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GeneralRe: New project problem? Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.29-Oct-02 19:33
Stephane Rodriguez.29-Oct-02 19:33 
GeneralSoapsuds and "Invalid schema data" Pin
Anonymous29-Oct-02 12:40
Anonymous29-Oct-02 12:40 
GeneralRe: Soapsuds and "Invalid schema data" Pin
Senkwe Chanda31-Oct-02 2:00
Senkwe Chanda31-Oct-02 2:00 
GeneralConverting from Java to C# problem.. Pin
Ed K29-Oct-02 12:18
Ed K29-Oct-02 12:18 
GeneralRe: Converting from Java to C# problem.. Pin
Christian Graus29-Oct-02 15:28
protectorChristian Graus29-Oct-02 15:28 
GeneralRe: Converting from Java to C# problem.. Pin
Ed K29-Oct-02 16:41
Ed K29-Oct-02 16:41 
GeneralRe: Converting from Java to C# problem.. Pin
leppie31-Oct-02 6:09
leppie31-Oct-02 6:09 
GeneralRe: Converting from Java to C# problem.. Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.29-Oct-02 19:16
Stephane Rodriguez.29-Oct-02 19:16 
You are just showing how little you know about Java. I don't know much either, but I can read the reference doc.Frown | :(

In short, Character.getNumericValue returns a code from an internal vm table known as the UAT (Unicode Attribute Table). As a result, this returns what you may call "weird" numbers.

To get the unicode from a char, you just need to cast it.

int unicodevalue = (int) 'b';

PS : Java being a joke?
Ha ha!!!!Laugh | :laugh:

How low can you go ?
(MS rant)

GeneralCreating DB's on the fly!!! Pin
Anonymous29-Oct-02 9:43
Anonymous29-Oct-02 9:43 
GeneralRe: Creating DB's on the fly!!! Pin
leppie29-Oct-02 10:19
leppie29-Oct-02 10:19 
GeneralRe: Creating DB's on the fly!!! Pin
perlmunger29-Oct-02 11:07
perlmunger29-Oct-02 11:07 
GeneralRe: Creating DB's on the fly!!! Pin
Anonymous29-Oct-02 12:13
Anonymous29-Oct-02 12:13 
GeneralRe: Creating DB's on the fly!!! Pin
Anonymous30-Oct-02 11:23
Anonymous30-Oct-02 11:23 
GeneralPie / Bar / Line Charts Pin
Anonymous29-Oct-02 9:40
Anonymous29-Oct-02 9:40 
GeneralRe: Pie / Bar / Line Charts Pin
Christian Graus29-Oct-02 15:34
protectorChristian Graus29-Oct-02 15:34 
GeneralDeterming SQL Server Type from C# Pin
perlmunger29-Oct-02 9:28
perlmunger29-Oct-02 9:28 
GeneralRe: Determing SQL Server Type from C# Pin
leppie29-Oct-02 10:23
leppie29-Oct-02 10:23 
GeneralRe: Determing SQL Server Type from C# Pin
perlmunger29-Oct-02 10:54
perlmunger29-Oct-02 10:54 
GeneralRe: Determing SQL Server Type from C# Pin
leppie29-Oct-02 11:05
leppie29-Oct-02 11:05 
GeneralRe: Determing SQL Server Type from C# Pin
perlmunger29-Oct-02 11:11
perlmunger29-Oct-02 11:11 
GeneralRe: Determing SQL Server Type from C# Pin
leppie29-Oct-02 11:39
leppie29-Oct-02 11:39 
GeneralRe: Determing SQL Server Type from C# Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.29-Oct-02 18:36
Stephane Rodriguez.29-Oct-02 18:36 
GeneralRe: Determing SQL Server Type from C# Pin
perlmunger30-Oct-02 9:07
perlmunger30-Oct-02 9:07 
GeneralPass By Reference Problem Pin
perlmunger29-Oct-02 6:34
perlmunger29-Oct-02 6:34 
GeneralRe: Pass By Reference Problem Pin
Daniel Turini29-Oct-02 6:40
Daniel Turini29-Oct-02 6:40 

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