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GeneralRe: Filter Gridview that are bound to an XML file Pin
Ronni Marker22-Oct-09 2:58
Ronni Marker22-Oct-09 2:58 
GeneralRe: Filter Gridview that are bound to an XML file Pin
Henry Minute22-Oct-09 5:59
Henry Minute22-Oct-09 5:59 
GeneralRe: Filter Gridview that are bound to an XML file Pin
Ronni Marker22-Oct-09 6:15
Ronni Marker22-Oct-09 6:15 
Questionconvert .xls file into image file or word image file Pin
Member 438836022-Oct-09 1:24
Member 438836022-Oct-09 1:24 
AnswerRe: convert .xls file into image file or word image file Pin
Ashfield22-Oct-09 1:30
Ashfield22-Oct-09 1:30 
AnswerRe: convert .xls file into image file or word image file Pin
Wes Aday22-Oct-09 4:06
professionalWes Aday22-Oct-09 4:06 
AnswerRe: convert .xls file into image file or word image file Pin
benjymous22-Oct-09 5:03
benjymous22-Oct-09 5:03 
Questionhaving problem in opening Ms Office files into webBrowser Pin
muhammad_umair22-Oct-09 1:08
muhammad_umair22-Oct-09 1:08 
Hi, im trying to Open multiple Ms Office files like Excel,PowerPoint & Word in my webBrowser, it works fine when im using Ms Office 2003 in other pc, but when i try to run the same application in another pc having Ms Office 2007 then instead of showing the MS Office file in webBrowser, it Opens the file in Ms Office. Does anyone know the solution to overcome this problem..
thanks in advance Smile | :)
AnswerRe: having problem in opening Ms Office files into webBrowser Pin
Richard MacCutchan22-Oct-09 1:50
mveRichard MacCutchan22-Oct-09 1:50 
QuestionUsing lock statement inside overloaded methods Pin
Nuno Pacheco22-Oct-09 0:19
Nuno Pacheco22-Oct-09 0:19 
AnswerRe: Using lock statement inside overloaded methods Pin
Covean22-Oct-09 1:12
Covean22-Oct-09 1:12 
GeneralRe: Using lock statement inside overloaded methods Pin
Nuno Pacheco22-Oct-09 1:23
Nuno Pacheco22-Oct-09 1:23 
GeneralRe: Using lock statement inside overloaded methods Pin
Covean22-Oct-09 1:48
Covean22-Oct-09 1:48 
GeneralRe: Using lock statement inside overloaded methods Pin
Nuno Pacheco22-Oct-09 2:36
Nuno Pacheco22-Oct-09 2:36 
GeneralRe: Using lock statement inside overloaded methods Pin
Covean22-Oct-09 2:53
Covean22-Oct-09 2:53 
Questionhow to create multiple connections in a client application Pin
Ajithevn21-Oct-09 23:36
Ajithevn21-Oct-09 23:36 
QuestionRe: how to create multiple connections in a client application Pin
Björn T.J.M. Spruit22-Oct-09 0:00
Björn T.J.M. Spruit22-Oct-09 0:00 
AnswerRe: how to create multiple connections in a client application Pin
Ajithevn22-Oct-09 0:11
Ajithevn22-Oct-09 0:11 
AnswerRe: how to create multiple connections in a client application Pin
Abhishek Sur22-Oct-09 0:07
professionalAbhishek Sur22-Oct-09 0:07 
GeneralRe: how to create multiple connections in a client application Pin
Ajithevn22-Oct-09 0:17
Ajithevn22-Oct-09 0:17 
QuestionRe: how to create multiple connections in a client application Pin
Ajithevn22-Oct-09 1:04
Ajithevn22-Oct-09 1:04 
QuestionText blurring using Graphics.Drawstring Pin
Björn T.J.M. Spruit21-Oct-09 23:04
Björn T.J.M. Spruit21-Oct-09 23:04 
AnswerRe: Text blurring using Graphics.Drawstring Pin
Björn T.J.M. Spruit22-Oct-09 1:54
Björn T.J.M. Spruit22-Oct-09 1:54 
GeneralRe: Text blurring using Graphics.Drawstring Pin
Covean22-Oct-09 2:15
Covean22-Oct-09 2:15 
GeneralRe: Text blurring using Graphics.Drawstring [modified] Pin
Björn T.J.M. Spruit22-Oct-09 2:54
Björn T.J.M. Spruit22-Oct-09 2:54 

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