11Developer wrote: dats y i m here
txt speak really sucks.
So, you found some code, can't make it work, and so posted a general, vague question here ? I diagnose PICNIC. problem in chair, not in computer. ASP sucks, if I had to maintain an ASP site, I'd still write new pages in ASP.NET. Either way, if you found code and can't make it work, you need to assume that it works, and that you need help working out how to use it.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
If anybody needs to know the solution go [here]
I wrote a Web application by ASP.NET and C#. I need to change date of my server behind about 1 year ago and after that changing date came back. For example, time is 30/09/2009 and when the program runs, time should be 30/09/2008 and after 3sec time comes back 30/09/2009.
I wrote this rule by ASP.NET and C# and that web application work correctly, but for 5 days, that code can't change date of server, although web application worked correctly and could change date by below codes.
Also these codes work and can change date of server when those are written as WIN application and don't return any error, and those are written as WEB application and run in Visual Studio 2008 don't return any error and works correctly, but when those codes are written as WEB application and run in ISS can't change date of server and return "error: 1314", so I be confused!!!
I will be very glad if somebody helps me.
Thank you very much.
<pre> [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern int SetLocalTime(ref SystemTime lpSystemTime);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern uint GetLastError();
public struct SystemTime
public short wYear;
public short wMonth;
public short wDayOfWeek;
public short wDay;
public short wHour;
public short wMinute;
public short wSecond;
public short wMilliseconds;
private void ChangeDate()
SystemTime systNew = new SystemTime();
systNew.wDay = (short)dateTime.Day;
systNew.wMonth = (short)dateTime.Month;
systNew.wYear = (short)2008;
systNew.wHour = (short)dateTime.Hour;
systNew.wMinute = (short)dateTime.Minute;
systNew.wSecond = (short)dateTime.Second;
SetLocalTime(ref systNew);
uint lastErrCode = GetLastError();
Why are you posting same question again and again? You have posted same question yesterday on 3 forums.
because someone said me that change my subject without urgent, so correct it only.
You can modify the previous post title, no need to post a new question just for changing the title.
This question has been responded to in the C# forum. Why do you feel the need to keep re-posting it?
I wrote a Web application by ASP.NET and C#. I need to change date of my server behind about 1 year ago and after that changing date came back. For example, time is 30/09/2009 and when the program runs, time should be 30/09/2008 and after 3sec time comes back 30/09/2009.
I wrote this rule by ASP.NET and C# and that web application work correctly, but for 5 days, that code can't change date of server, although web application worked correctly and could change date by below codes.
Also these codes work and can change date of server when those are written as WIN application and don't return any error, and those are written as WEB application and run in Visual Studio 2008 don't return any error and works correctly, but when those codes are written as WEB application and run in ISS can't change date of server and return "error: 1314", so I be confused!!!
I will be very glad if somebody helps me.
Thank you very much.
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern int SetLocalTime(ref SystemTime lpSystemTime);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern uint GetLastError();
public struct SystemTime
public short wYear;
public short wMonth;
public short wDayOfWeek;
public short wDay;
public short wHour;
public short wMinute;
public short wSecond;
public short wMilliseconds;
private void ChangeDate()
SystemTime systNew = new SystemTime();
systNew.wDay = (short)dateTime.Day;
systNew.wMonth = (short)dateTime.Month;
systNew.wYear = (short)2008;
systNew.wHour = (short)dateTime.Hour;
systNew.wMinute = (short)dateTime.Minute;
systNew.wSecond = (short)dateTime.Second;
SetLocalTime(ref systNew);
uint lastErrCode = GetLastError();
} </pre>
Bizit Deb wrote: i am sure someone will be helpfull to me..
You could be helpful to yourself and try something like this[^].
i tried but all i am getting is of javascript , php xhtml..all other stuff
Bizit Deb wrote: i triedFrown but all i am getting is of javascript , php xhtml..all other stuff
When I run that link, the first hit is an AJAX Tutorial; I thought that was what you wanted to learn.
Bizit Deb wrote: dear sir can you help me rather then suggesting me for google..
I cannot write your program for you, even if I had the time. If you want to learn any of these features then you need to study them, either through searching Google for online tutorials, reading books, or going to school. I am sorry if you think this is difficult but programming requires hard work, and we all had to start from the beginning.
Bizit Deb wrote: man i have only 3 days... cummon..neither i know jsp , neither i know javascript , nor i know ajax...now u tell me...
Is this a joke?
So you don't have time to do your own work, but you think that people on this forum do? As I said before, if you want to be a programmer then you need to study the technologies that you wish to use. You cannot learn it all in ten minutes, and if we do your work for you, you will never learn anything.
I suggest you read the Rules of the Forums[^] especially points 2 and 11.
Dear Richard...i posted for one help...if u r not helpfull please stay away from posting...i am here not to argue coz it will not give any positive or productive output.....and i am also here not for moral teaching that you are giving me free of cost....it would have been better if u could have helped me earlier...i have the brains to search in google..but i thought someone already working in this domain might get the code faster then i create...most importanly i am not interested in javascript and webdevelopment..it was one of my friend who was askng for help..unless u have enough time u can carry on with your unhelpfull post which will be a harassment for me or any other user who might be searching for the same problem..i am extremely sorry..but certainly there is other moral forum for moral teaching...if u dont know dont waste time posting here..i am not forcing anyone to give the solution to me and u r also not compelled to post..i dont see any productive discussion you are getting involved with me...extremely sorry..u shud utilise your time in something else rather then posting in this topic...which is neither helpfull to me nor u..
8.Be courteous and DON'T SHOUT. Everyone here helps because they enjoy helping others, not because it's their job.
my comments:- if u dont enjoy helping stay away.
10. Do not be abusive, offensive, inappropriate or harass anyone on the boards. Doing so will get you kicked off and banned. Play nice.
my comments:- by posting unnecessary post u r harassing me...and most importantly the last post that u posted was kind of offensive, inappropriate for me or anyohter user who might be looking for the same solution.
modified on Thursday, October 1, 2009 11:03 AM
Bizit Deb wrote: i am not interested in javascript and webdevelopment
Your original question asked for information on these subjects, and I gave you pointers as to how to find it.
Bizit Deb wrote: i am not forcing anyone to give the solution to me
But you keep asking for the solution rather than being prepared to do your own work. I am sorry if this is for a friend, maybe you should tell your friend how to learn these subjects.
Bizit Deb wrote: 8.Be courteous and DON'T SHOUT.
I have not shouted, I have merely tried to get you to understand what is being offered on this forum, and what is not being offered. As it says in rule 2: # Be specific! Don't ask "can someone send me the code to create an application that does 'X'. Pinpoint exactly what it is you need help with.
Bizit Deb wrote: Do not be abusive, offensive, inappropriate or harass anyone on the boards.
Again, I have done none of these things.
Bizit Deb wrote: the last post that u posted was kind of offensive, inappropriate for me or anyohter user who might be looking for the same solution.
I disagree; this post was once again trying to get you to understand that the people who post to these forums will try and help you when you run into problems, but only after you have tried to do most of the work yourself. Try reading some of the other messages to see how it works.
Hi everybody,
I am building a website, it is just educational purpose website which will probably will not be hosted. and Im looking for a JavaScript that wuold allow add comments (lets say I make a post on my Blog manualy updating HTML source code and others could add a comment from the text box or something like that). What I am thinking is there any java script that enable lets say wrap a text from text box after pressing 'submit' button to <div> tags from my CSS and automaticaly update source code of HTML?
Hope I was clear enough for what I am looking, Thanks for any help in advance.
wartotojas wrote: automaticaly update source code of HTML
It would be highly unlikely that you would find something that would do this. most sites that allow commenting on articles are database driven. The articles would live in a article table and the related comments would live in a comments table. These two tables would be joined by a common id number (meaning you would put the article id in the comments table).
You could use JavaScript to add the comments to the database and also to push the comment dynamically to the document (to a DIV or a SPAN). AJAX is good for this type of thing (kinda like Facebook and it's commenting system).
I have a quick question.
I have a spot of HTML that gets a form to email to a manned address.
I wish to also post a CC to an unmanned address.
How/Where do I put the CC address in the following form structure?
Also, I wish to put a radio button in (This I can do), that if selected will cause the unmanned email address to auto respond with a prepared form.
So assuming I put in something like
<br><br>Do you wish to receive our PDF form?br>
<input type="radio" name="PDF"value="Yes">Yes<BR>
<input type="radio" name="PDF"value="No">No<br><br>
How would I get an auto response from outlook?
Here is the main HTML for the 'Post to my email'.
Where does the CC code go?
<form method="post" enctype="text/plain" action='mailto:contact@contactaddress.co.uk'>
<input type="hidden" name="To" value="Subject">
Input #1br>
<input type="text" name="question:" size="50" maxlength="100"><br><br>
Input #2<br>
Long Input Here<br>
<textarea name="Subject of text area" rows=7 cols=46></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Submit"><img src="spacer.gif" width=5 height=1 alt="spacer">
<input type="reset" value="Reset"></form>
Thanks for any help.
"I'm going to walk around a field dangling my keys on a bit of string until I hear whistling noises. "
Steve Harris 2009
If I was going to set something like this up, I'd set it up to mail to an alias which automatically forwards to all the addresses I wanted to send it to.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
Ah yes. Set the rule on a proxy email to send a copy to the manned email addy!
Thanks for that bit.
What about sending something back to the originator based on whether he requests it or not?
(Rather than an automatic 'Send Back' rule)
Any thoughts?
"I'm going to walk around a field dangling my keys on a bit of string until I hear whistling noises. "
Steve Harris 2009