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QuestionHow to read/write data from another website onto your webpage? Pin
Goalie3526-Sep-09 12:22
Goalie3526-Sep-09 12:22 
AnswerRe: How to read/write data from another website onto your webpage? Pin
Christian Graus26-Sep-09 12:44
protectorChristian Graus26-Sep-09 12:44 
AnswerRe: How to read/write data from another website onto your webpage? Pin
Not Active26-Sep-09 13:16
mentorNot Active26-Sep-09 13:16 
AnswerRe: How to read/write data from another website onto your webpage? Pin
Abhijit Jana26-Sep-09 13:17
professionalAbhijit Jana26-Sep-09 13:17 
QuestionRendering and Viewing Source in ASP.NET Pin
MarkMokris26-Sep-09 6:24
MarkMokris26-Sep-09 6:24 
AnswerRe: Rendering and Viewing Source in ASP.NET Pin
Abhishek Sur26-Sep-09 6:34
professionalAbhishek Sur26-Sep-09 6:34 
QuestionSharing same code-behind between multiple aspx pages Pin
tfaol26-Sep-09 3:01
tfaol26-Sep-09 3:01 
AnswerRe: Sharing same code-behind between multiple aspx pages Pin
Abhijit Jana26-Sep-09 3:10
professionalAbhijit Jana26-Sep-09 3:10 
What about App_Code ? Smile | :)
Create Class In App_Code. Access the Class Variable and Methods etc from any where of your web application.
For Your Reference.
Beginner's Guide to ASP.NET Application Folder [^]
And I have searched google with your question, and got bellow result. sharing code between pages[^]

Abhijit Jana | Codeproject MVP
Web Site :
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AnswerRe: Sharing same code-behind between multiple aspx pages Pin
Abhishek Sur26-Sep-09 6:08
professionalAbhishek Sur26-Sep-09 6:08 
QuestionRe: Sharing same code-behind between multiple aspx pages [modified] Pin
tfaol27-Sep-09 2:09
tfaol27-Sep-09 2:09 
AnswerRe: Sharing same code-behind between multiple aspx pages Pin
Nicolas Muniere14-Mar-10 8:11
Nicolas Muniere14-Mar-10 8:11 
AnswerRe: Sharing same code-behind between multiple aspx pages Pin
tfaol14-Mar-10 23:39
tfaol14-Mar-10 23:39 
QuestionDeclaring variable globally Pin
srikantha_nagaraj26-Sep-09 2:42
srikantha_nagaraj26-Sep-09 2:42 
AnswerRe: Declaring variable globally Pin
Abhijit Jana26-Sep-09 2:58
professionalAbhijit Jana26-Sep-09 2:58 
GeneralRe: Declaring variable globally Pin
srikantha_nagaraj26-Sep-09 22:43
srikantha_nagaraj26-Sep-09 22:43 
GeneralRe: Declaring variable globally Pin
Abhijit Jana26-Sep-09 22:50
professionalAbhijit Jana26-Sep-09 22:50 
GeneralRe: Declaring variable globally Pin
srikantha_nagaraj26-Sep-09 23:05
srikantha_nagaraj26-Sep-09 23:05 
GeneralRe: Declaring variable globally Pin
Abhijit Jana26-Sep-09 23:16
professionalAbhijit Jana26-Sep-09 23:16 
AnswerRe: Declaring variable globally Pin
Abhishek Sur26-Sep-09 6:13
professionalAbhishek Sur26-Sep-09 6:13 
GeneralRe: Declaring variable globally Pin
Not Active26-Sep-09 13:24
mentorNot Active26-Sep-09 13:24 
GeneralRe: Declaring variable globally Pin
Abhishek Sur27-Sep-09 8:32
professionalAbhishek Sur27-Sep-09 8:32 
GeneralRe: Declaring variable globally Pin
srikantha_nagaraj26-Sep-09 22:50
srikantha_nagaraj26-Sep-09 22:50 
GeneralRe: Declaring variable globally Pin
Abhijit Jana26-Sep-09 23:07
professionalAbhijit Jana26-Sep-09 23:07 
GeneralRe: Declaring variable globally Pin
Abhishek Sur28-Sep-09 6:46
professionalAbhishek Sur28-Sep-09 6:46 
Questionpage not opening Pin
ais0725-Sep-09 23:37
ais0725-Sep-09 23:37 

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