a date Pin
OriginalGriff17-Dec-09 5:18
mveOriginalGriff17-Dec-09 5:18 
GeneralRe: Create an Insert SQL - Statement for insert a date Pin
PIEBALDconsult17-Dec-09 8:21
mvePIEBALDconsult17-Dec-09 8:21 
Yes, for those reasons, plus performance in a loop:

If you concatenate SQL strings to insert a million such rows the server has to prepare a million SQL statements, but by using a parameterized statement the server prepares the statement once and uses the cached execution plan a million times (at least in theory).
QuestionInjection Games Menu. Pin
evangile17-Dec-09 1:36
evangile17-Dec-09 1:36 
AnswerRe: Injection Games Menu. Pin
Eddy Vluggen17-Dec-09 2:34
professionalEddy Vluggen17-Dec-09 2:34 
GeneralRe: Injection Games Menu. Pin
evangile17-Dec-09 3:34
evangile17-Dec-09 3:34 
GeneralRe: Injection Games Menu. Pin
Eddy Vluggen17-Dec-09 3:40
professionalEddy Vluggen17-Dec-09 3:40 
AnswerRe: Injection Games Menu. Pin
EliottA17-Dec-09 3:01
EliottA17-Dec-09 3:01 
GeneralRe: Injection Games Menu. Pin
evangile17-Dec-09 3:28
evangile17-Dec-09 3:28 
GeneralRe: Injection Games Menu. Pin
EliottA17-Dec-09 3:31
EliottA17-Dec-09 3:31 
GeneralRe: Injection Games Menu. Pin
evangile17-Dec-09 3:36
evangile17-Dec-09 3:36 
QuestionHow to convert List to datatable Pin
NK717-Dec-09 0:48
NK717-Dec-09 0:48 
AnswerRe: How to convert List to datatable Pin
Ashfield17-Dec-09 1:11
Ashfield17-Dec-09 1:11 
GeneralRe: How to convert List to datatable Pin
Paulo Zemek17-Dec-09 1:28
Paulo Zemek17-Dec-09 1:28 
AnswerRe: How to convert List to datatable Pin
i.j.russell17-Dec-09 2:50
i.j.russell17-Dec-09 2:50 
AnswerRe: How to convert List to datatable Pin
hamed-vojdani18-Dec-09 6:50
hamed-vojdani18-Dec-09 6:50 
QuestionChicking the congestion occourance & implementation of congestion avoidance algorithms Pin
3bood.ghzawi17-Dec-09 0:30
3bood.ghzawi17-Dec-09 0:30 
AnswerRe: Chicking the congestion occourance & implementation of congestion avoidance algorithms Pin
OriginalGriff17-Dec-09 1:09
mveOriginalGriff17-Dec-09 1:09 
AnswerRe: Chicking the congestion occourance & implementation of congestion avoidance algorithms Pin
3bood.ghzawi17-Dec-09 1:40
3bood.ghzawi17-Dec-09 1:40 
GeneralRe: Chicking the congestion occourance & implementation of congestion avoidance algorithms Pin
ragnaroknrol17-Dec-09 8:23
ragnaroknrol17-Dec-09 8:23 

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