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Title="Test" Height="500" Width="700" ResizeMode="CanResizeWithGrip" Name="MainWindow"
WindowStyle="None" AllowsTransparency="True"
Background="Transparent" BorderThickness="0" FrameworkElement.Loaded="MainWindow_Loaded" FrameworkElement.SizeChanged="Window_SizeChanged" >
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<Canvas Height="22" Background="Transparent" Name="TitleCanvas" PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown="DragWindow">
<Label FontWeight="Bold" FontFamily="Elephant" FontStyle="Italic" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Grid.Column="0">Test Title</Label>
<Menu Height="22" Background="Transparent" BorderThickness="0" >
<MenuItem Header="File">
<MenuItem Header="Exit" Click="Exit_Click" />
<MenuItem Header="Help">
<MenuItem Header="About..." />
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<ColumnDefinition Width="200" MinWidth="25" MaxWidth="{Binding ElementName=MainWindow, Path=ActualWidth}"/>
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Ennis Ray Lynch, Jr. wrote: Unpaid overtime is slavery.
Trollslayer wrote: Meetings - where minutes are taken and hours are lost.
Menu items show up fine here...
Mark Salsbery
Microsoft MVP - Visual C++
Thanks for the help. I've got it working also, it appears the solution was "restart visual studio". I made no changes since the time I posted the initial question and it just works.
Ennis Ray Lynch, Jr. wrote: Unpaid overtime is slavery.
Trollslayer wrote: Meetings - where minutes are taken and hours are lost.
I need to find the binding control of my TreeViewItem's parent, GetContainerFromItem gives me the parent TreeViewItem and GetParent gives me the Parent Item, but how do I get the control that is bound to the parent Item?
I'm using a custom control to display the items, and need to manipulate it from a child control...
Be brave little warrior, be VERY brave
In my silverlight application I've many pages(1,2,3...), after logged in i'm showing default page. After that if i click on any page default loading (silverlight progress like rotating a default logo with continual increment of time) is going on.
Next if i click on the any other page of same page that silverlight progress is not showing. My silverlight pages have huge data, so for loading the data it takes time to show any page without showing any progress.
I need to show any progress bar on loading the data.... is it possible to show the progress bar in all pages while loading?
Ravi Vellanki.
ravi.vellanky wrote: is it possible to show the progress bar in all pages while loading?
Mark Salsbery
Microsoft MVP - Visual C++
Can you tell me how can i achieve this?
What part are you having trouble with?
Data loading is asynchronous in Silverlight so you can
display a progress control at the start of the download
and remove the progress control when the download completes.
Mark Salsbery
Microsoft MVP - Visual C++
Can you give me any sample application link on this progress bar?
Have you looked at the documentation?
ProgressBar Class[^]
1) Before you request data, show a ProgressBar.
2) If you're using a data retrieval method that reports download status, update the ProgressBar.
If no download status is available, you could set the ProgressBar's IsIndeterminate property to True.
3) When the data is received, hide and/or remove the ProgressBar.
Again - what part are you having trouble with?
Mark Salsbery
Microsoft MVP - Visual C++
Hey all
I added silverlight to an existing asp.net project and used asp:Silverlight control to embed the silverlight, everything works fine.
I set color of my website body to LightGray but the silverlight control background is still showing white, I tried setting the control backcolor to Transparent but still no luck.
Any help will be appresaited.
The background of the plugin object (what you see before
any XAML is loaded) is set on the plugin object as described
here: Background (Silverlight Plug-in Object)[^]
Note the default is "white", and if you use transparent, I'm pretty sure
you'll see black.
Once there's Silverlight elements up, those elements will determine
the background.
Mark Salsbery
Microsoft MVP - Visual C++
Thanks for your reply, it helped me alote
Mark Salsbery wrote: Note the default is "white", and if you use transparent, I'm pretty sure
you'll see black.
It did show a black background, i just set the windowless property to true, now it shows perfect.
Thanks again.
Morning folks,
I need to generate a grid programatically an image per cell in a grid-like fashion that could be 100 x 100 or more, so I need a high performance control that will be able to handle interacting with the grid once its loaded. I've tried a stack panel method which did work quite well but there seemed to be a bit of a performance lag on it. I'm a bit new to WPF so if you have any suggestions as to what would be best to use that's be fab
Thanks very much,
I am having the requirement like drawing the database relationship diagram.
Please find the sample image in the below path.
1. By default, each table icon is in the minimized state & is displayed as a clickable button.
2. If the user click on it, it will be maximized & all the columns displayed (with scroll, if number of columns exceeds its maximum limit)
3. The user can move the icons anywhere around the UI boundaries.
4. The user can minimize it back to an icon by clicking on the minimize botton.
5. There is a connector between related tables (primary/ foreign key relationship) Column wise connector is not required in my case. Only one connector between the related tables is required.
6. If the user clicks on the connector, the relationship details will be displayed in a popup window.
How can we implement the same in Web UI using Silverlight?
Till now, I have tried with WCF for the database connectivity & drawn few movable images (Image control with mouse event handlers) and connectors (line control) between them by created all the controls dynamically from code behind file (xaml.vb)
Kindly help us with your valuable suggestions on this.
You should be able to do it similar to the way you'd
do it in WPF, except you won't have direct access to a
database from a browser so you'll need that info from a
The Silverlight SDK[^] has lots of info on using
Silverlight controls and graphics.
Mark Salsbery
Microsoft MVP - Visual C++
You don't need a DP here. This[^] article gives you some useful insights into using a BackgroundWorker with WPF, and can be easily adapted into MVVM.
"WPF has many lovers. It's a veritable porn star!" - Josh Smith As Braveheart once said, "You can take our freedom but you'll never take our Hobnobs!" - Martin Hughes.
My blog | My articles | MoXAML PowerToys | Onyx
You're welcome.
"WPF has many lovers. It's a veritable porn star!" - Josh Smith As Braveheart once said, "You can take our freedom but you'll never take our Hobnobs!" - Martin Hughes.
My blog | My articles | MoXAML PowerToys | Onyx
The DrawingGroup and GeometryDrawing classes are available in system.windows.media but it is not availble for me in silverlight3.0. What should I do ?
I've a datagrid contains a list of items (Check boxes, link buttons and normal text) and a delete button above the datagrid.
After check the check boxes (one or more), i have to delete those rows from the datagrid by clicking the delete button which is placed above the datagrid..
How to achieve this .......... Pls help me out.......
Ravi Vellanki
Use Foreach Loop And Make a string which have all id of that rows.
after that send this string in a stored procedure which use delete DML with IN clause.
i think your problem is solved...
I'm trying to use Log4net to log messages within my application. I'm adding a WPF window and want to stream the messages to the window. Log4net provides a TextWriterAppender that takes a StringWriter and writes logged events to the StringWriter, flushing it after each event.
I want to simply connect the output of the StringWriter as the Text property on a TextBox. When I started this, it seemed simple and obvious - now I'm less sure. Ideally, I would simply like to bind the StringWriter to the TextBox, but haven't found the incantation.
The basic problem is that the StringWriter doesn't provide something like the INotifyPropertyChanged event to trigger code output a new log message (unless there is something behind the scenes I haven't found).
I've see many examples of binding, all of which seem to presume that I have control over the writer itself. Am I missing something simple (I hope), or is this really not that straightforward.
Any thoughts/help appreciated.