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GeneralRe: WCF is showing lists as arrays? Pin
AndyASPVB20-Oct-09 9:47
AndyASPVB20-Oct-09 9:47 
GeneralRe: WCF is showing lists as arrays? Pin
Mark Salsbery20-Oct-09 10:39
Mark Salsbery20-Oct-09 10:39 
GeneralRe: WCF is showing lists as arrays? Pin
Mark Salsbery16-Oct-09 11:44
Mark Salsbery16-Oct-09 11:44 
QuestionDrawing Geometries to RenderTargetBitmap is being anti-aliased, can it be turned off ? Pin
sfogarasi16-Oct-09 4:49
sfogarasi16-Oct-09 4:49 
QuestionRe: Drawing Geometries to RenderTargetBitmap is being anti-aliased, can it be turned off ? Pin
Mark Salsbery16-Oct-09 7:50
Mark Salsbery16-Oct-09 7:50 
AnswerRe: Drawing Geometries to RenderTargetBitmap is being anti-aliased, can it be turned off ? Pin
sfogarasi16-Oct-09 8:42
sfogarasi16-Oct-09 8:42 
QuestionHow to save files in single DAT file in .NET? Pin
mittalpa15-Oct-09 6:58
mittalpa15-Oct-09 6:58 
AnswerRe: How to save files in single DAT file in .NET? Pin
Mark Salsbery15-Oct-09 7:50
Mark Salsbery15-Oct-09 7:50 
There's nothing in your post related to WPF/WCF/WF.

You can store any data you'd like to in a file.
You'll probably need to come up with a file format
that has enough information to extract individual items,
perhaps some kind of "directory".

Mark Salsbery
Microsoft MVP - Visual C++

Java | [Coffee]

QuestionCan't get UriKind.Relative to work Pin
fjparisIII15-Oct-09 5:41
fjparisIII15-Oct-09 5:41 
AnswerRe: Can't get UriKind.Relative to work Pin
Mark Salsbery15-Oct-09 7:06
Mark Salsbery15-Oct-09 7:06 
GeneralRe: Can't get UriKind.Relative to work Pin
fjparisIII15-Oct-09 8:13
fjparisIII15-Oct-09 8:13 
GeneralRe: Can't get UriKind.Relative to work Pin
Mark Salsbery15-Oct-09 8:17
Mark Salsbery15-Oct-09 8:17 
GeneralRe: Can't get UriKind.Relative to work Pin
fjparisIII15-Oct-09 9:14
fjparisIII15-Oct-09 9:14 
General[Message Deleted] Pin
fjparisIII15-Oct-09 11:42
fjparisIII15-Oct-09 11:42 
QuestionRe: Can't get UriKind.Relative to work Pin
Mark Salsbery16-Oct-09 7:34
Mark Salsbery16-Oct-09 7:34 
AnswerRe: Can't get UriKind.Relative to work Pin
fjparisIII16-Oct-09 8:43
fjparisIII16-Oct-09 8:43 
GeneralRe: Can't get UriKind.Relative to work Pin
fjparisIII16-Oct-09 8:05
fjparisIII16-Oct-09 8:05 
GeneralRe: Can't get UriKind.Relative to work Pin
Mark Salsbery16-Oct-09 8:53
Mark Salsbery16-Oct-09 8:53 
GeneralRe: Can't get UriKind.Relative to work SOLVED! Pin
fjparisIII16-Oct-09 14:33
fjparisIII16-Oct-09 14:33 
GeneralRe: Can't get UriKind.Relative to work SOLVED! Pin
Mark Salsbery16-Oct-09 14:46
Mark Salsbery16-Oct-09 14:46 
GeneralRe: Can't get UriKind.Relative to work SOLVED! Pin
fjparisIII16-Oct-09 15:38
fjparisIII16-Oct-09 15:38 
QuestionNothing displayed when set a line to DashStyles.Dot Pin
CooperWu15-Oct-09 4:58
CooperWu15-Oct-09 4:58 
AnswerRe: Nothing displayed when set a line to DashStyles.Dot Pin
Mark Salsbery15-Oct-09 8:04
Mark Salsbery15-Oct-09 8:04 
QuestionControl Limitation Pin
Saiyed Alam14-Oct-09 18:39
Saiyed Alam14-Oct-09 18:39 
AnswerRe: Control Limitation Pin
Ian Shlasko15-Oct-09 3:47
Ian Shlasko15-Oct-09 3:47 

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