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AnswerRe: How to show SSL WCF Service Padlock Pin
Nigel Ferrissey8-Oct-09 14:22
Nigel Ferrissey8-Oct-09 14:22 
GeneralRe: How to show SSL WCF Service Padlock Pin
Soulforged8-Oct-09 15:31
Soulforged8-Oct-09 15:31 
GeneralRe: How to show SSL WCF Service Padlock Pin
Nigel Ferrissey8-Oct-09 16:15
Nigel Ferrissey8-Oct-09 16:15 
GeneralRe: How to show SSL WCF Service Padlock Pin
Soulforged8-Oct-09 16:49
Soulforged8-Oct-09 16:49 
GeneralRe: How to show SSL WCF Service Padlock Pin
Nigel Ferrissey8-Oct-09 18:07
Nigel Ferrissey8-Oct-09 18:07 
QuestionDynemic Data binding for image within ListBox Pin
grvdarji8-Oct-09 10:40
grvdarji8-Oct-09 10:40 
AnswerRe: Dynemic Data binding for image within ListBox Pin
Gideon Engelberth9-Oct-09 3:32
Gideon Engelberth9-Oct-09 3:32 
GeneralRe: Dynemic Data binding for image within ListBox Pin
grvdarji9-Oct-09 6:20
grvdarji9-Oct-09 6:20 
Thanks for the reply Gideon,

Yes, I have some stuff ready for converting image.

I understand quite, what you are saying here, but still have some doubts.

What I understood:
Should make a class "ByteArrayToImageSourceConverter" and put my stuff inside a method of it.

Can you please specify
"Source="{Binding ByteArrayProperty Converter={StaticResource B2IConv}} "
Should "ByteArrayProperty " be a custom property from our new class?
(and if it is, what is it holding? Our Result Byte[] after conversion?
If I am not wrong, we need this property because in WPF any Dependencty property can
accept value from the property of any other object, is that right?)

Is "B2IConv" a method from our class which does the conversion?

What about my Listbox DataContext property? Do I keep it same for getting data in TextBlock?

Sorry, If my questions don't make much sense, as I said am not expert of WPF Smile | :)
GeneralRe: Dynemic Data binding for image within ListBox Pin
Gideon Engelberth9-Oct-09 13:25
Gideon Engelberth9-Oct-09 13:25 
Questionround slider Pin
robotz8-Oct-09 4:57
robotz8-Oct-09 4:57 
AnswerRe: round slider Pin
Christian Graus8-Oct-09 9:41
protectorChristian Graus8-Oct-09 9:41 
GeneralRe: round slider Pin
robotz8-Oct-09 9:58
robotz8-Oct-09 9:58 
GeneralRe: round slider Pin
Christian Graus8-Oct-09 10:26
protectorChristian Graus8-Oct-09 10:26 
GeneralRe: round slider Pin
robotz8-Oct-09 10:32
robotz8-Oct-09 10:32 
QuestionMedia element fullscreen Pin
Nekkantidivya7-Oct-09 19:29
Nekkantidivya7-Oct-09 19:29 
AnswerRe: Media element fullscreen Pin
Nigel Ferrissey8-Oct-09 16:03
Nigel Ferrissey8-Oct-09 16:03 
QuestionCalling SSL WCF Service from Silverlight Pin
Soulforged7-Oct-09 15:47
Soulforged7-Oct-09 15:47 
AnswerRe: Calling SSL WCF Service from Silverlight Pin
Nigel Ferrissey7-Oct-09 19:19
Nigel Ferrissey7-Oct-09 19:19 
GeneralRe: Calling SSL WCF Service from Silverlight Pin
Soulforged8-Oct-09 13:41
Soulforged8-Oct-09 13:41 
AnswerRe: Calling SSL WCF Service from Silverlight Pin
Mark Salsbery8-Oct-09 10:19
Mark Salsbery8-Oct-09 10:19 
QuestionSelector (ListBox, ComboBox) default selected item woes when bound to ObservableCollection Pin
Jeremy Likness7-Oct-09 10:32
professionalJeremy Likness7-Oct-09 10:32 
AnswerRe: Selector (ListBox, ComboBox) default selected item woes when bound to ObservableCollection Pin
Nigel Ferrissey8-Oct-09 12:08
Nigel Ferrissey8-Oct-09 12:08 
QuestionCan DataGrid Swap Row and Column? Pin
Frank W. Wu7-Oct-09 10:13
Frank W. Wu7-Oct-09 10:13 
AnswerRe: Can DataGrid Swap Row and Column? Pin
Nigel Ferrissey9-Oct-09 12:22
Nigel Ferrissey9-Oct-09 12:22 
Questioncombobox usage Pin
VCsamir6-Oct-09 21:22
VCsamir6-Oct-09 21:22 

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