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QuestionHow can I get the use ratio of the network of local PC? Pin
sinron30-Oct-09 2:58
sinron30-Oct-09 2:58 
AnswerMessage Closed Pin
30-Oct-09 4:56
stancrm30-Oct-09 4:56 
GeneralRe: How can I get the use ratio of the network of local PC? Pin
sinron30-Oct-09 20:10
sinron30-Oct-09 20:10 
Questionusing DHCPSetOptionValueV5 to set the option on subnet Pin
Ganesh_T30-Oct-09 2:23
Ganesh_T30-Oct-09 2:23 
QuestionCD Wrinting Pin
Amit Patel198530-Oct-09 2:05
Amit Patel198530-Oct-09 2:05 
AnswerRe: CD Wrinting Pin
Covean30-Oct-09 2:07
Covean30-Oct-09 2:07 
AnswerMessage Closed Pin
30-Oct-09 2:08
stancrm30-Oct-09 2:08 
GeneralRe: CD Wrinting Pin
Amit Patel198530-Oct-09 2:22
Amit Patel198530-Oct-09 2:22 
inside Do i m doing this following thing
            // Create and initialize the IDiscRecorder2 object
            MsftDiscRecorder2 discRecorder = new MsftDiscRecorder2();
            BurnData burnData = (BurnData)e.Argument;
            discRecorder.AcquireExclusiveAccess(true, m_clientName);

            // Create and initialize the IDiscFormat2Data
            MsftDiscFormat2Data discFormatData = new MsftDiscFormat2Data();
            discFormatData.Recorder = discRecorder;
            discFormatData.ClientName = m_clientName;
            discFormatData.ForceMediaToBeClosed = checkBoxCloseMedia.Checked;

            // Check if media is blank, (for RW media)
            object[] multisessionInterfaces = null;
            if (!discFormatData.MediaHeuristicallyBlank)
                multisessionInterfaces = discFormatData.MultisessionInterfaces;

            // Create the file system
            IStream fileSystem = null;
                    if (!CreateMediaFileSystem(discRecorder, multisessionInterfaces, out fileSystem))
                e.Result = -1;

            // add the Update event handler
            discFormatData.Update += new DiscFormat2Data_EventHandler(discFormatData_Update);

            // Write the data here

                e.Result = 0;
            catch (COMException ex)
                e.Result = ex.ErrorCode;
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "IDiscFormat2Data.Write failed",
                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);

            // remove the Update event handler
            discFormatData.Update -= new DiscFormat2Data_EventHandler(discFormatData_Update);

            if (this.checkBoxEject.Checked)

inside discFormatData.Write(fileSystem);

this call the follwing m_UpdateDelegate(sender, args);

this calles the

void discFormatData_Update([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)] object sender, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)] object progress)
           // Check if we've cancelled
           if (backgroundBurnWorker.CancellationPending)
               IDiscFormat2Data format2Data = (IDiscFormat2Data)sender;

           IDiscFormat2DataEventArgs eventArgs = (IDiscFormat2DataEventArgs)progress;

           m_burnData.task = BURN_MEDIA_TASK.BURN_MEDIA_TASK_WRITING;

           // IDiscFormat2DataEventArgs Interface
           m_burnData.elapsedTime = eventArgs.ElapsedTime;
           m_burnData.remainingTime = eventArgs.RemainingTime;
           m_burnData.totalTime = eventArgs.TotalTime;

           // IWriteEngine2EventArgs Interface
           m_burnData.currentAction = eventArgs.CurrentAction;
           m_burnData.startLba = eventArgs.StartLba;
           m_burnData.sectorCount = eventArgs.SectorCount;
           m_burnData.lastReadLba = eventArgs.LastReadLba;
           m_burnData.lastWrittenLba = eventArgs.LastWrittenLba;
           m_burnData.totalSystemBuffer = eventArgs.TotalSystemBuffer;
           m_burnData.usedSystemBuffer = eventArgs.UsedSystemBuffer;
           m_burnData.freeSystemBuffer = eventArgs.FreeSystemBuffer;

           // Report back to the UI
           backgroundBurnWorker.ReportProgress(0, m_burnData);

GeneralRe: CD Wrinting Pin
Henry Minute30-Oct-09 2:29
Henry Minute30-Oct-09 2:29 
AnswerRe: CD Wrinting Pin
Amit Patel198530-Oct-09 3:11
Amit Patel198530-Oct-09 3:11 
Questionhow create quick spark game.. Pin
harish chander baswapuram30-Oct-09 1:57
harish chander baswapuram30-Oct-09 1:57 
AnswerRe: how create quick spark game.. Pin
J4amieC30-Oct-09 2:00
J4amieC30-Oct-09 2:00 
GeneralRe: how create quick spark game.. Pin
Keith Barrow30-Oct-09 4:57
professionalKeith Barrow30-Oct-09 4:57 
AnswerRe: how create quick spark game.. Pin
Covean30-Oct-09 2:04
Covean30-Oct-09 2:04 
AnswerRe: how create quick spark game.. Pin
Eddy Vluggen30-Oct-09 2:22
professionalEddy Vluggen30-Oct-09 2:22 
GeneralRe: how create quick spark game.. Pin
harish chander baswapuram3-Nov-09 2:34
harish chander baswapuram3-Nov-09 2:34 
GeneralRe: how create quick spark game.. Pin
harish chander baswapuram3-Nov-09 2:35
harish chander baswapuram3-Nov-09 2:35 
GeneralRe: how create quick spark game.. Pin
harish chander baswapuram3-Nov-09 3:37
harish chander baswapuram3-Nov-09 3:37 
GeneralRe: how create quick spark game.. Pin
harish chander baswapuram3-Nov-09 17:43
harish chander baswapuram3-Nov-09 17:43 
GeneralRe: how create quick spark game.. [modified] Pin
khoalo5-Jun-10 7:24
khoalo5-Jun-10 7:24 
Questiontransform vt100 string to ordinary human readable string Pin
deostroll30-Oct-09 1:03
deostroll30-Oct-09 1:03 
AnswerRe: transform vt100 string to ordinary human readable string Pin
Henry Minute30-Oct-09 2:02
Henry Minute30-Oct-09 2:02 
AnswerRe: transform vt100 string to ordinary human readable string Pin
OriginalGriff30-Oct-09 2:58
mveOriginalGriff30-Oct-09 2:58 
AnswerRe: transform vt100 string to ordinary human readable string Pin
PIEBALDconsult30-Oct-09 6:05
mvePIEBALDconsult30-Oct-09 6:05 
Questionhow can I retrieve the start menu folder and desktop folder in windows vista using c#? Pin
deftsoft30-Oct-09 0:40
deftsoft30-Oct-09 0:40 

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