Please post the code extract (and remember to format it properly in <pre></pre> tags) that contains the definition and initialisation of editStr . Also what else can you see through the debugger at the EndDialog() call.
And what does it point at? You will have to feed GetWindowTextA with a pointer at a buffer that can hold the characters, if you do something like this:
LPSTR editString;
GetWindowTextA(hedit, editString, 10);
GetWindowText will copy the characters somewhere in memory and who knows what it overwrites -> problems. Or it crashes vith Access Violation (better case since then you know what is wrong, however if it does not crash immediately just overwrites something in the memory area of your process then it can die on anthing anywhere later and you might have no idea why...)
You could either try this:
char editString[11];
GetWindowTextA(hedit, editString, 10);
or maybe something like this:
LPSTR editString;
int len = GetWindowTextLength(hedit);
editString = new char[len + 1];
GetWindowTextA(hedit, editString, len);
delete []editString;
> The problem with computers is that they do what you tell them to do and not what you want them to do. <
> Sometimes you just have to hate coding to do it well. <
The Error is completly correct, you need a buffer or string to store the text, not only a pointer
Press F1 for help or google it.
Greetings from Germany
Hi All
i am reading excel row and column.I read successfully but i got error when excel cell values like this "12:10:59" i mean time format.I am reading like this
_variant_t vItem = pRange->Item[ iRow ][ iCol ];
_bstr_t bstrText( vItem );
Plz help me
modified on Wednesday, September 30, 2009 3:01 AM
Good morning
Are you sure that your cell containing a time value return a string ?
may be Excel put in your variant a type which is not compatible with a string
you may need to convert it before put in the string.
Hope this will help
yes i know that my question how to convert.
What exactly is the problem?
You say that you are reading a string in the form "12:10:59". To convert this to a time value you need to split it into its component parts ("12", "10" and "59"), convert each substring to an integer, and then combine with a simple formula to give you the total number of seconds.
No my problem is this.
If i am reading "12:00:12" from excel then through this code
_variant_t vItem = pRange->Item[ 1 ][ iColumn ];
_bstr_t bstrText( vItem );
i am getting 0.500138888888889
now what i do to get "12:00:12" from excel.
MsmVc wrote: i am getting 0.500138888888889
This is the internal Excel date and time format. I cannot remember the exact details but I think the datetime is in the form D.S, where D is the number of days since the 'epoch'*, and S is number of seconds since midnight divided by 86,400 (the total number of seconds in a day).
So in your case to get the time we multiply 0.500138888888889 by 86,400 which gives 43,212 or 12 hours, 0 minutes and 12 seconds.
*epoch is the base date from which counting starts. I think Excel may start at year zero.
Thanks for nice and smart concept.But my problem is something different.
See i am getting values from Excel "0.500138888888889" this data can be Time format or double format.So how can i format this data.I think i need to identify data type of excel before format(Change).
Please help me
i think need to post some more code.
while ( m_list.DeleteColumn( 0 ) );
CFileDialog fileDlg(TRUE, _T("xls"), NULL, OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST|OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT,_T("Excel Files|*.xls;*.xlsx|"));
if (fileDlg.DoModal () == IDCANCEL)
CString OpenFile = fileDlg.GetPathName ();
Excel::_ApplicationPtr pApplication;
if (FAILED( pApplication.CreateInstance( _T("Excel.Application") ) ) )
_variant_t varOption( (long) DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND, VT_ERROR );
Excel::_WorkbookPtr pBook = pApplication->Workbooks->Open( (_bstr_t)OpenFile, varOption, varOption, varOption, varOption, varOption, varOption, varOption, varOption, varOption, varOption, varOption, varOption );
if ( pBook == NULL )
pBook->Close( VARIANT_FALSE );
pApplication->Quit( );
Errorf( _T("Failed to open Excel file!") );
for(int i=1;i<4;i++)
Excel::_WorksheetPtr pSheet = pBook->Sheets->Item[ i ];
_bstr_t na=pSheet->GetName();
if ( pSheet == NULL )
Excel::RangePtr pRange = pSheet->GetRange( _bstr_t( _T("A1") ), _bstr_t( _T("Z1" ) ) );
if ( pRange == NULL )
Errorf( _T("Failed to get header cell range( A1:iv )!") );
int iColumns = 0;
for ( int iColumn = 1; iColumn < 26; ++iColumn )
_variant_t vItem = pRange->Item[ 1 ][ iColumn ];
_bstr_t bstrText( vItem );
if ( bstrText.length( ) == 0 )
m_list.InsertColumn(iColumns++,bstrText,LVCFMT_LEFT,170 );
pRange = pSheet->GetRange( _bstr_t( _T("A2") ), _bstr_t( _T("Z16384" ) ) );
int iColumn=0;
for ( int iRow = 1; ; ++iRow )
for ( iColumn = 1; iColumn <= iColumns; ++iColumn )
_variant_t vItem = pRange->Item[ iRow ][ iColumn ];
_bstr_t bstrText( vItem );
if ( bstrText.length( ) == 0 )
if ( iColumn == 1 )
m_list.InsertItem( iRow - 1, bstrText );
m_list.SetItemText( iRow - 1, iColumn - 1, bstrText );
if ( iColumn == 1 )
for ( int iColumn = 1; iColumn <= iColumns; ++iColumn )
m_list.SetColumnWidth( iColumn, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER );
pBook->Close( VARIANT_FALSE );
pApplication->Quit( );
Here i take some constant value so please don't make issues of constant values.
MsmVc wrote: I think i need to identify data type of excel before format(Change).
Yes I guess that's right. Unfortunately I cannot help with that as I am not sure how to get the information from Excel as to what type of information is held in a particular cell. I suspect that there is no way; if you write a number in an Excel cell, you can format it any way you like. However, you are the only person that knows what that number represents, all Excel knows is how you want it to be displayed on the screen!
Good morning
I agree with Richard.
You know your excel document. so if you expect to find time cells inside, you should detect that when reading it.
I think you could try to retreive from excel the cell format.
detect the date time mode and react accordingly.
if you cannot find the cell format then if i remeber well you can retreive the value of your cell as a string. in that case i would post analyze it and if something like "07:07:13" is detected i will do the tranformation for a time.
bye the way did you try to analyze the type of your read vItem to see what is in the BSTR value for a date time cell ?
Good morning
Thank for reply.
i will do the tranformation a time
I am waiting for you response.
BSTR value for a date time cell ?
i try to do that but didn't find through this code.
_variant_t vItem = pRange->Item[ 1 ][ iColumn ];
COleDateTime dt;
switch (vItem.vt )
case VT_DATE:
dt = vItem.date;
case VT_R8:
case VT_BSTR:
_bstr_t bstrText( vItem );
case VT_EMPTY:
cursor jump out side the case.
If your switch detect nothing i guess it is because the date time is really stored as a double inside excel.
Your call:
pRange->Item [1][iColumn]
always return the value as a double at least for date and time.
To by-pass that i would try to retreive the Text of the cell which is what the cell show.
Text if from VBA doc but it should exist the same entry point in automation.
In that case i am pretty sure you will recieved the 10:23:00 value.
In the web site above there is an explanation about how to translate an excel date time:
The last soulution:
If your date time cell is at a fixed place then just retrieve the value and translate as explain in the above link.
i think it's my fault to not describe proper.
Date and time cell is not fixed.If i know this cell have date time then i easy convert it.
My problem is how to know data time format.
I think like you do yourself when you watch an excel spread sheet.
Either you retrieve the Text dispalyed by the cell and you recognize that it is a time.
or you right click on the cell and look at the format of the cell.
and you see something like dd:mm:ss
Right now in your code you just query the double value of the cell it is not enough.
You have to explore your cell deeper in order to be able to make a decision.
To do that you can:
Getting the STRING/TEXT displayed by the cell.
and or the FORMAT associated with the cell.
Respected Sir
i know that all things to check right click on cell get format.
explore your cell deeper in order to be able to make a decision
i am same thing last 3 or 4 post.I don't have idea to got the cell format.Try to understand my problem.Plz help me
code bellow will return you something like: "12:56:32"
for a cell containing time.
Excel::RangePtr pRange = pSheet->GetRange( _bstr_t(_T("A1") ) );
if ( pRange == NULL ){
_bstr_t sText= pRange->GetText();
it exist also something called CellFormat.
but i cannot find how to call it.
Sorry for the short answer but i do not have good code sample with me right now.
i wanted to type
Excel::RangePtr pRange = pSheet->GetRange( _bstr_t(_T("A1") ) );
if ( pRange == NULL ){
_bstr_t sText= pRange->GetText();
thanks i am trying to do through code.
I use ms front-page to edit html help file, I like its check-spelling feature .
But when path of a html file is too long (my case: 151 characters), pront-page can not open and edit it.
I have to move it to a short folder then move back for C++ program to display.
I bother me so often.
Can you solve the long-path problem of front-page?
includeh10 wrote: Can you solve the long-path problem of front-page?
Yes. Stop using FrontPage.
Hi all,
please explain me where is regedit located in Pocket PC.
and how can create and registry here.
please help me for this.
thanks in advance.
To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream;
not only plan, but also believe.