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Managed C++/CLI

GeneralRe: How do I get Image_click to work more than once? Pin
Fenix27-Oct-09 1:42
Fenix27-Oct-09 1:42 
GeneralRe: How do I get Image_click to work more than once? Pin
Richard MacCutchan7-Oct-09 4:17
mveRichard MacCutchan7-Oct-09 4:17 
GeneralRe: How do I get Image_click to work more than once? Pin
N a v a n e e t h7-Oct-09 5:06
N a v a n e e t h7-Oct-09 5:06 
GeneralRe: How do I get Image_click to work more than once? Pin
Richard MacCutchan7-Oct-09 6:57
mveRichard MacCutchan7-Oct-09 6:57 
AnswerRe: How do I get Image_click to work more than once? Pin
Luc Pattyn7-Oct-09 8:34
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn7-Oct-09 8:34 
GeneralRe: How do I get Image_click to work more than once? Pin
Fenix27-Oct-09 14:44
Fenix27-Oct-09 14:44 
GeneralRe: How do I get Image_click to work more than once? Pin
Luc Pattyn7-Oct-09 14:47
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn7-Oct-09 14:47 
GeneralRe: How do I get Image_click to work more than once? Pin
Fenix27-Oct-09 15:28
Fenix27-Oct-09 15:28 
It doesn't work.
If I guess,
I'd say myself that the error is in the starting of the form.h
What if the variables are always reset to 0?
What if the form, would be... in a repeatative process?
So where should I put the variable Tsn11 ?
AnswerRe: How do I get Image_click to work more than once? Pin
Richard MacCutchan7-Oct-09 22:47
mveRichard MacCutchan7-Oct-09 22:47 
GeneralRe: How do I get Image_click to work more than once? Pin
Fenix27-Oct-09 23:28
Fenix27-Oct-09 23:28 
QuestionWhats a natural successor to the COM object? Pin
Ger Hayden6-Oct-09 11:12
Ger Hayden6-Oct-09 11:12 
AnswerRe: Whats a natural successor to the COM object? Pin
N a v a n e e t h6-Oct-09 17:21
N a v a n e e t h6-Oct-09 17:21 
QuestionWhich method of connection to MySQL is Best? Pin
Ger Hayden6-Oct-09 11:09
Ger Hayden6-Oct-09 11:09 
AnswerRe: Which method of connection to MySQL is Best? Pin
N a v a n e e t h6-Oct-09 17:14
N a v a n e e t h6-Oct-09 17:14 
GeneralRe: Which method of connection to MySQL is Best? Pin
Ger Hayden7-Oct-09 2:23
Ger Hayden7-Oct-09 2:23 
QuestionCLI,How to divide a class into multi-files(like c# partial) Pin
akira324-Oct-09 18:08
akira324-Oct-09 18:08 
AnswerRe: CLI,How to divide a class into multi-files(like c# partial) Pin
N a v a n e e t h4-Oct-09 20:20
N a v a n e e t h4-Oct-09 20:20 
GeneralRe: CLI,How to divide a class into multi-files(like c# partial) Pin
George L. Jackson5-Oct-09 9:27
George L. Jackson5-Oct-09 9:27 
GeneralRe: CLI,How to divide a class into multi-files(like c# partial) Pin
N a v a n e e t h5-Oct-09 16:07
N a v a n e e t h5-Oct-09 16:07 
GeneralRe: CLI,How to divide a class into multi-files(like c# partial) Pin
George L. Jackson6-Oct-09 5:54
George L. Jackson6-Oct-09 5:54 
QuestionString pass by reference Pin
carlo.andreoli2-Oct-09 0:32
carlo.andreoli2-Oct-09 0:32 
AnswerRe: String pass by reference Pin
teejayem2-Oct-09 5:28
teejayem2-Oct-09 5:28 
GeneralRe: String pass by reference Pin
carlo.andreoli5-Oct-09 2:20
carlo.andreoli5-Oct-09 2:20 
QuestionDual Linkage Possible with Managed DLL? Pin
Richard Andrew x6430-Sep-09 13:13
professionalRichard Andrew x6430-Sep-09 13:13 
AnswerRe: Dual Linkage Possible with Managed DLL? Pin
Luc Pattyn30-Sep-09 13:30
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn30-Sep-09 13:30 

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