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QuestionCreating Dynamic Hyperlink in GridView Pin
Maxdd 710-Nov-09 14:48
Maxdd 710-Nov-09 14:48 
AnswerRe: Creating Dynamic Hyperlink in GridView Pin
Kannan Ar10-Nov-09 15:32
professionalKannan Ar10-Nov-09 15:32 
GeneralRe: Creating Dynamic Hyperlink in GridView Pin
Maxdd 710-Nov-09 17:25
Maxdd 710-Nov-09 17:25 
GeneralRe: Creating Dynamic Hyperlink in GridView Pin
_Damian S_10-Nov-09 17:34
professional_Damian S_10-Nov-09 17:34 
GeneralRe: Creating Dynamic Hyperlink in GridView Pin
Maxdd 710-Nov-09 17:58
Maxdd 710-Nov-09 17:58 
GeneralRe: Creating Dynamic Hyperlink in GridView Pin
_Damian S_10-Nov-09 18:02
professional_Damian S_10-Nov-09 18:02 
GeneralRe: Creating Dynamic Hyperlink in GridView Pin
Maxdd 711-Nov-09 8:44
Maxdd 711-Nov-09 8:44 
AnswerRe: Creating Dynamic Hyperlink in GridView Pin
Amit Patel198510-Nov-09 18:22
Amit Patel198510-Nov-09 18:22 
Try using this way this is working for me..

asp:HyperLinkField HeaderText ="Select Patient" DataNavigateUrlFields="patientId,maxAdmissionNo"  DataTextField ="patientId" DataNavigateUrlFormatString ="ScheduleAppointment.aspx?&adMissionNo={1}&Patient_Id={0}"  ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign ="Center" HeaderStyle-BackColor="#888888" HeaderStyle-ForeColor="white"/>

QuestionContextual help in ASP.Net Pin
crazylad10-Nov-09 13:28
crazylad10-Nov-09 13:28 
AnswerRe: Contextual help in ASP.Net Pin
_Damian S_10-Nov-09 13:46
professional_Damian S_10-Nov-09 13:46 
AnswerRe: Contextual help in ASP.Net Pin
kashifaslam110-Nov-09 14:37
kashifaslam110-Nov-09 14:37 
AnswerRe: Contextual help in ASP.Net Pin
Kannan Ar10-Nov-09 15:13
professionalKannan Ar10-Nov-09 15:13 
QuestionRunning Applet in MVC web application [modified] Pin
Sandeep Akhare10-Nov-09 12:01
Sandeep Akhare10-Nov-09 12:01 
AnswerRe: Running Applet in MVC web application Pin
Christian Graus10-Nov-09 13:05
protectorChristian Graus10-Nov-09 13:05 
GeneralRe: Running Applet in MVC web application Pin
Sandeep Akhare11-Nov-09 19:15
Sandeep Akhare11-Nov-09 19:15 
GeneralRe: Running Applet in MVC web application Pin
Sandeep Akhare12-Nov-09 11:12
Sandeep Akhare12-Nov-09 11:12 
Questionphp client and web services ws e 2.0 Pin
raquidd2210-Nov-09 7:57
raquidd2210-Nov-09 7:57 
AnswerRe: php client and web services ws e 2.0 Pin
raquidd2212-Nov-09 15:56
raquidd2212-Nov-09 15:56 
QuestionHow to restrict to open a uploaded file? Pin
attalurisubbu10-Nov-09 7:38
attalurisubbu10-Nov-09 7:38 
AnswerRe: How to restrict to open a uploaded file? Pin
Christian Graus10-Nov-09 8:53
protectorChristian Graus10-Nov-09 8:53 
QuestionTransparent Pop-up Pin
Ersan Ercek10-Nov-09 6:33
Ersan Ercek10-Nov-09 6:33 
AnswerRe: Transparent Pop-up Pin
dan!sh 10-Nov-09 6:39
professional dan!sh 10-Nov-09 6:39 
GeneralRe: Transparent Pop-up Pin
Ersan Ercek10-Nov-09 6:43
Ersan Ercek10-Nov-09 6:43 
GeneralRe: Transparent Pop-up Pin
dan!sh 10-Nov-09 6:45
professional dan!sh 10-Nov-09 6:45 
GeneralRe: Transparent Pop-up Pin
Ersan Ercek10-Nov-09 6:54
Ersan Ercek10-Nov-09 6:54 

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