i am sure of it as i have been used to the technology , i haven't tried AJAX before so i was only wondering if CSS can do it .... so by kinda , i meant i want it to
I have a combobox (aka select) with some options retrieved from the database..
The user might choose one item from there or click next to the combo on "Other".
Here is the thing:
I wan't to show a dialog that lets the user to add a new registry to the database
and after that, the dialog should be closed and the combo should have the new option without a simple refresh (an HTTP GET, because this would erase all the form input)..
Any tutorials for this? Im sure this is some typical procedure..
In winforms this is really easy because of events.. but in web?
More notes:
-The dialog should block the parent window (javascript?)
-Its like the "add new label" dialog when you are seeing a message in Gmail
-The form that haves the combo shouldnt lose the current input (ajax?)
-I'm using ASP.NET MVC and LINQ TO SQL.
Please help!
Alivemau5 wrote: In winforms this is really easy because of events.. but in web?
Those are CLIENT SIDED events...
Did you at least read the post?
Alivemau5 wrote: Did you at least read the post?
More than once. If you are interested in controlling this on the server side, I suggest you go here[^]
However, most of you wanted to do doesn't require going back to the server to accomplish. I'd use JavaScript to get the input and then fire off a postback using the value you got from the user as the arg.
AJAX is a good solution for what you are describing here. There is an ASP.NET AJAX Toolkit which has a modal popup dialog (home page here: http://www.asp.net/ajax/[^]) although personally I think their widgets look a bit clunky compared to some of the other toolkits that are around (like JQuery or Dojo or YUI) but that's just personal taste. Not sure what the tutorials for the .NET toolkit are like, but there are plenty for JQuery/Dojo/YUI if you decide to go that route.
"It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. . . ."
There isn't enough here for an article, but I found this somewhat interesting.
I had built a little routine to create an array
function buildArray()
var a = buildArray.arguments;
for ( var i=0; i<a.length; i++ )
this[i] = a[i];
this.length = a.length;
and I called it with a line of code that suddenly stopped working after I had made some (what I thought were minor) edits. After edits, it looked like this:
var urls1 = new buildArray("", "Officers.aspx", "NPCs.aspx", "Weapons.aspx", "Defenses.aspx" "Cargos.aspx","Mercs.aspx","Player.aspx","Boats.aspx","Ammo.aspx");
I was using Chrome as my test browser at the moment and when I tried to display the page that contained the code, the browser hung, displaying nothing.
No Huhu. Chrome's in beta so I switched to Firefox. It loaded the page but lost all javascript functionality, which told me that my problem was probably in the code I show above. However, Firebug could not find an error to report. So I switched to IE and when I loaded the page, it immediately identified the problem code and gave a line number which, of course, was about 5 off but whatthehell, IE has done that since Moses was clean-shaven. Interestingly, when I attempted to ignore the error, the page crashed because there were errors in the viewstate propertybag.
Of course, once I restored the missing comma, the page worked perfectly.
"Defenses.aspx" "Cargos.aspx" This is all the problem you did...
Actually while working with those I also found few problems. For instance, At a certain size of JS file, I found IE(both IE6 and IE7) throws an error "Syntax Error" which i cured just by putting new lines in code ...
Hello, This is Vikash Gohil.
I have created a web page where I am showing a Modal Popup.
On this Popup I have 3 textboxes. Each textbox has a Popup Control Extender attached to it.
The Popup Control displays RadiobuttonList Control to select a value.
On Selecting the value, the selected value gets copied in the respective textbox.
Upto this point it works fine.
The problem is after selecting the value in the first textbox, when I goto another textbox and select a value from the Popup, the value from the previous textbox disappears due to post back.
ie. when I select a value in one textbox, values from other 2 textboxes disappears due to Autopostback.
What Can i do to preserve the value. Also I have other textbox with no Popup extender and there values do not change on postback.
Can somebody explain me why this is happening.
Any help would be great.
Thanks in Advance.
i m displaying projectdescription whose id is retreived frm previous filename.i have two tables in my database.
i m checking if both the id is matched then it should show me the
description otherwise not and should display some message.
if id is matched then it works fine.
but if id is not matched of both the table with one another then
it gives error '80020009'
here is my code
opendatabase conn
sql="select * from projectdescription where id="& id
set obj=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
obj.open sql,conn,1,1
sql3="select * from schemedescription where projectid="& id
set obj3=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
obj3.open sql3,conn,1,1
response.Write("id is "& obj("id"))
if obj3.eof=true then
response.Write("record not found")
response.Write("View Project ")
elseif obj3.eof=false then
response.Write("record found")
end if
if obj.eof=true then
response.Write("rec not found")
elseif obj.eof=false then
response.Write("rec found")
end if
if obj("id")=obj3("projectid") then
response.Write("View Project ")
response.Write("View Scheme ")
response.Write("View Team")
' else
' response.Write("id is not match")
end if
hello there:
After user has left his pc for a certain time and session ends, the user clicks on a button and an error pops. What was done that we wrote a method that override the method initializeCulture which seems to run before page load or page init , and in the initializeCulture we are using a session so it is causing error.
What i want is on session end to redirect to login page how could i do it.
khalil.kamel wrote: What i want is on session end to redirect to login page how could i do it.
Maybe you could use the Session_End Sub in Global.aspx.
You are probably encountering a NullReferenceException because you are trying to access a session variable that doesn't exist. Check for null and take appropriate action.
Hi there, this would be my first post. I have often referred to this site for answers and often found them
Here's the problem I'm facing now:
I have a gridview control and/or repeater having a delete button. in the Row/Item data bound event of the grid view/repeater, I am checking for a certain condition and setting the enabled property of the delete button to false in case that condition is true. In IE, everything is working fine, and the delete button is disabled were necessary; but in Firefox, the button is not being disabled what so ever!Any idea why, and how to solve it?
Sara, CAPM
document.getElementById('mysubmitbutton').disabled = "disabled";
Your js code should fire that to disable the button.
alternatively you can hide the button:
document.getElementById('mysubmitbutton').style.visibility = "hidden";
document.getElementById('mysubmitbutton').style.display = "none";
And make sure you Disable the Enter Key:
Disable Enter Key Tutorial[^]
please try this awkward case, Add a button (link button) and try on item data bound to disable it. On FirFox it is enabled :S. I have tried but no solution for it till now
Are you sure it is disabled? IE applies a stylistic change to buttons when they are disabled. FF doesn't.
Yes i am pretty sure, no style changes are occurred and the event is still being fired. Try It Your Self
just to see what you can learn, try reversing the code: add a disabled button and enable it on the databound event.
i am using some iframes on my website, is there a way in CSS that you can do so that u don't have to use i frames and the Div content changes instead ? this would be really helpful if there is....
No, there's no way to get what an iframe does out of css.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
Christian Graus wrote: No, there's no way to get what an iframe does out of css.
Yerright, of course, but you could play games with javascript and innerhtml. Not that I would waste my time. Iframes are like tables - everybody sneers at 'em and sooner or later, everybody uses 'em.