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AnswerRe: Looking for a web survey tool... Pin
fwsmaster30-Apr-11 3:05
fwsmaster30-Apr-11 3:05 
QuestionError In Control Emplemented "ICallbackEventHandler" Pin
alireza_s_8427-Sep-09 20:29
alireza_s_8427-Sep-09 20:29 
AnswerRe: Error In Control Emplemented "ICallbackEventHandler" Pin
majee28-Sep-09 4:00
majee28-Sep-09 4:00 
QuestionInVoke a function automatically Pin
Ha_8027-Sep-09 19:27
Ha_8027-Sep-09 19:27 
AnswerRe: InVoke a function automatically Pin
Christian Graus27-Sep-09 19:41
protectorChristian Graus27-Sep-09 19:41 
GeneralRe: InVoke a function automatically Pin
Abhishek Sur28-Sep-09 6:35
professionalAbhishek Sur28-Sep-09 6:35 
AnswerRe: InVoke a function automatically Pin
Abhishek Sur28-Sep-09 6:40
professionalAbhishek Sur28-Sep-09 6:40 
QuestionN-Tier ASP.NET Pin
Illegal Operation27-Sep-09 15:36
Illegal Operation27-Sep-09 15:36 

I have an application that has a Windows Application Project, a Data Access Layer Project and a Web Application project.

I am using a DataSet with Classes in my Data Access Layer. Here is how my method looks in the Data Access Layer:

public void SaveTimesheet(dsWBGT dsTimesheets)
    WBGT.DAL.dsWBGTTableAdapters.TableAdapterManager saveTimesheet = new WBGT.DAL.dsWBGTTableAdapters.TableAdapterManager();
    saveTimesheet.TimesheetTableAdapter = new WBGT.DAL.dsWBGTTableAdapters.TimesheetTableAdapter();

    saveTimesheet.BackupDataSetBeforeUpdate = true;

When I access information from the Windows application everything works fine and I am able to save. When I try to do the same for my web application it gives no errors but the information does not get saved to the db.

I have created a form on my aspx page and when I hit save the following code executes:

protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    WBGT.DAL.Class_Managers.clsTimesheet_Manager timesheetDataManager = new WBGT.DAL.Class_Managers.clsTimesheet_Manager();

    JobId = (int.Parse(ddlJobId.SelectedValue.ToString()));
    Date = cDate.SelectedDate;
    StartTime = (int.Parse(ddlTimeStarted.SelectedValue.ToString()));
    EndTime = (int.Parse(ddlTimeFinished.SelectedValue.ToString()));

    CalculateGrossTotal(StartTime, EndTime);
    txtGrossTotals.Text = GrossTotal.ToString();


    lblTimesheetStatus.Text = "Done!";

Can someone please tell me how to get the information from the form into the database?

Illegal Operation

AnswerRe: N-Tier ASP.NET Pin
Not Active27-Sep-09 15:52
mentorNot Active27-Sep-09 15:52 
GeneralRe: N-Tier ASP.NET Pin
Illegal Operation27-Sep-09 16:06
Illegal Operation27-Sep-09 16:06 
GeneralRe: N-Tier ASP.NET Pin
Christian Graus27-Sep-09 16:31
protectorChristian Graus27-Sep-09 16:31 
AnswerRe: N-Tier ASP.NET Pin
Vimalsoft(Pty) Ltd28-Sep-09 2:15
professionalVimalsoft(Pty) Ltd28-Sep-09 2:15 
QuestionGridview Merge Rows? Pin
Lash2027-Sep-09 14:44
Lash2027-Sep-09 14:44 
AnswerRe: Gridview Merge Rows? Pin
Christian Graus27-Sep-09 14:53
protectorChristian Graus27-Sep-09 14:53 
GeneralRe: Gridview Merge Rows? Pin
Lash2027-Sep-09 15:19
Lash2027-Sep-09 15:19 
GeneralRe: Gridview Merge Rows? Pin
Christian Graus27-Sep-09 16:00
protectorChristian Graus27-Sep-09 16:00 
GeneralRe: Gridview Merge Rows? Pin
Lash2027-Sep-09 16:56
Lash2027-Sep-09 16:56 
QuestionCannot run a website hosted outside. Locally works. Pin
Takhir27-Sep-09 12:11
Takhir27-Sep-09 12:11 
AnswerRe: Cannot run a website hosted outside. Locally works. Pin
Christian Graus27-Sep-09 13:23
protectorChristian Graus27-Sep-09 13:23 
AnswerRe: Cannot run a website hosted outside. Locally works. Pin
Not Active27-Sep-09 13:26
mentorNot Active27-Sep-09 13:26 
GeneralRe: Cannot run a website hosted outside. Locally works. Pin
Christian Graus27-Sep-09 13:30
protectorChristian Graus27-Sep-09 13:30 
GeneralRe: Cannot run a website hosted outside. Locally works. Pin
Not Active27-Sep-09 15:54
mentorNot Active27-Sep-09 15:54 
GeneralRe: Cannot run a website hosted outside. Locally works. Pin
Christian Graus27-Sep-09 16:03
protectorChristian Graus27-Sep-09 16:03 
QuestionError - can not create enum dynamically Pin
$unil Dhiman27-Sep-09 8:40
$unil Dhiman27-Sep-09 8:40 
AnswerRe: Error - can not create enum dynamically Pin
Abhijit Jana27-Sep-09 9:02
professionalAbhijit Jana27-Sep-09 9:02 

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