I know two ways to do this without explicit marshaling, and in such a way that the data never gets copied. The example holds a native function that sums the elements of a managed array; however it would be equally valid for the native code to write into the array (within its bounds of course).
for a once-of pointer, that is not used asynchronously in the native world later on, this suffices (it does need the "allow unsafe code" switch):
unsafe public int ArrayFixed() {
int dim=1000;
int[] numbers=new int[dim];
int sum;
fixed (int* pNumbers=&numbers[0]) {
sum=SumArray(pNumbers, dim);
return sum;
unsafe public static extern int SumArray(int* pNumbers, int count);
The general approach (which I prefer) is this:
public int ArrayHandle() {
int dim=10000;
int[] numbers=new int[dim];
GCHandle handle=GCHandle.Alloc(numbers, GCHandleType.Pinned);
int sum=SumArray(handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), dim);
return sum;
public static extern int SumArray(IntPtr pNumbers, int count);
Here you should free the handle when the pointer is no longer in use natively.
Luc Pattyn
I only read code that is properly indented, and rendered in a non-proportional font; hint: use PRE tags in forum messages
Local announcement (Antwerp region): Lange Wapper? 59.24% waren verstandig genoeg om NEEN te stemmen; bye bye viaduct.
modified on Tuesday, October 20, 2009 8:05 PM
Richard and Luc,
I will give the GCHandle approach a try tomorrow.
I updated the code and it of course compiles correctly but, the actual physical device this API talks to is at work and I just got home.
Hopefully I'll have good news tomorrow.
It worked just fine. I can now remove the unsafe switch from the project.
Thanks so much!
you're welcome.
Luc Pattyn
I only read code that is properly indented, and rendered in a non-proportional font; hint: use PRE tags in forum messages
Local announcement (Antwerp region): Lange Wapper? 59.24% waren verstandig genoeg om NEEN te stemmen; bye bye viaduct.
I am sort of stumpped.
I have a
List<string> EmailsTO
List<string> EmailsCC
I want to be able to pass the lists into a form. Modify those lists in the form. Then return the new lists back to the Parrent form, followed by closing of the child form I am simulating as a popup.
I can not figure out how to get the list<string> ... into the form and back out.
Can someone help point me in the right direction?
Here is some of what I have come up with....
using (frmpopupEmailRecipient popupVerifyEmailRecipients = new frmpopupEmailRecipient(ref EmailTo, ref EmailCC))
What I still can not figure out is passing a ref into the form is great for 1 way population if information. But What I need is to be able to receive a list back to the parrent replacing the list the parrent currently has with the modified list of the child.
I keep thinking I need to set up a List<string> Property on the child form. But I can not find any examples on how to set up a list<string> Property.
Please Help.
Don't pass controls around. Pass the data around. Use delegates to pass changes back to the main form.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
JollyMansArt wrote: but I am not understanding an example where I can pass List between parrent and child forms...
DON'T pass a list control between your forms. Pass the list itself ( I don't know if that's what you mean by list ). Pass it into the form, then if the form is modal, you can just access it back out with a property. If the form is modeless, a delegate is needed to tell the main form when data was changed inside the other form ( assuming this is possible )
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
I am not passing a control I am passing a List<string> ABC Object which is sort of like string[].tolist<string>()
I agree with what your saying and I just thought of that to. Now I just have to remember how to do that. I have avoided interform communication methods in the past. Now it is time to figure out how to do it again. Your right though..
Encapsulating the new form in a using statement in a previous project did allow me to communicate with it from the parrent form. I just forget how to do that. I will research. Unless you have a sample. I am close in my code example i think.
I assume this is about System.Net.Mail.MailMessage, which has three properties (To, Cc, Bcc) of type MailAddressCollection.
you can pass such lists just like any other object, and it does not need a ref keyword; and the receiving method can enumerate, add, remove, and perform all operations that the list supports. The one thing you cannot do is replace the list by a different list (that is the only operation that would require you to use the ref keyword).
Luc Pattyn
I only read code that is properly indented, and rendered in a non-proportional font; hint: use PRE tags in forum messages
Local announcement (Antwerp region): Lange Wapper? 59.24% waren verstandig genoeg om NEEN te stemmen; bye bye viaduct.
Partial assumption is correct.....
This is the mailmessage as to what it will go to. That part of the application I have working. I am tweaking the (to,cc,bc) before I pass the parameter to the procedure handling the list. To allow for the ability for a popup window with 2 checkbox list boxes. To allow the end user to override or add to the list of email addresses the will be used to send the autogenerated email. It was a requirement being asked in the last second.
So I need to pass the 2 list variables into the popup form, allow the form to add/delete items from the list variable for the (to,cc,bc) email addresses. Then finally pass the new list objects back to the parent, replacing the parents list variables from the list variables received from the child.
Here is some of the code behind what I am doing before:
private void SendEmail(string AlertType, string Subject, string MessageBody)
string[] MailTo;
string[] MailCC;
string MailFrom = "it@peerassistllc.com";
List<string> EmailToAddress = EmailTo(AlertType);
List<string> EmailCCAddress = EmailCC(AlertType);
if (EmailToAddress.Count > 0)
MailTo = EmailToAddress.ToArray<string>();
MailCC = EmailCCAddress.ToArray<string>();
MailTo = EmailCCAddress.ToArray<string>();
MailCC = EmailCCAddress.ToArray<string>();
string smtpHOST = txtSMTPServer.Text;
int smtpPORT = Convert.ToInt32(txtsmtpPortNumber.Text);
string smtpNETAuthUser = txtsmtpServerAuthencationUserName.Text;
string smtpNETAuthPassword = txtsmtpServerAuthencationPassword.Text;
int i = 0;
string LogMessage = "Mail From: " + MailFrom;
if (MailTo.Length > 0)
LogMessage += " Mail To: ";
for (i = 0; i < MailTo.Length; i++)
LogMessage += MailTo[i] + "; ";
if (MailCC.Count<string>() > 0)
LogMessage += " Mail CC: ";
for (i = 0; i < MailCC.Length; i++)
LogMessage += MailCC[i] + "; ";
LogMessage += " SMTP Host Server: " + txtSMTPServer.Text;
LogMessage += " SMTP Server Port: " + txtsmtpPortNumber.Text;
LogMessage += " SMTP Server UserName Authencation: " + txtsmtpServerAuthencationUserName.Text;
LogMessage += " Message Subject: " + Subject;
StandardProcedures.SQL_Log(WhatIsMyConnectionString, AlertType, LogMessage, true);
StandardProcedures.SQL_Log(WhatIsMyConnectionString, AlertType, MessageBody, true);
if (MailTo.Count<string>() == 0 & MailCC.Count<string>() == 0)
{ return; }
ConfirmEmailReceipents(ref MailTo, ref MailCC);
StandardProcedures.NET_AuthenticatedMailSend(MailFrom, MailTo, MailCC, Subject, MessageBody, smtpHOST, smtpPORT, smtpNETAuthUser, smtpNETAuthPassword);
modified on Tuesday, October 20, 2009 8:25 PM
The ConfirmEmailReceipents is the process I need to work in passing my list to the child then back to the parrent to allow for modifications. Any Suggestions...
Here is the Code I am trying to get to work to pass the variable to pass between the parent and child...
private void ConfirmEmailReceipents(ref List<string> EmailTo, ref List<string> EmailCC)
using (frmpopupEmailRecipient popupVerifyEmailRecipients = new frmpopupEmailRecipient(ref EmailTo, ref EmailCC))
using ( frmpopupEmailRecipient f2 = new frmpopupEmailRecipient())
if( f2.Show() == DialogResult.OK )
int i = f2.Number1;
string s = f2.String1;
I think I might of figured out how to pass the list to the child form. By Adding a Public List<string> in the child form. WOrking on testing that But now I have a somewhat new question....
How do I have the child form return the result of Dialogbox.ok?
I have set the child form's ok and cancel button's dialog property to the ok and cancel property. But I am unsure how to pass that to the parent form.
JollyMansArt wrote: allow the form to add/delete items from the list variable for the (to,cc,bc) email addresses. Then finally pass the new list objects ...
That is wrong, when you add/delete to a list (which is an object) it still is the same list (i.e. the same object, the difference is it may contain some other items).
For the rest, I'm not going to study all that, it is way too much code for anything you may want to do. And AFAIK some of it will not even compile.
Luc Pattyn
I only read code that is properly indented, and rendered in a non-proportional font; hint: use PRE tags in forum messages
Local announcement (Antwerp region): Lange Wapper? 59.24% waren verstandig genoeg om NEEN te stemmen; bye bye viaduct.
I figured out finally how to pass the array to the child and back...
Parrent Form:
using (frmpopupEmailRecipient popupVerifyEmailRecipients = new frmpopupEmailRecipient())
popupVerifyEmailRecipients.MyEmailTo = EmailTo;
popupVerifyEmailRecipients.MyEmailCC = EmailCC;
if (popupVerifyEmailRecipients.Show() == DialogResult.OK)
EmailTo = popupVerifyEmailRecipients.MyEmailTo;
EmailCC = popupVerifyEmailRecipients.MyEmailCC;
Child Form:
public partial class frmpopupEmailRecipient : Form
public List<String> MyEmailTo;
public List<String> MyEmailCC
Now optionally I would like for learning instead of just closing the frm... How do I modify the child form to return a dialogresult.ok value?
A Control (a Form IS a Control) offers the following methods amongst others:
public void Show()
public DialogResult ShowDialog()
and the MSDN page on ShowDialog clearly explains how the return value is determined.
Luc Pattyn
I only read code that is properly indented, and rendered in a non-proportional font; hint: use PRE tags in forum messages
Local announcement (Antwerp region): Lange Wapper? 59.24% waren verstandig genoeg om NEEN te stemmen; bye bye viaduct.
how to make line after 2 rows in crystal report ?
(working in C#)
thank's in advance
You create a formula field with below code and drag drop that field into ur crystal report detail section below ur data field, I hadnt checked may be it will work..<br />
<br />
<br />
Global booleanVar flag:=true;<br />
Local stringVar print ;<br />
if flag then print :="__________________________________";<br />
flag=false;<br />
if flag=false then<br />
flag:=true;<br />
print :=""
modified on Thursday, October 22, 2009 2:27 AM
You create a formula field with below code and drag drop that field into ur crystal report detail section below ur data field, I hadnt checked may be it will work..
shared booleanVar flag;
if flag then
"__________________________________" ;
It will work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need to get informed about every incoming network connection in C#.
All examples I found on the web were client/server stuff.
But I don't have any clients.
I want to get notified about all incoming connections at all ports.
How does it work? Which class can I use? Are there any events?
Thanks in advance for any hints and help.
Wild Max wrote: Which class can I use? Are there any events?
.NET doesn't have an event that handles all incoming connections. Some connections are even made without the Frameworks' knowledge!
You could dive into the Firewall API, I believe that all connections pass through there.
I are Troll
string message = Timetable(doc);
public string Timetable(XmlDocument xmldocument)
string timetableResult = "";
if (xmldocument != null)
using (StreamReader sw = new StreamReader(new FileStream("out1.xml", FileMode.Open)))
string str = sw.ReadToEnd();
//extraction and suppose there's a string here which I want to return
I can't seem to return a string, the error says :Could not load file or assembly 'RS232, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=515d87df384dcc81' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Please help.