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QuestionC# Source code to draw the real time graph using Silverlight Pin
Rameshwar Yadav21-Oct-09 2:34
Rameshwar Yadav21-Oct-09 2:34 
QuestionBinding to UserControl's inner item's property without code-behind Pin
hhrafn19-Oct-09 23:43
hhrafn19-Oct-09 23:43 
Questionhow to design page navigation window form using back and next button. Pin
@nisha 2n19-Oct-09 21:43
@nisha 2n19-Oct-09 21:43 
Questionhow to design page navigation window form using back & next button Pin
@nisha 2n19-Oct-09 21:41
@nisha 2n19-Oct-09 21:41 
AnswerRe: how to design page navigation window form using back & next button Pin
Mark Salsbery20-Oct-09 6:27
Mark Salsbery20-Oct-09 6:27 
QuestionError passing List as a parameter to web service Pin
CBenac19-Oct-09 9:17
CBenac19-Oct-09 9:17 
AnswerRe: Error passing List as a parameter to web service Pin
Nigel Ferrissey19-Oct-09 10:38
Nigel Ferrissey19-Oct-09 10:38 
AnswerRe: Error passing List as a parameter to web service Pin
Mark Salsbery19-Oct-09 11:33
Mark Salsbery19-Oct-09 11:33 
In addition to Nigel's reply...

Since you're using the automagic proxy generator, then you
can look at the generated code on the client side:
1) Click on the client project in the Solution Explorer
2) Click the "Show All Files" button on the Solution Explorer's toolbar
3) Drill down the files tree from the service reference to find the
   Reference.cs file - that will have the generated client-side classes

In the generated code, there should be the People class you should be using.
If it's not there, try using the DataContractAttribute on the server side:
public class People
    public string name;
    public int age;

(don't forget to update the service reference on the client to get new
generated code!)

Mark Salsbery
Microsoft MVP - Visual C++

Java | [Coffee]

GeneralRe: Error passing List as a parameter to web service Pin
CBenac19-Oct-09 12:47
CBenac19-Oct-09 12:47 
QuestionWebcam Capturing and Broadcasting To Multiple And Receiving Requests To See Webcam ---All Via Peep To Peer Communication Pin
deepbhullar19-Oct-09 2:17
deepbhullar19-Oct-09 2:17 
QuestionO.o help hehe beginner [some what have an answer] Pin
nerra19-Oct-09 0:01
nerra19-Oct-09 0:01 
AnswerRe: O.o help hehe beginner Pin
Richard MacCutchan19-Oct-09 0:04
mveRichard MacCutchan19-Oct-09 0:04 
GeneralRe: O.o help hehe beginner [modified] Pin
nerra19-Oct-09 0:09
nerra19-Oct-09 0:09 
GeneralRe: O.o help hehe beginner Pin
Richard MacCutchan19-Oct-09 0:32
mveRichard MacCutchan19-Oct-09 0:32 
GeneralRe: O.o help hehe beginner Pin
nerra19-Oct-09 0:54
nerra19-Oct-09 0:54 
GeneralRe: O.o help hehe beginner Pin
Richard MacCutchan19-Oct-09 1:22
mveRichard MacCutchan19-Oct-09 1:22 
GeneralRe: O.o help hehe beginner Pin
nerra19-Oct-09 1:33
nerra19-Oct-09 1:33 
GeneralRe: O.o help hehe beginner Pin
Mark Salsbery19-Oct-09 7:10
Mark Salsbery19-Oct-09 7:10 
GeneralRe: O.o help hehe beginner Pin
nerra21-Oct-09 2:53
nerra21-Oct-09 2:53 
GeneralRe: O.o help hehe beginner Pin
Richard MacCutchan21-Oct-09 3:03
mveRichard MacCutchan21-Oct-09 3:03 
GeneralRe: O.o help hehe beginner Pin
nerra23-Oct-09 18:44
nerra23-Oct-09 18:44 
GeneralRe: O.o help hehe beginner Pin
Richard MacCutchan23-Oct-09 21:27
mveRichard MacCutchan23-Oct-09 21:27 
AnswerRe: O.o help hehe beginner [some what have an answer] Pin
Christian Graus20-Oct-09 20:35
protectorChristian Graus20-Oct-09 20:35 
GeneralRe: O.o help hehe beginner [some what have an answer] Pin
nerra21-Oct-09 15:12
nerra21-Oct-09 15:12 
Questionupload a file using a batch file Pin
monu nair18-Oct-09 20:53
monu nair18-Oct-09 20:53 

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