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AnswerRe: how to manager the uri in C# Pin
silva10322-Oct-09 4:03
silva10322-Oct-09 4:03 
QuestionUsing keyboard's key instead of the buttom. Pin
niammirzaei21-Oct-09 16:22
niammirzaei21-Oct-09 16:22 
AnswerRe: Using keyboard's key instead of the buttom. Pin
Richard Andrew x6421-Oct-09 16:47
professionalRichard Andrew x6421-Oct-09 16:47 
GeneralRe: Using keyboard's key instead of the buttom. Pin
niammirzaei21-Oct-09 18:58
niammirzaei21-Oct-09 18:58 
QuestionPhone Calls Pin
Bismark Appah21-Oct-09 14:55
Bismark Appah21-Oct-09 14:55 
AnswerRe: Phone Calls Pin
Richard Andrew x6421-Oct-09 15:56
professionalRichard Andrew x6421-Oct-09 15:56 
GeneralRe: Phone Calls Pin
Bismark Appah21-Oct-09 22:05
Bismark Appah21-Oct-09 22:05 
QuestionCut and Paste Attachements from Outlook Pin
werner2721-Oct-09 10:26
werner2721-Oct-09 10:26 
Hi guys, you are my last hope.
read carefully to the end of my problem: i'd like to drag&drop attachments from outlook to explorer; depending on the pressed key (eg. shift) the email should be edited with the file name (like "Attached file shifted to C://test/file.pdf") or the full path and filename where the file have been pasted (->left mouse, no key: standard copy&paste; left mouse + shift: cut&paste - editing email with filename; left mouse + ctrl: cut & paste - editing email with full path)
there are several programms which remove attachments from email and saving them in defined folders; but this is not the solution; i want to remove the files with my mouse to individual folders (eg. proper project folders...) and have the attachments removed from the email (you know outlook folder size)

most of the features are standard for programming or a little bit of google. the crunchpoint what i couldn't find after days of googling:
i need an event FIRED IN OUTLOOK (eg. within an add-on) when an attachment is pasted to explorer from an email including file name and paste folder;

idea 1)
WM_DROPFIlE and similar: this message is only sent to the application where the file is pasted; does not work
idea 2)
register as listener in explorer: i didn't find a proper interface in explorer
idea 3)
register as listener in outlook: i didn't find a proper interface in outlook; an additional problem would be gathering the information from explorer of the filename and paste-folder

guys, does any one of you has an idea?
why in the C# forum? i'd like to implement in C#


QuestionHow To Make A Data Bound Control Pin
Kevin Marois21-Oct-09 10:15
professionalKevin Marois21-Oct-09 10:15 
AnswerRe: How To Make A Data Bound Control [modified] Pin
Eddy Vluggen21-Oct-09 11:26
professionalEddy Vluggen21-Oct-09 11:26 
GeneralRe: How To Make A Data Bound Control Pin
Kevin Marois21-Oct-09 13:52
professionalKevin Marois21-Oct-09 13:52 
Questionis it possible to scroll Microsoft Word, Excel? Pin
venkat S0721-Oct-09 7:24
venkat S0721-Oct-09 7:24 
Questionis it possible to get the scrollbar info from IE via user32.dll or any provider? how? Pin
venkat S0721-Oct-09 7:19
venkat S0721-Oct-09 7:19 
QuestionConverting to WMF Pin
mypicturefaded21-Oct-09 5:31
mypicturefaded21-Oct-09 5:31 
AnswerRe: Converting to WMF Pin
Richard MacCutchan21-Oct-09 5:39
mveRichard MacCutchan21-Oct-09 5:39 
GeneralRe: Converting to WMF Pin
mypicturefaded21-Oct-09 5:45
mypicturefaded21-Oct-09 5:45 
GeneralRe: Converting to WMF PinPopular
mypicturefaded21-Oct-09 5:52
mypicturefaded21-Oct-09 5:52 
GeneralRe: Converting to WMF Pin
Richard MacCutchan21-Oct-09 5:53
mveRichard MacCutchan21-Oct-09 5:53 
GeneralRe: Converting to WMF Pin
mypicturefaded21-Oct-09 9:01
mypicturefaded21-Oct-09 9:01 
GeneralRe: Converting to WMF Pin
Richard MacCutchan21-Oct-09 11:10
mveRichard MacCutchan21-Oct-09 11:10 
AnswerRe: Converting to WMF Pin
Luc Pattyn21-Oct-09 11:22
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn21-Oct-09 11:22 
QuestionWhat is the best way to call methods in a commom class? Pin
CBenac21-Oct-09 5:04
CBenac21-Oct-09 5:04 
AnswerRe: What is the best way to call methods in a commom class? Pin
Luc Pattyn21-Oct-09 5:07
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn21-Oct-09 5:07 
GeneralRe: What is the best way to call methods in a commom class? Pin
CBenac21-Oct-09 13:36
CBenac21-Oct-09 13:36 
GeneralRe: What is the best way to call methods in a commom class? Pin
Luc Pattyn21-Oct-09 13:43
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn21-Oct-09 13:43 

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