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GeneralRe: Using COM component invalid pointer error Pin
Richard MacCutchan27-Nov-09 3:46
mveRichard MacCutchan27-Nov-09 3:46 
QuestionCOM Error: error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual long __stdcall Pin
Ash_VCPP25-Nov-09 23:09
Ash_VCPP25-Nov-09 23:09 
AnswerRe: COM Error: error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual long __stdcall Pin
cariolihome27-Nov-09 10:20
cariolihome27-Nov-09 10:20 
Questionnew to COM Pin
mailgirish99@yahoo.com25-Nov-09 4:26
mailgirish99@yahoo.com25-Nov-09 4:26 
AnswerRe: new to COM Pin
Stuart Dootson25-Nov-09 21:33
professionalStuart Dootson25-Nov-09 21:33 
Questioncom component in Pin
pravinmishra24-Nov-09 5:42
pravinmishra24-Nov-09 5:42 
QuestionIn Socket server How insert into Oracle? Pin
TheCodeVB21-Nov-09 16:03
TheCodeVB21-Nov-09 16:03 
QuestionOutlook 2007 automation Pin
NiceNaidu19-Nov-09 23:18
NiceNaidu19-Nov-09 23:18 
Hi Friends,
I am sorry if it not the right forum for posting outlook 2007 automation problems.

Here is my problem :
I want to add two buttons on the General Section of the Dialog that pops up ,when you click on the name of a contact (from address book).That is when you want to see more details of the person,who sent you the mail , you normally double click on the name of the person. If the person contact is already existing in your contact list a Properties dialog with sections General, Phone\Fax, Company , E-mail Addresses pops up. I want to modify the General section by adding two buttons.
I did not find any information on net, related to this.
Please let me know,how to go about this ?

"Never explain yourself to anyone.
Because the person who likes you does n't need it.
And the person who dislikes you won't believe it."

AnswerRe: Outlook 2007 automation Pin
ScottM129-Nov-09 20:01
ScottM129-Nov-09 20:01 
Questionproblem access com methods - unhandled exception [modified] Pin
Vijjuuu.18-Nov-09 20:40
Vijjuuu.18-Nov-09 20:40 
AnswerRe: problem access com methods Pin
Jonathan Davies19-Nov-09 1:55
Jonathan Davies19-Nov-09 1:55 
AnswerRe: problem access com methods - unhandled exception [modified] Pin
cariolihome27-Nov-09 10:17
cariolihome27-Nov-09 10:17 
QuestionCheck whather the monitor is on or off. Pin
SHRIDHAR TL18-Nov-09 3:25
SHRIDHAR TL18-Nov-09 3:25 
Questionexcel problem Pin
kathassis14-Nov-09 9:01
kathassis14-Nov-09 9:01 
AnswerRe: excel problem Pin
serzh8323-Nov-09 0:01
serzh8323-Nov-09 0:01 
QuestionInterop Excel Pin
mithun narayanan12-Nov-09 17:40
mithun narayanan12-Nov-09 17:40 
AnswerRe: Interop Excel Pin
cariolihome13-Nov-09 11:44
cariolihome13-Nov-09 11:44 
QuestionPlease recommend me a com book. Pin
crazy6612-Nov-09 10:54
crazy6612-Nov-09 10:54 
AnswerRe: Please recommend me a com book. Pin
«_Superman_»12-Nov-09 16:40
professional«_Superman_»12-Nov-09 16:40 
AnswerRe: Please recommend me a com book. Pin
cariolihome13-Nov-09 11:40
cariolihome13-Nov-09 11:40 
GeneralRe: Please recommend me a com book. Pin
apraev22-Nov-09 19:43
apraev22-Nov-09 19:43 
GeneralRe: Please recommend me a com book. Pin
serzh8323-Nov-09 0:14
serzh8323-Nov-09 0:14 
GeneralRe: Please recommend me a com book. Pin
KarstenK27-Nov-09 2:53
mveKarstenK27-Nov-09 2:53 
AnswerRe: Please recommend me a com book. Pin
Baltoro14-Nov-09 10:15
Baltoro14-Nov-09 10:15 
QuestionSet the properties of a DirectShow filter (not DMO filter) in code (no GUI) C# Interop. [modified] Pin
RobstaHendricks12-Nov-09 2:42
RobstaHendricks12-Nov-09 2:42 

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