Below is my code which is throwing Exception:
Public Function populateDataset(ByVal strQuery As String, ByRef ds As DataSet, Optional ByVal strTableName As String = "") As Int16
If Not IsNothing(ds.Tables(strTableName)) Then
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
populateDataset = -1
oledbDA = New MySqlDataAdapter(strQuery, cnDB)
If strTableName = "" Then
oledbDA.Fill(dataSet:=ds, srcTable:=strTableName)
End If
populateDataset = 0
Catch ex As MySqlException
Throw ex
Return -1
Catch ex As Exception
populateDataset = -1
Throw ex
End Try
End Function
Here i am calling it:
public void getItemCategory(ref DataSet ds,string qry,string tableName)
dlib.populateDataset(qry, ref ds, tableName);
hi all
i need a code this software :(viual studaio,web asp .net ,languae c#)
i have desing a web page , containing a file uploade component,image component, and a button component.
now i want, when select a image wihte file uploade component and press button component ,the image load in the image component.
plaes help me.
modified on Saturday, November 7, 2009 5:28 AM
Wow! great job sounds really cool stuff you did today anyway just kidding, guess 2008 got some new cool stuff
You've asked this several times now, and I see you've deleted all the other times you asked it. what have you done in the time you've been asking this ? How did you benefit from the answers you got before ? What have you tried ? Please tell me you don't have a client who is deluded into thinking that you have the remotest idea about programming, waiting for delivery while you post this absolutely trivial question over and over, and just ignore the answers. If you're not smart enough to understand our answers, asking again won't change the fact that you're plainly not capable of doing this task. If you're trying to learn, then buy a damn book and work through it, until you can ask real questions here ( which typically include phrases like 'here is my code' and 'this is the line that doesn't work as I expected' ).
I've reproduced your question so when you deleted it again, people can see what I was talking about, and why I was frustrated with how utterly clueless you are.
bahar.ghara wrote: hi all
i need a code this software :(viual studaio 2008,web asp .net ,languae c#)
i have desing a web page , containing a file uploade component,image component, and a button component.
now i want, when select a image wihte file uploade component and press button component ,the image load in the image component.
plaes help me.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
You may be interested in this[^], but then again ...
bahar.ghara wrote: i need a code this software :(viual studaio,web asp .net ,languae c#)
See here[^] for many articles and samples.
hi. all
I m working on a project in which i want to extract the information of the SMS send by someone. My first question is How i'll save that SMS in my database. And second is i want to extract the information from that . For example someone send me a SMS writing his name,address,Zip code. Now i want to store this information in the database in different fields.
Can anyone please help me in this.
An SMS is just text, your only real issue is how to get an SMS into a computer.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
Thanks a lot for the reply.
Actually i have two problem first how to save SMS in the database and solution of second i got. that how i'll extract the information from the database.
Can you tell me some solution. i found a SMS gateway Ozeki NG SMS Gateway . But can we use this in my application .
how to Get Database Schema/Structure in DataSet with complete Constrain,
and Relationship.
I have parent,Child table in Database.These table have relationship
how to get these tables schema with relationship ?
I was trying to read a CSV file and import into "data Table.
I have a issue in importing one of the colum to data table, which has greater then 255 char in CSV file.
pls advise how to import >256 char to data table.
iam a software engineer working for varisis technologies bangalore
There is no 256 char limit for data, unless your code imposes one.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
Hi ,
In visual studio 2008, C# I cna't able to import data from CSV more than 255 Characters.
Can advise Please ?
iam a software engineer working for varisis technologies bangalore
gud afternoon
i have a problem
i have a taextbox and i want to enter in it only 2 digits or 11 digits
12 valid
123 invalid
12345678912 valid
123456789123 invalid
plz. rply its urgrnt
sorry my mistake
thx sir
but i think this will take 9 digits
i want either 2 digits or 11 digits not in betewwen them
12 valid
1234 invalid
12345678912 valid
123456789123 invalid
did you try that? I guess you didn't, there's a pipeline in between \d\d [0-9]{11} it will allow either 2 or 11 digits only
why use two when one can do the same work
ur suggestion is not working dude!!!!!!!!!!!
\d\d|[0-9]{11} did you try this one?
in my project im using session to transfer data from one page(default) to other page(edit)..
how i need to transfer large data using with or without session..
as data is confidential i dint use query string...
//edit page..
well you can use cookie's as well but as you mentioned data is in large quantity then you might end up using session which itself isn't a good choice.