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GeneralRe: Nice And Complex With DIVS........ HELP Pin
Not Active5-Nov-09 1:12
mentorNot Active5-Nov-09 1:12 
GeneralRe: Nice And Complex With DIVS........ HELP Pin
SRJ925-Nov-09 9:48
SRJ925-Nov-09 9:48 
QuestionHow to create Dialogs and notifications? Pin
Alivemau54-Nov-09 12:23
Alivemau54-Nov-09 12:23 
AnswerRe: How to create Dialogs and notifications? Pin
Oakman4-Nov-09 13:03
Oakman4-Nov-09 13:03 
GeneralRe: How to create Dialogs and notifications? Pin
Alivemau54-Nov-09 13:48
Alivemau54-Nov-09 13:48 
GeneralRe: How to create Dialogs and notifications? Pin
Oakman4-Nov-09 15:54
Oakman4-Nov-09 15:54 
AnswerRe: How to create Dialogs and notifications? Pin
David Skelly4-Nov-09 22:29
David Skelly4-Nov-09 22:29 
QuestionA Tale of Three Browsers Pin
Oakman4-Nov-09 3:09
Oakman4-Nov-09 3:09 
"It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. . . ."

There isn't enough here for an article, but I found this somewhat interesting.

I had built a little routine to create an array

 function buildArray()
  var a = buildArray.arguments;
  for ( var i=0; i<a.length; i++ )
    this[i] = a[i];
  this.length = a.length;

and I called it with a line of code that suddenly stopped working after I had made some (what I thought were minor) edits. After edits, it looked like this:

var urls1 = new buildArray("", "Officers.aspx", "NPCs.aspx", "Weapons.aspx", "Defenses.aspx" "Cargos.aspx","Mercs.aspx","Player.aspx","Boats.aspx","Ammo.aspx");

I was using Chrome as my test browser at the moment and when I tried to display the page that contained the code, the browser hung, displaying nothing.

No Huhu. Chrome's in beta so I switched to Firefox. It loaded the page but lost all javascript functionality, which told me that my problem was probably in the code I show above. However, Firebug could not find an error to report. So I switched to IE and when I loaded the page, it immediately identified the problem code and gave a line number which, of course, was about 5 off but whatthehell, IE has done that since Moses was clean-shaven. Interestingly, when I attempted to ignore the error, the page crashed because there were errors in the viewstate propertybag.

Of course, once I restored the missing comma, the page worked perfectly.


Rob Graham wrote:
100% subsidies are very popular among the 50% of the population that pays no income tax...

Soap Box 1.0: the first, the original, reborn troll-less

AnswerRe: A Tale of Three Browsers Pin
Abhishek Sur4-Nov-09 9:01
professionalAbhishek Sur4-Nov-09 9:01 
QuestionProblem with Multiple Popup Control Extenders in Single Modal Popup. Pin
VikashGohil4-Nov-09 2:05
VikashGohil4-Nov-09 2:05 
AnswerRe: Problem with Multiple Popup Control Extenders in Single Modal Popup. Pin
kKamel4-Nov-09 2:44
kKamel4-Nov-09 2:44 
QuestionASP(match values of two table ) Pin
rajiv_kadam4-Nov-09 0:09
rajiv_kadam4-Nov-09 0:09 
QuestionAfter Session Ends Pin
kKamel3-Nov-09 23:20
kKamel3-Nov-09 23:20 
AnswerRe: After Session Ends Pin
Oakman4-Nov-09 2:45
Oakman4-Nov-09 2:45 
AnswerRe: After Session Ends Pin
Shameel5-Nov-09 2:51
professionalShameel5-Nov-09 2:51 
QuestionFirefox issue with the Enable property of buttons inside the gridview and repeater controls Pin
s.mn3-Nov-09 20:13
s.mn3-Nov-09 20:13 
AnswerRe: Firefox issue with the Enable property of buttons inside the gridview and repeater controls Pin
Marc Firth3-Nov-09 23:31
Marc Firth3-Nov-09 23:31 
GeneralRe: Firefox issue with the Enable property of buttons inside the gridview and repeater controls Pin
kKamel4-Nov-09 1:56
kKamel4-Nov-09 1:56 
GeneralRe: Firefox issue with the Enable property of buttons inside the gridview and repeater controls Pin
Oakman4-Nov-09 2:47
Oakman4-Nov-09 2:47 
GeneralRe: Firefox issue with the Enable property of buttons inside the gridview and repeater controls Pin
kKamel4-Nov-09 2:59
kKamel4-Nov-09 2:59 
GeneralRe: Firefox issue with the Enable property of buttons inside the gridview and repeater controls Pin
Oakman4-Nov-09 3:38
Oakman4-Nov-09 3:38 
Answer[Message Deleted] Pin
Rana.H.K4-Nov-09 1:38
Rana.H.K4-Nov-09 1:38 
QuestionIframe Alternative ? Pin
SRJ923-Nov-09 11:04
SRJ923-Nov-09 11:04 
AnswerRe: Iframe Alternative ? Pin
Christian Graus3-Nov-09 11:08
protectorChristian Graus3-Nov-09 11:08 
GeneralRe: Iframe Alternative ? Pin
SRJ923-Nov-09 11:09
SRJ923-Nov-09 11:09 

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