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QuestionScaleTransform sometimes produces glaring artifacts [modified] Pin
fjparisIII5-Dec-09 13:47
fjparisIII5-Dec-09 13:47 
AnswerRe: ScaleTransform sometimes produces glaring artifacts [modified] Pin
Insincere Dave6-Dec-09 13:55
Insincere Dave6-Dec-09 13:55 
GeneralRe: ScaleTransform sometimes produces glaring artifacts Pin
fjparisIII6-Dec-09 14:35
fjparisIII6-Dec-09 14:35 
GeneralRe: ScaleTransform sometimes produces glaring artifacts Pin
fjparisIII7-Dec-09 6:32
fjparisIII7-Dec-09 6:32 
GeneralRe: ScaleTransform sometimes produces glaring artifacts Pin
Insincere Dave7-Dec-09 13:43
Insincere Dave7-Dec-09 13:43 
GeneralRe: ScaleTransform sometimes produces glaring artifacts Pin
fjparisIII7-Dec-09 14:46
fjparisIII7-Dec-09 14:46 
GeneralRe: ScaleTransform sometimes produces glaring artifacts Pin
Insincere Dave7-Dec-09 16:30
Insincere Dave7-Dec-09 16:30 
GeneralRe: ScaleTransform sometimes produces glaring artifacts Pin
fjparisIII8-Dec-09 7:15
fjparisIII8-Dec-09 7:15 
Insincere Dave wrote:
I had already tried 2904,5000 and didn't see anything.

I tried your code at 3008 and 5000, with my original image at 4288x2848. Resizing to 5000, the artifacts are so horrendous that the original image is barely visible. That same image at 3008 had some barely detectable artifacts, so perhaps you have some extremely simple image that doesn't show the problem. Try a full resolution, digital photograph of people from a modern 12 MPixel DSLR with a variety of colors from clothing and skin tones.

Insincere Dave wrote:
You could try forcing software rendering and see if it is a driver issue

I'm not sure how your example would be used. RenderTargetBitmap also uses software rendering and at least I can get my arms round that. Would that accomplish the same thing you're suggesting?

Just a little more background: The original purpose of my scaling function was to provide a batch operation to scale full resolution images straight out of the camera down to a size that can be shown on commonly available monitors 1:1 in a photo viewing application. The batch operation can operate on a single folder or recursively, down a folder tree, so the batch operation can theoretically scale thousands of images with a single mouse click, writing them to another folder tree that mirrors the original, only containing scaled down images. There are no commonly available monitors with resolutions > 2900x2900 and so in my original testing, I never ran across this problem.

But one of my beta testers "graduated" from a 6 MPixel digital SLR to a 12 MPixel digital SLR and found working with 3008x3008 images was a lot more convenient than working with 4288x4288 images. So he tried to use my program to perform this scaling. That's how he ran into the problem.
GeneralRe: ScaleTransform sometimes produces glaring artifacts Pin
fjparisIII9-Dec-09 4:54
fjparisIII9-Dec-09 4:54 
GeneralRe: ScaleTransform sometimes produces glaring artifacts Pin
Insincere Dave9-Dec-09 6:19
Insincere Dave9-Dec-09 6:19 
GeneralRe: ScaleTransform sometimes produces glaring artifacts Pin
fjparisIII9-Dec-09 7:20
fjparisIII9-Dec-09 7:20 
GeneralRe: ScaleTransform sometimes produces glaring artifacts Pin
fjparisIII9-Dec-09 9:20
fjparisIII9-Dec-09 9:20 
GeneralRe: ScaleTransform sometimes produces glaring artifacts Pin
Insincere Dave9-Dec-09 9:48
Insincere Dave9-Dec-09 9:48 
GeneralRe: ScaleTransform sometimes produces glaring artifacts Pin
fjparisIII9-Dec-09 10:01
fjparisIII9-Dec-09 10:01 
GeneralRe: ScaleTransform sometimes produces glaring artifacts SOLVED!!! Pin
fjparisIII9-Dec-09 11:05
fjparisIII9-Dec-09 11:05 
GeneralRe: ScaleTransform sometimes produces glaring artifacts SOLVED!!! Pin
Insincere Dave9-Dec-09 14:58
Insincere Dave9-Dec-09 14:58 
GeneralRe: ScaleTransform sometimes produces glaring artifacts SOLVED!!! Pin
fjparisIII9-Dec-09 15:16
fjparisIII9-Dec-09 15:16 
GeneralRe: ScaleTransform sometimes produces glaring artifacts SOLVED!!! Pin
Insincere Dave9-Dec-09 15:29
Insincere Dave9-Dec-09 15:29 
GeneralRe: ScaleTransform sometimes produces glaring artifacts SOLVED!!! Pin
fjparisIII10-Dec-09 7:35
fjparisIII10-Dec-09 7:35 
GeneralRe: ScaleTransform sometimes produces glaring artifacts SOLVED!!! Pin
Insincere Dave10-Dec-09 8:27
Insincere Dave10-Dec-09 8:27 
GeneralRe: ScaleTransform sometimes produces glaring artifacts SOLVED!!! Pin
fjparisIII10-Dec-09 12:07
fjparisIII10-Dec-09 12:07 
QuestionTreeview padding in WPF ? Pin
Mohammad Dayyan4-Dec-09 21:29
Mohammad Dayyan4-Dec-09 21:29 
AnswerRe: Treeview padding in WPF ? Pin
Mark Salsbery5-Dec-09 7:15
Mark Salsbery5-Dec-09 7:15 
GeneralRe: Treeview padding in WPF ? Pin
Mohammad Dayyan5-Dec-09 7:18
Mohammad Dayyan5-Dec-09 7:18 
QuestionMedia Player - export Pin
john john mackey4-Dec-09 9:17
john john mackey4-Dec-09 9:17 

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