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GeneralRe: WCF is showing lists as arrays? Pin
Mark Salsbery20-Oct-09 10:39
Mark Salsbery20-Oct-09 10:39 
GeneralRe: WCF is showing lists as arrays? Pin
Mark Salsbery16-Oct-09 11:44
Mark Salsbery16-Oct-09 11:44 
QuestionDrawing Geometries to RenderTargetBitmap is being anti-aliased, can it be turned off ? Pin
sfogarasi16-Oct-09 4:49
sfogarasi16-Oct-09 4:49 
QuestionRe: Drawing Geometries to RenderTargetBitmap is being anti-aliased, can it be turned off ? Pin
Mark Salsbery16-Oct-09 7:50
Mark Salsbery16-Oct-09 7:50 
AnswerRe: Drawing Geometries to RenderTargetBitmap is being anti-aliased, can it be turned off ? Pin
sfogarasi16-Oct-09 8:42
sfogarasi16-Oct-09 8:42 
QuestionHow to save files in single DAT file in .NET? Pin
mittalpa15-Oct-09 6:58
mittalpa15-Oct-09 6:58 
AnswerRe: How to save files in single DAT file in .NET? Pin
Mark Salsbery15-Oct-09 7:50
Mark Salsbery15-Oct-09 7:50 
QuestionCan't get UriKind.Relative to work Pin
fjparisIII15-Oct-09 5:41
fjparisIII15-Oct-09 5:41 
For some reason I have to use the cumbersome Pack URI format to access an image file in my assembly. When I use a relative URI I get a System.InvalidOperationException on the following statement: Uri uri = new Uri(ResourcePath, UriKind.Relative);. It works fine when I use the following statement: Uri uri = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/" + ResourcePath);. Here ResourcePath is set to "Resource/Screenshot.png" and "Resource" is directly under my project in the Solution Explorer. Of course the Build Action of the .png file is set to "Resource" or even the Pack URI wouldn't work, which it does. What could be causing this kind of problem?
AnswerRe: Can't get UriKind.Relative to work Pin
Mark Salsbery15-Oct-09 7:06
Mark Salsbery15-Oct-09 7:06 
GeneralRe: Can't get UriKind.Relative to work Pin
fjparisIII15-Oct-09 8:13
fjparisIII15-Oct-09 8:13 
GeneralRe: Can't get UriKind.Relative to work Pin
Mark Salsbery15-Oct-09 8:17
Mark Salsbery15-Oct-09 8:17 
GeneralRe: Can't get UriKind.Relative to work Pin
fjparisIII15-Oct-09 9:14
fjparisIII15-Oct-09 9:14 
General[Message Deleted] Pin
fjparisIII15-Oct-09 11:42
fjparisIII15-Oct-09 11:42 
QuestionRe: Can't get UriKind.Relative to work Pin
Mark Salsbery16-Oct-09 7:34
Mark Salsbery16-Oct-09 7:34 
AnswerRe: Can't get UriKind.Relative to work Pin
fjparisIII16-Oct-09 8:43
fjparisIII16-Oct-09 8:43 
GeneralRe: Can't get UriKind.Relative to work Pin
fjparisIII16-Oct-09 8:05
fjparisIII16-Oct-09 8:05 
GeneralRe: Can't get UriKind.Relative to work Pin
Mark Salsbery16-Oct-09 8:53
Mark Salsbery16-Oct-09 8:53 
GeneralRe: Can't get UriKind.Relative to work SOLVED! Pin
fjparisIII16-Oct-09 14:33
fjparisIII16-Oct-09 14:33 
GeneralRe: Can't get UriKind.Relative to work SOLVED! Pin
Mark Salsbery16-Oct-09 14:46
Mark Salsbery16-Oct-09 14:46 
GeneralRe: Can't get UriKind.Relative to work SOLVED! Pin
fjparisIII16-Oct-09 15:38
fjparisIII16-Oct-09 15:38 
QuestionNothing displayed when set a line to DashStyles.Dot Pin
CooperWu15-Oct-09 4:58
CooperWu15-Oct-09 4:58 
AnswerRe: Nothing displayed when set a line to DashStyles.Dot Pin
Mark Salsbery15-Oct-09 8:04
Mark Salsbery15-Oct-09 8:04 
QuestionControl Limitation Pin
Saiyed Alam14-Oct-09 18:39
Saiyed Alam14-Oct-09 18:39 
AnswerRe: Control Limitation Pin
Ian Shlasko15-Oct-09 3:47
Ian Shlasko15-Oct-09 3:47 
QuestionMenuItems not showing properly Pin
Shelby Robertson 14-Oct-09 4:56
Shelby Robertson 14-Oct-09 4:56 

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