You could set the encoding explicitly on the StreamWriter. Even though the default is UTF-8 on my machine, explicitly setting UTF-8 made the correct characters show up.
PS: That stream.Flush() is unnecessary because the using block has already taken care of flushing and closing the StreamWriter.
PPS: In the future, please use the "code block" button to enclose your code in <pre> tags to give it formatting and highlighting. This will make the code easier to read.
Hi Engelberth,
Thanks for the response,
I shall take care of PS and PPS sections.
WhenI tried the below:
using (stream = new StreamWriter("C:/abc.xls", false, Encoding.UTF8))
by doing so the formatting further detoriatted, earlier I was able to see each element in different cells in my excel sheet, By doing the above everything got clubbed in one cell, also more unknown characters got added
Initailly my separator was 'tab', but looks like after adding Encoding.UTF8 it would add the eqivalent character code forthat in excel , Also theoriginal issue still remained
I got the solution,
Adding it here so that if someone else needs it can use it.
We need to use Encoding.GetEncoding("Windows-1252")) and this sorts the issue.
Thnaks Engelberth as you gave me hint as to where I can dig more.
Thanks guys i was struck was a long time on this issue Encoding.GetEncoding("Windows-1252"))
sloved my issue
I've got a comboBox and I want to make a query after a change in the selected item is done.
Inside the "comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged" function, I wrote these:
string ogretisim;
ogretisim = comboBox1.Text;
SqlConnection conn = null;
conn = new Sqlconnection("Data Source = Veritabani.sdf");
I did not do the query yet, just to try.
In the runtime, conn.Open() gives an error like it cannot reach the server.
What can be the problem?
I've tried all of these:
newSqlConnection("Data Source = baglanXXX");
newSqlConnection("Data Source = Veritabani.sdf");
newSqlConnection("Data Source = .\\Veritabani.sdf");
newSqlConnection("Data Source = VeritabaniDataSet.xsd");
("baglanXXX" is my connection string)
please someone help
new SqlConnection(@"Server = .\sqlexpress; database = YourDbName ; integrated security = sspi;");
How could you tell he was using sql express?
thank you for replies, I'll work on it a bit further,
thanks again =)
Hi, my friends.
I´m developing a control named TagListControl, quite similar to the control that allows you to assign tags to the posts in Blogger. But I´ve got a problem: the end of the list is hidden because it reaches the end of the GroupBox the control belongs. I´ve tried with BringToFront() method, but it just makes the control stand first in the Z-order of controls inside the GroupBox, not far beyond the GroupBox, as I want to.
Any help will be welcome.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
I'm populating a listbox using it's DataSource property in form's load event
what happens is that the selectedValueChanged event or selectedIndexChanged fires twice when starting the form
how can i prevent such behaviour
i want the event to fire only when user change listbox by mouse
there is an event straight for this(SelectionChangeCommitted), but it's availabe only on combbox control
i need to use listbox for htis.
how can i achive such behaviour
when i first run the form, the selectedValueChanged event always fired once again selecting the firs index in the listbox
how to stop this also
i want to run the form without any event being fired unless the user change the value manually
modified on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 7:04 AM
Your ListBox is behaving as designed and as far as I am aware it is not possible to stop it.
However one of the many ways to cope with the problem is as follows:
1) Modify the Constructor for your Form
private bool stillInitializing = false;
public MyForm()
this.stillInitializing = true;
this.stillInitializing = false;
2) Modify your event handler(s)
private void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.stillInitializing)
Hope this helps!
Henry Minute
Do not read medical books! You could die of a misprint. - Mark Twain
Girl: (staring) "Why do you need an icy cucumber?"
“I want to report a fraud. The government is lying to us all.”
didn't work when applied on form construcor
so i tried this
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.stillInitializing = true;
comboBoxUnitMeasure.DataSource = unitMeasureCollection;
comboBoxUnitMeasure.ValueMember = "UnitMeasureCode";
listBoxVendor.DataSource = vendorCollection;
listBoxVendor.DisplayMember = "Name";
listBoxVendor.ValueMember = "VendorID";
listBoxShipMethod.DataSource = shipMethodCollection;
listBoxShipMethod.DisplayMember = "Name";
listBoxShipMethod.ValueMember = "ShipMethodID";
dataGridView1.DataSource = purchaseOrderDetailCollection;
this.stillInitializing = false;
and it worked just fine
thanks, Henry Minute
Good stuff!
It is nice to attempt to help someone with the intelligence to see the basis of your answer and apply it for their own circumstances.
Henry Minute
Do not read medical books! You could die of a misprint. - Mark Twain
Girl: (staring) "Why do you need an icy cucumber?"
“I want to report a fraud. The government is lying to us all.”
HI all....
i really need helping for socket programming ...............
there is a unmanage library Called WinPcap, search google, download it from http://www.winpcap.org/
then it adds some function to API that you can use them, if you don't know anything about PInvoke, use SharpPcap (Managed Code for winpcap) it is simply a DLL that you can add as reference for your application and use it(Search SourceForge.net to download it), for IP or Ethernet Packet Capturing and sending
You might be wrong with this question in the c# forum
Just google for it, you will find plenty of examples in the net.
I won’t not use no double negatives.
i have a ajax panel, where i have image buttons and have contents,all i need to add another subheader, can get all the data dyanmically.
All i need to know how do i add another subheader in a header and that too dynamically.I have used google, but was not useful.
And the code for the above is in c#.
anyways thanks. Looking forward for some +ve replies
Even if you're writing your code in C# I believe this question is better suited in the ASP.NET forum since you are developing a web site
Is there a way to retrieve the data from the service using ServiceController?
1) I've got exception while trying to execute custom commands on the service
2) How to obtain the return code after the external command executed?
The service is LocalSystem one.
I start and stop it from external console application without problems.
But once I add external commands after the service has been started sc.ExecuteCommand((int)Commands.Cmnd1); the exception is being thrown that the service can not be manipulated.
would you specify the type of exception? maybe you do not have sufficient privileges to execute the commands, for gaining privileged u should add a manifest file to your project
1) You need to ensure the custom command code is between 128 and 256.Values below 128 correspond to system-reserved values and values up 256 are restricted.
2) It seems that there's no standart framework designed to send and receive data to windows service and back.It's only a few information on the internet for this problem but I believe that it shouldn't be difficult to implement communication with a service based on sockets or named pipes.
You could also set AutoLog property of ServiceBase class to true to gather information about custom commands execution from the eventlog.
Life is a stage and we are all actors!
modified on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 7:07 AM
1) They were starting from 0 actually (0,1,2, ...)
2) I needed custom commands to get the feedback from the service, the same as you call ordinary function and it returns some error code. Otherwise I will have to implement such other communication
Looking into logs would sute only for visual inspection.